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Index to Mathematical Treasures

Convergence's "Mathematical Treasures" are images of mathematical objects and of selected pages of mathematical manuscripts and texts from various libraries, museums, and private collections. Click on the name of the document or object to go to the image(s), where more information is provided. The images in this collection are intended for your use in the classroom; for all other purposes, please obtain permission from the library, museum, or holder of the item(s) photographed. Note that the index is alphabetical by surname or single name of the author, if known. Some of the olscdest and most interesting documents and objects are those with "Anonymous" authors or creators. Four large collections have their own indices in addition to being included in the general index below:

Our Index of Mathematical Objects, another subset of the general index, is also available if you are looking specifically for mathematical instruments, devices, and other physical items.

Acknowledgements for all of the institutions and individuals who supplied images are provided at the bottom of this page. For an introduction to classroom use of images, see the article, "Pantas’ Cabinet of Mathematical Wonders: Images and the History of Mathematics," by Convergence co-founding editor and "chief treasure hunter," Frank J. Swetz (also available in a Spanish translation). For additional suggestions on teaching mathematics with objects and images of objects, see "Online Museum Collections in the Mathematics Classroom," by Amy Ackerberg-Hastings and Amy Shell-Gellasch.

A  -  B  -  C  -  D  -  E  -  F-G-H  -  I-J-K  -   L  -  M-N  -  O-P-Q  -  R  -  S  -  T-U-V  -  W-X-Y-Z
Author Title Date
Abel, Niels Henrik Abhandlungen über der Algebraische Auflösung der Gleichungen (3 images) 1889 (1824–1829 originals)
Abel, Niels Henrik Complete Works (3 images) 1839
Academy of Sciences (France) Annual Report (5 images) 1693
Adams, John Quincy Report upon Weights and Measures (2 images) 1821
Adelard of Bath Latin translation of Euclid's Elements (7 images) 12th-14th centuries
Adrain, Robert Hutton's Course of Mathematics (3rd American ed., 8 images) 1818 (1st American edition 1812)
Agnesi, Maria Gaetana Instituzioni analitiche (8 images; see also these 7 images) 1748
Agnesi, Maria Gaetana Analytical Institutions, trans. John Colson (6 images; see also these 9 images) 1801
Ahmes Rhind Mathematical Papyrus (4 images) ca 1650 BCE
Airy, George Biddell On the Algebra and Numerical Theory of Errors of Observation (3 images) 1861
Al-‘Āmilī, Bahāʾ al-dīn Essentials of Arithmetic (5 images) original ca 1600
Al-‘Āmilī, Bahāʾ al-dīn Quintessence of Calculation (4 images) original ca 1600
Albert of Saxony Tractatus proportionum (2 images) 1477
Alberti, Giuseppe Instruzione per l'Ingenero (1 image) 1774
Alberti, Leon Battista Methods for Measuring Heights (4 images) 15th century
Al-Bukhārī al-Kalabādhī, Shams al-dīn Maḥmūd ibn Abī Bakr Manual of Inheritance Law (3 images) 13th century
Aleni, Giulio Wanguo Quantu (1 image) 1620s
Aleni, Giulio, and Yang Tingyun Zhifang Waiji (1 image) 1623
Alexander, Johann Synopsis algebraica (3 images) 1693
Algarotti, Francesco Il newtonianismo per le dame (2 images) 1737
Al-Jazarī, Ramaḍān ibn Abī Hurayrah Explanation of the Abridgement on Calculus (4 images) ca 1675
Al-Khwārizmī, Muḥammad Algebra (1 image) (Original dates to ~825)
Al-Khwārizmī, Muḥammad Algebra (Latin, 2 images) 1456 (~825 original)
Alpoim, José Fernandes Pinto Exame de Artilheiros (4 images) 1744
Al-Rasmuki, Ahmad ibn Sulayman Explanation of Arithmetic (3 images) early 17th century
Al-Sharbatlī, Aḥmad ibn Ibrāhīm Astrolabe quadrant (1 image) 1840–1841
Alsted, Johann Heinrich Methodus admirandorum mathematicorum: complectens novem libris matheseos universae (1 image) 1613
Alsted, Johann Heinrich Methodus admirandorum mathematicorum: novem libris exhibens universam mathesin (6 images) 1623 (1613 original)
Al-Ṭajibī (or al-Ṭujībī), Abū ʻUthmān Geometry treatise (4 images) 13th century
Al-Ṭūsī, Nasīr al-dīn Jami’ al-hisab bi-‘l-Takht wa-‘l-turab (The Collection of Arithmetic, 1 image) (1265 original)
Al-Ṭūsī, Nasīr al-dīn A Compendium of Treatises on Astronomy and Mathematics (3 images) 1279
Al-Ṭūsī, Nasīr al-dīn Commentary on Euclid's Elements (1 image) (13th-century original)
Al-Ṭūsī, Nasīr al-dīn Tadhkirah uṣūl handasah al-ḥisāb li-Uqlīdis (4 images, 1 video) 1485 (13th-century original)
Al-Ṭūsī, Nasīr al-dīn Al-Ṭūsī's Euclid's Elements (5 images) 1876 (13th-century original)
Al-Ṭūsī, Nasīr al-dīn Printed Arabic Euclid's Elements (2 images) 1594
Team working from Al-Zarqālī's data Alfonsine Tables (4 images) (13th-century original)
Ames, William L. Descriptive Geometry (3 images) 1918 (1893 original)
Amsler, Jacob Polar planimeter (1 image) 1880s
Andrés, Juan Spanish mercantile arithmetic (3 images) 1515
degli Angeli, Stefano Problemata geometrica sexaginta (5 images) 1658
degli Angeli, Stefano De superficie vngulae (4 images) 1661
degli Angeli, Stefano Accessionis ad Stereometriam et Mecanicam (2 images) 1662
Anianus Computus cum commento (3 images) 1488 (13th-century original)
Anonymous Advertisements by British mathematics masters and makers of mathematical instruments (8 images) mainly 18th century
Anonymous Alfabeto geometrico in due parte diviso (4 images) 1735
Anonymous The Analyst: or, An Introduction to the Mathematics: Containing the Doctrine of Vulgar and Decimal Fractions (8 images) 1746
Anonymous Antichissimo di algorismo (2 images) 14th century
Anonymous Arithmetica Pratica (in Italian, 3 images) 1575
Anonymous Arithmetica (2 images) 1577
Anonymous Ars numerandi (The Art of Numbering) (2 images) 1482
Anonymous Austrian measuring rod (1 image) 1732
Anonymous Austrian weights (1 image) 18th century
Anonymous Bakhshali Manuscript (1 image; see also this 1 image) 224–993 CE
Anonymous Cambodian (Khmer) zero (8 images) 682–683 CE
Anonymous Cambridge Problems 1801–1820 (3 images) 1836
Anonymous Chinese abacus (1 image) ca 1925
Anonymous Chinese Encyclopedia of Mathematics (4 images) 1882 (original 1723)
Anonymous Codex Mexicanus of the Maya (1 image) 1814 (original 12th cent.)
Anonymous Codex Vergara of the Aztec (3 images) 1539
Anonymous Counting board (2 images) 16th century
Anonymous De Geometria (English, 3 images) ca 900–1100
Anonymous Della Mechanica (2 images) 1763–1784
Anonymous Dresden Codex (2 images) early 13th century
Anonymous Division practice (2 images) 15th century
Anonymous Dīwān al-‘adad al-wafq (Mathematical treatise on the construction of magic squares and triangles, 5 images) ca 16th century (original 1123–1124)
Anonymous Egyptian stele showing objects as numbers (2 images) 2613–2494 BCE
Anonymous Egyptian student's math tablet (1 image) 5th or 6th centuries
Anonymous Egyptian Wooden Codex (1 image) 6th or 7th centuries
Anonymous English university student notes (3 images) 17th century
Anonymous English gauger's scale (1 image) 18th century
Anonymous English tally sticks (5 images) 1296
Anonymous Fiore de ragione (Flower of Reason, 5 images) ca 1538 - 1638
Anonymous Flemish commercial arithmetic (7 images) ca 1600
Anonymous French commercial arithmetic manuscript (25 images) 1778
Anonymous French depictions of God as Creator-Geometer (3 images) ca 1300–1325
Anonymous German arithmetic manuscript (5 images) ca 1600
Anonymous German Geometria (10 images) 18th century
Anonymous German protractor (1 image) 1700
Anonymous German portfolio of geometric watercolors (3 images) 16th century
Anonymous God, the Supreme Geometer (1 image) 13th century
Anonymous Gunter quadrant (1 image) 17th century
Anonymous Gwalior temple inscription (Sanskrit zero, 1 image) 876
Anonymous Notebook containing arithmetic and geometry copied by Harvard student(s) (6 images) ca 1689–1769
Anonymous Inca quipus (4 images) ca 1400–1650
Anonymous Inclinometer engraving (1 image) mid-18th century
Anonymous Ishango Bone (1 image) 20,000–25,000 years ago
Anonymous Islamic astronomical chart (1 image) 15th century
Anonymous Italian armillary sphere (1 image) 1550
Anonymous Italian arithmetic manuscript (1 image) 1473
Anonymous Italian arithmetic and geometry manuscript (6 images) ca 1575
Anonymous Italian compass (1 image) 15th century
Anonymous Japanese protractor (1 image) 1876
Anonymous Jetons for counting board (3 images) ca 1490 - 1635
Anonymous Jinkō-ki (Large and Small Numbers, 3 images + 3 related images) 1715, 1818 (1627 original)
Anonymous Kedukan Bukit Stone (Indonesian zeros on this stone, Talang Tuo, and Kota Kapur; 4 images) 683–686
Anonymous Kitab al-Mutawassitat (1 image) 15th to 18th centuries
Anonymous Korean sangi rods (2 images) 19th century
Anonymous Manuscript for a Reckoning Master (7 images) early 18th century
Anonymous Manuscript illustrations of mathematical instruments (3 images) 15th century
Anonymous Mensuration Made Perfectly Easy (3 images) ca 1770s
Anonymous Mesopotamian accounting tokens
(6 images)
ca 4000 - 3100 BCE
Anonymous Mesopotamian mathematical tablets (2 images) ca 2700–1900 BCE
Anonymous Mesopotamian square root table (2 images) ca 1999–1800 BCE
Anonymous Moffett Register for Recording Alcohol Sales (1 image) 1877
Anonymous Moscow Mathematical Papyrus (1 image) ca 1850 BCE
Anonymous Set of Napier rods or bones (1 image) 17th century
Anonymous Old Babylonian area calculation (3 images) ca 1800–1600 BCE
Anonymous Old Babylonian scribal exercises (4 images) ca 1800–1600 BCE
Anonymous Old Babylonian tablet (SB 13088, 1 image) ca 1894–1595 BCE
Anonymous Old Babylonian tablet (Plimpton 322, 3 images) ca 1850 BCE
Anonymous Old Babylonian tablet (YBC 7289, 1 image) ca 1800–1600 BCE
Anonymous Old Babylonian tablet (YBC 7302, 2 images) ca 1900–1600 BCE
Anonymous Old Babylonian tablets (2 images) ca 1990–1700 BCE
Anonymous Of the Parabola (5 images) late 18th century
Anonymous Playing cards illustrated with mathematical instruments (22 images) 1702
Anonymous Practica geometriae (3 images) 13th century
Anonymous RCA Flowcharting Template (1 image) ca 1960
Anonymous Rechenbuch associated with Friedrich Gerhart’s Practica des Algorismus Ratisbonensis (3 images) ca 1460
Anonymous Roman Empire road map (Peutinger map, 2 images) 1265 (originals from 1st century BCE)
Anonymous Roman hand abacus (1 image) 1st century
Anonymous Sangi rods and computing grid (1 image) 17th - 19th century
Anonymous Sankei kyusho (3 images) 17th - 19th century
Anonymous Slide rule and gauging sticks (4 images) 18th century
Anonymous Tomb of Menna, Egypt (1 image) 1420–1411 BCE
Anonymous Treviso Arithmetic (1 image) 1478
Anonymous Venetian merchant's notebook (3 images) 15th or 16th century
Anonymous Von der rechten Arithmetica geometrica, oder Decimal-Rechnung (German, 3 images) 18th century
Anonymous Zhoubi suanjing (2 images) 1603 (original from 100 BCE)
Anonymous Zibaldone da Canal (Canal's Notebook, 1 image) 14th century
Apianus, Petrus
(Peter Apian)
Cosmographia (6 images) 1539 (1524 original)
Apianus, Petrus
(Peter Apian)
Cosmographia (10 images) 1545 (1524 original)
Apianus, Petrus
(Peter Apian)
Quadrans Apiani astronomicus (3 images) 1532
Apianus, Petrus
(Peter Apian)
Folium populi: Instrumentum (1 image) 1533
Apianus, Petrus
(Peter Apian)
Instrument Buch (4 images) 1533
Apianus, Petrus
(Peter Apian)
Instrumentum primi mobilis (2 images) 1534
Apianus, Petrus
(Peter Apian)
Introductio geographica (1 image) 1534
Apianus, Petrus
(Peter Apian)
Ein newe und wolgegründte underweisung aller Kauffmans Rechnung (2 images) 1537 (1527 original)
Apianus, Petrus
(Peter Apian)
Astronomicum Caesareum (4 images) 1540
Apollonius Conicorum libri IV. Cum commentariis R. P. Claudii Richardi (Richard’s translation, 1 image) 1655
Apollonius Conics (Halley's translation, 2 images) 1710
Appell, Paul and Édouard Goursat Théorie des fonctions algébriques et de leurs intégrales (4 images) 1895
Aquila, Pietro Engraving of Hercules between astronomer and mathematician (1 image) 1674
Arbuthnot, John Essay on Usefulness of Mathematical Learning (3rd ed., 3 images) 1745 (1701 original)
Archimedes Archimedes Palimpsest (6 images) 10th century (3rd cent. BCE originals)
Archimedes On Curved Surfaces (3 images) ca. 1350-1372 (3rd cent. BCE original)
Archimedes Works of Archimedes, by Piero della Francesca (11 images) late 1450s
Archimedes Commandino's Archimedes (9 images) 1558
Archimedes Archimedes in Greek and Latin (2 images) 1676
Arisawa Munesada Chusan shiki (2 images) 17th - 18th century
Arnauld, Antoine Nouveaux elemens de geometrie (4 images) 1667
Arnauld, Antoine and Pierre Nicole Logic, or the Art of Thinking (3 images) 1727 (original trans. 1717,  1662 original)
Aurelio (or Aurel), Marco Libro primero de aritmética algebraica (2 images) 1552
Ayala, Manuel Elementos de matematicas (7 images) 1832
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Babbage, Benjamin Herschel Babbage’s Calculating Machine (2 images) 1872
Babbage, Charles Observations on the analogy which subsists between the calculus of functions and the other branches of analysis (4 images) 1817
Babbage, Charles Examples of the Solutions of Functional Equations (5 images) 1820
Babbage, Charles Observations on the notation employed in the calculus of functions (1 image) 1820
Babbage, Charles Signature and portrait (1 image) 1821
Babbage, Charles On the application of analysis to the discovery of local theorems and porisms (5 images) 1823
Babbage, Charles On the influence of signs in mathematical reasoning (5 images) 1826 (read 1821)
Babbage, Charles Difference Engine (2 images) 1853
Babbage, Charles Table of Logarithms (4 images) 1872 (1827 original)
Bachet, Claude Mathematical Recreations (4 images) 1612
Bachet, Claude Arithmetic of Diophantus (in Latin, with conjectures of Fermat, 3 images; see also these 3 images) 1670 (1621 original)
Bachmann, Paul Die Elemente der Zahlentheorie (4 images) 1892
Bachmann, Paul Die analytische Zahlentheorie (7 images) 1894
Bachmann, Paul Die Arithmetik der quadratischen Formen 1925 (1898 original)
Bacon, Roger Specula mathematica (4 images) 1614 (13th cent. original)
Baker, Henry F. Abel’s Theorem and the Allied Theory (4 images) 1897
Baker, Henry F. Principles of Geometry (7 images) 1929/1933
Baker, Humfrey The Wellspring of Sciences (3 images) 1580 (1562 original)
Baker, Richard P. Model of a Thermodynamic Surface (1 image) ca 1906–1935
Baldi, Bernardino Cronica de Matematici (4 images) 16th-century manuscript, 1707 printing
Baldi, Bernardino Nouae gnomonices libri quinque (2 images) 1592
Baldi, Bernardino In mechanica Aristotelis problemata exercitationes (3 images) 1621
Barbosa, Francisco Villela Breve Tratado de Geometria Spherica (4 images) 1817
bar Hiyya, Abraham Sphaera Mundi (7 images) 1546 (11th or 12th cent. original)
Barlow, Peter An Elementary Investigation of the Theory of Numbers (3 images) 1811
Barlow, Peter A New Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary (4 images) 1814
Barlow, Peter, et al Encyclopedia of Pure Mathematics (5 images) 1847
Barozzi, Francesco Procli Diadochi (Proclus' Commentary on Euclid's Elements, 2 images) 1560 (5th cent. original)
Barrow, Isaac Geometrical Lectures (1 image) 1735 edition
Barrow, Isaac Euclid's Elements (2 images) 1660
Barrow, Isaac Archimedes and Apollonius (1 image) 1675
Barrow, Isaac Lecture on Archimedes (3 images) 1678
Barrow, Isaac Latin edition of Euclid's Elements (4 images) 1678 (1655 original)
Barrow, Isaac The Usefulness of Mathematics Learning (2 images) 1734 (1685 original)
Bartoli, Cosimo Opere Di Orontio Fineo (1 image) 1670 (1587 original)
Battista, Stefano di Summa arismetice (1 image) ca 1522
Bede De ratione temporum (2 images) c. 1180 (725 original)
Beham, Hans Sebald Geometria (1 image) ca 1500–1550
Bénard, Robert  Engravings of mathematical and surveying instruments (2 images) mid-18th century
Benedetto da Firenze (Benedict of Florence) Trattato d'arismetriche (3 images) ca 1460
Benedetto da Firenze (Benedict of Florence) Trattato d’abacho (11 images) ca 1480
Berkeley, George Arithmeticae (1 image) 1707/1871
Berkeley, George Miscellanea Mathematica (1 image) 1707/1871
Berkeley, George The Analyst (8 images) 1734
Berkeley, George The Analyst (7 images) 1734/1871
Berkeley, George A Defence of Free-Thinking (4 images; see also this 1 image) 1735
Berman, Michael Model of Elongated Pentagonal Pyramid (1 image) mid-20th century
Bernays and Hilbert Grundlagen der Mathematik (3 images) 1934
Bernays and Hilbert Mathematischen Wissenschaften (2 images) 1939
Bernegger, Matthias Manuale mathematicum, darinn begriffen die tabulae sinuum, tangentiũ, secantium (4 images) 1619
Bernoulli, Daniel Hydrodynamica (2 images) 1738
Bernoulli, Jakob Ars Conjectandi (1 image) 1713
Bernoulli, Jakob Collected Works (3 images) 1744
Bernoulli, Johann Correspondence with Leibniz (7 images) 1694–1699 (published 1745)
Bernoulli, Johann Opera Omnia, Vol. I (1690-1713) (6 images) 1742
Betti, Enrico Opere Matematiche di Enrico Betti (2 images) 1903
Bettini, Mario Apiaria universae philosophiae mathematicae (8 images) 1642
Bettini, Mario Aerarium philosophiae mathematicae (5 images) 1648
Bézout, Étienne Cours de mathématiques a l’usage du corps de l’artillerie (4 images; see this image for the 1815 abridgement) 1793 (1770–1782 original)
Bézout, Étienne First Principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus (English translation, 2 images) 1824 (1764–1767 original)
Bézout, Étienne Elementary Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry from Lacroix and Bèzout (2nd ed., 4 images; see also these 5 images, 1833) 1826 (1820 original)
Bhaskara Bija Ganita, trans. Edward Strachey (9 images) 1813 (12th-century original)
Bhaskara Lilavati (1 image) undated
Bhaskara Lilavati (2 images) 1650 copy of 12th-cent. original
Bhaskara Lilavati (2 images) 18th-cent. copy of 12th-cent. original
Billingsley, Henry Euclid's Elements (3 images) 1570
Bion, Nicolas Traité de la construction et principaux usages des instruments de mathematique (4 images) 1709
Blagrave, John Mathematical Jewel (1 image) 1585
Blondel, François Problems from Architecture (2 images) 1676
Blondel, François Cours de mathematique contenant divers traitez (3 images) 1683
Boeschenstein, Johann Ain neu geordnet Rechenbiechlin (3 images) 1514
Boethius De Institutione Arithmetica (7 images) 845 CD (ca 500 original)
Boethius De institutione arithmetica (2 images) ca 1000 CE (ca 500 original)
Boethius De institutione arithmetica (3 images) 10th–12th centuries
Boethius De institutione arithmetica (6 images) 1294 manuscript
Boethius Boetii Arithmetica (2 images) 1521
Boethius Libri duo geometriae (1 image) 11th century
Boethius Liber circuli (1 image) 1503
du Bois-Reymond, Paul Théorie Générale Des Fonctions (1 image) 1887 (1882 original)
du Bois-Reymond, Paul Abhandlung über die Darstellung der Funktionen durch trigonometrische Reihen (1 image) 1912 (1876 original)
Bolyai, Farkas Tentamen juventutem studiosam 1832
Bolyai, János Appendix to Tentamen juventutem studiosam in elementa matheseos purae (4 images) 1832
Bolyai, János Euclid's 5th postulate (7 images) 1896 (1st ed. 1891, 1832 original)
Bolzano, Bernard Three Problems (1 image) 1817
Bombelli, Rafael L'algebra parte maggiore dell’aritmetica divisa in tre libri (4 images) 1572
Bombelli, Rafael L'algebra parte maggiore dell’aritmetica divisa in tre libri (6 images; see also these 2 images) 1579 (1572 original)
Bonnycastle, John Introduction to Algebra (4 images) 1811 (1782 original)
Bonnycastle, John An Introduction to Mensuration and Practical Geometry (6 images) 1798 (1782 original)
Bonnycastle, John The Scholar's Guide to Arithmetic (3 images) 1815 (1780 original)
Bonola, Roberto Non-Euclidean Geometry (1 image) 1912 (1906 original)
Bonvicino, Valeriano Mathematics for a Military Academy (5 images) 1665
Boole, George The Mathematical Analysis of Logic (4 images) 1847
Boole, George An Investigation of the Laws of Thought (3 images) 1854
Boole, George A Treatise on Differential Equations (3 images; see also these 2 images from an 1877 printing) 1865 (1859 original)
Boole, George On the Laws of Thought (3 images) 1874
Boole, George Calculus of Finite Differences (3rd ed., 2 images) 1880 (1859 original)
Boole, Mary Everest The Mathematical Psychology of Gratry and Boole (9 images) 1897
Boole, Mary Everest Lectures on the Logic of Arithmetic (13 images) 1903
Boole, Mary Everest Philosophy and Fun of Algebra (6 images) 1909
Bordazar de Artazu, Antonio Spanish Commercial Arithmetic (8 images) 1736
Borel, Emile Elements of Set Theory (2 images) 1949
Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso Euclide rinnovato (5 images) 1663
Borghi, Piero Qui comenza la nobel opera de arithmetic (9 images; see also these 3 images of a 1491 reprint) 1484
Borghi, Piero Libro de Abacho (3 images) 1550 (1484 original)
Bossut, Charles Traite elementaire de geometrie (6 images) 1775
Bossut, Charles Cours de Mathématiques (8 images) 1800
Bossut, Charles General History of Mathematics (English translation by John Bonnycastle, 3 images) 1803
Boulenger, Jean La Geometrie Pratique (2 + 1 images) 1634 and 1690 editions
Boulenger, Jean La Geometrie Pratique (3 images) 1691 (1634 original)
Boulliau, Ismaël Exercitationes geometricæ tres (2 images) 1647
Boulliau, Ismaël De lineis spiralibus: Demonstrationes novae (4 images) 1657
Boulliau, Ismaël Opus novum ad arithmeticam infinitorum (4 images) 1682
Bouquet, Claude and Charles Briot Leçons de Géometrie Analytic (6 images) 1875
Bourdon, Louis Marie Pierre Élémens d'algèbre (2 images) 1820 (1817 original)
Bouvet, J., and J.F. Gerbillon Ji he yuan ben (Elements of Geometry, 3 images) 1690s
de Bovelles, Charles Practical geometry (3 images) 1555
Bowditch, Nathaniel Celestial Mechanics (5 images) 1818/1829
Bowditch, Nathaniel The New American Practical Navigator (9 images) 1802
Bradwardine, Thomas Preclarissimum mathematicarum opus (4 images) 1503
Bradwardine, Thomas Geometria speculativa (3 images) 1511
Bradwardine, Thomas Arithmethica (2 images) 1513
Brahe, Tycho Colored print of Island of Hven from Civitates orbis terrarum (1 image) 1598
Brahe, Tycho Obituary of Tycho Brahe (1 image) 1601
Brahe, Tycho Astronomiae instauratae mechanica (2 images; see also these 3 images) 1602
Brahe, Tycho Astronomiae instauratae progymnasmata (3 images; see also these 3 images) 1602
Brahe, Tycho

De mundi aetherei recentioribus phaenomenis (2 images)

Brahe, Tycho Copper print of Brahe's observatory, Uraniborg, by Joan Blaeu (1 image) 1662
Brahe, Tycho Historia caelistis (2 images) 1666
Braikenridge, William Exercitatio geometrica (4 images) 1733
Bramer, Benjamin Trigonometria planorum mechanica (5 images) 1617
Bramer, Benjamin Etliche Geometrische Quaestiones (6 images) 1618
Bramer, Benjamin, and Jost Bürgi Apollonius Cattus oder ... Geometriae (12 images) 1684 (1646–1647 original)
Briggs, Henry Arithmetica logarithmica (3 images) 1624
Brill, Alexander and Ludwig Geometric Model for Soap Film Minimal Surface (1 image) ca 1892
Brill, Alexander and Ludwig Paper Geometric Model of Elliptic Paraboloid (1 image) 1892
Briot, Charles and Claude Bouquet Leçons de Géometrie Analytic (6 images) 1875
Brown, Hugh The True Principles of Gunnery (1 image) 1777
Brugsch, Henrich Ancient Egyptian Numbers (2 images) 1849
Brunn, Lucas Praxis Perspectivae (3 images) 1615
Brunn, Lucas Elementa practica, oder Ausszug aller Problematum and und Handarbeiten auss den 15. Büchern Euclidis (3 images) 1625
Buot, Jacques Introduction aux Mathematiques (6 images) ca 1675
Burkhardt, Heinrich Einführung in die Theorie der analytischen Functionen einer complexen Veränderlichen (5 images) 1897
Burrow, Reuben “A Proof that the Hindoos Had the Binomial Theorem” (12 images) 1799
Bush, Vannevar Product integraph (1 image) ca 1925
Butterfield, Michael Protractor, set square, and sector (2 images) ca 1750
Byerly, William Elwood Differential Calculus for Harvard Students (5 images) 1888
Byrhtferth Byrhtferth’s Manuscript (8 images) ca 1102–1111
Byrne, Oliver Short Practical Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry (8 images) 1835
Byrne, Oliver Practical, Complete and Correct Gager (1 image) 1840
Byrne, Oliver Elements of Euclid (3 images; see also these 5 images and these 4 images) 1847
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Cagnacci, Luigi Maria Libro per brevem apprend[ere] le discipline mattemat[iche] (6 images) after 1689
Cajori, Florian History of ... Limits and Fluxions (5 images) 1919
Cajori, Florian A History of Mathematical Notations (2 vol., 5 images) 1928–1929
Calandri, Filippo Trattato di arithmetica (5 images) 1491
Camorano, Rodrigo Los seis libros primeros dela geometria de Euclides (2 images) 1576
Campanus, Johannes
(Campanus of Novara)
Euclid's Elements (3 images) ca 1300–1315 (13th cent. trans.)
Campanus, Johannes Euclid's Elements (Ratdolt ed. of Campanus translation, 10 images; see also these 4 images) 1482 (13th-cent. trans.)
Campanus, Johannes Euclid's Elements (Luca Pacioli ed., 7 images; see also these 7 images) 1509 (13th-cent. trans.)
Campanus, Johannes Euclidis Megarensis mathematici clarissimi elementorum geometricorum libri XV … (10 images) 1558 (from 3rd cent. original)
Canal Zibaldone da Canal (Canal's Notebook, 1 image) 14th century
Cantone, Oberto L'vso prattico dell' aritmetica e geometria (2 images; see also these 2 images of a 1606 printing) 1599
Cantor, Georg "Ueber trigonometrische Reihen" ("On trigonometric series"; 6 images showing complete paper) 1871
Cantor, Moritz Vorlesungen über Geschichte der Mathematik (Lectures on the History of Mathematics, 9 images) 1880-1908
Caranza, Emmanuel Phisicae Particularis Cursus (5 images) 1730
Cardano, Gerolamo Ars Magna (1 image; see also these 4 images) 1545
Cardano, Gerolamo Acceptance of Ptolemy's Astrology (1 image) 1554
Cardano, Gerolamo Practica Arithmetice (5 images) 1539
Carnot, Lazare Oeuvres Mathématiques du Citoyen Carnot (12 images) 1797
Carnot, Lazare Réflexions sur la métaphysique du calcul infinitésimal (2 images) 1797
Carnot, Lazare De la Corrélation des Figures de Géométrie (8 images) 1801
Carnot Lazare Géométrie de position (3 images) 1803
Carroll, Lewis Review of Formulae of Plane Trigonometry (1 image) 1861
Carroll, Lewis Euclid and His Modern Rivals (2 images) 1879
Carroll, Lewis Euclid Books I, II (9 images) 1883 (1875 original)
Carroll, Lewis A Tangled Tale (5 images) 1885
Carroll, Lewis Symbolic Logic, Part I (7 images) 1896
Caswell, John A Brief (but full) Account of the Doctrine of Trigonometry, Both Plain and Spherical (2 images) 1685
Catena, Pietro Aristotelian Logic in Arithmetic (4 images) 1556
Cataneo, Pietro Practice of Two Primary Mathematics (4 images) 1559
Cataneo, Pietro Practice of the two basic Mathematics (4 images) 1567
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis Cours d'Analyse (3 images, see also these 2 images) 1821
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis Résumé des Leçons sur le Calcul Infinitesimal (5 images) 1823
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis Mémorie sur les Intégrales Définies (3 images) 1825
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis Leçons sur les applications du calcul infinitésimal a la géométrie (3 images) 1826
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis Exercices de Mathematiques (3 images) 1826
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis Leçons sur le Calcul Différentiel (1 image) 1829
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis Mémoire sur la résolution des équations numériques et sur la théorie de l'élimination (1 image) 1829
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis Manuscript of Cauchy on Solving Equations (4 images) 1831
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis Exercices d'Analyse et de Physique Mathématique, Vol. I (3 images) 1840
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis Complete Works of Augustin Cauchy, Vol. V (1 image) 1885
Cavalieri, Bonaventura Geometria indivisibilibus (10 images; see also these 3 images of a 1653 printing) 1635
Cavalieri, Bonaventura Trigonometria Plana et Sphaerica, Linearis, & Logarithmica (3 images) 1643
Cavalieri, Bonaventura Exercitationes geometricae sex (2 images) 1647
Cavalieri, Bonaventura

Lo specchio ustorio (6 images)

1650 (1632 original)
Cayley, Arthur Elliptic Functions (4 images) 1876
Çelebi, Kātib Cihānnümā (1 image) 1732 (ca 1648 original)
Cellarius, Andreas Harmonia Macrocosmica, seu Atlas Universalis Et Novus (6 images) 1661 (1660 original)
Chambers, Ephraim Cyclopaedia (English, 2nd ed., 5 images) 1738 (1728 original)
Chasles, Michel Géométrie Supérieure (Higher Geometry, 4 images) 1880 (1852 original)
du Châtelet, Émilie Institutions de Physique (10 images) 1741 (1740 original)
du Châtelet, Émilie Principes Mathématiques (5 images) 1759
Chauvet, Jacques Petit traitté de la fortification moderne (4 images) 1600
Chebyshev, Pafnuty Lvovich Collected Works (8 images) 1899
Child Guidance Toys Add-A-Count Scale (for teaching arithmetic) (1 image) 1950s
Church, Albert Elements of Descriptive Geometry (9 images) 1867 (1864 original)
Clairaut, Alexis Claude Élémens d’Algebre (2 images) 1760 (1749 original)
Clairaut, Alexis Claude Élémens de géométrie (8 images) 1753 (1741 original)
Clairaut, Alexis Claude Élémens de géométrie (Italian translation, 4 images) 1771 (1741 original)
Clavius, Christopher Opera mathematica (2 images) 1612
Clavius, Christopher Theodosii Tripolitae Sphaericorum Libri III (1 image) 1586
Clavius, Christopher Gnomonices Libri Octo (1 image) 1587
Clavius, Christopher Tractatus de Sphaera (by Johannes de Sacro Bosco) (1 image) 1596
Clavius, Christopher Algebra (6 images) 1608
Clavius, Christopher Epitome arithmetica practica (2 images) 1584
Clavius, Christopher Euclidis elementorum (2 images) 1574
Clavius, Christopher Euclidis posteriores (2 images) 1654 (1607 original)
Clavius, Christopher Yuan rong jioa yi (Treatise on Geometry, 7 images) 1847 (original trans. 1614, 1574 original)
Clebsch, Alfred Vorlesungen über geometrie (3 images) 1876
Clifford, William Mathematical Fragments (4 images) 1881
Clifford, William Mathematical Papers (5 images) 1882
Cocker, Edward Decimal Arithmetick (1 image) 1685
Coets, Henrik Euclidis Elementorum (4 images) 1692 (1691 original)
Coets, Henrik Arithmetica Practica (6 images) 1698
Colburn, Warren First Lessons in Intellectual Arithmetic (2 images) 1863 (1821 original)
Collins, John Letter on 'Defects in Algebra' (5 images) 1684
Collins, John Commercium Epistolicum (1 image) 1712
Commandino, Federico Commandino's Archimedes (6 images, see also these 2 images) 1558
Commandino, Federico Euclidis elementorum (1 image) 1572
Comte, Augustus Philosophy of Mathematics (6 images) 1855
de Condillac, Étienne Bonnot Language of Calculus (7 images) 1877 (1798 original)
Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, marquis de Essai sur L’Application de L’Analyse a la Probabilité des Décisions Rendues à la Pluralité des Voix (2 images) 1785
Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, marquis de Élémens du Calcul des Probablities (1 image) 1805
Cooper, Joab Goldsmith The Scholar’s Assistant (6 images) 1830
Copernicus, Nicolaus De revolutionibus (9 images) 1566 (1543 original)
Corachán, Juan Bautista Arithmetic for Merchants (3 images) 1757 (1699 original)
Coradi, G. Suspension Pantograph (1 image) ca 1928
Cort, Cornelius Engravings of Arithmetica and Geometria (2 images) 1565
Cortona, Giovanni Battista Libro de Abbaco (7 images) 1574
Coutereels, Jan Cyffer-Boek (11 images) 1690
Cowley, John Lodge An Illustration and Mensuration of Solid Geometry (7 images) 1787 (1758 original)
Craig, John Methodus figurarum lineis rectis et curvis comprehensarum quadraturas determinandi (4 images) 1685
Craig, John Tractatus mathematicus de figurarum curvilinearum quadraturis et locis geometricis (3 images) 1693
Cramer, Gabriel Introduction a l’Analyse des Lignes Courbes Algebriques  (5 images) 1750
Crelle, August Leopold (editor) Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (3 images) 1826–present
Crelle, August Leopold Lehrbuch der Elemente der Geometrie und der ebenen und sphärischen Trigonometrie (vol. 2, 5 images) 1827
Cunn, Samuel Construction and Use of the Sector (2 images) 1729
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d'Alembert, Jean Le Rond, et al Encyclopédie Méthodique: Mathématiques (vol. 1 and Dictionnaire des Jeux Mathématiques) (4 images) 1784 and 1798
da Vinci, Leonardo Sketches for Luca Pacioli's De divina proportione (15 images) 1509
Daboll, Nathan Schoolmaster’s Assistant (5 images) 1829 (1799 original)
Dagomari, Paolo Trattato dell'abbaco (5 images) 1339
Daivajne, Gaṇeśa Grahalāghava (1 image) ca 1520
Danfrie, Philippe Declaration de l'usage du Graphometre (4 images) 1597
Danti, Ignazio (Egnatio) La Prospettiva di Euclide (5 images) 1573
Danti, Ignazio (Egnatio) Dell' Uso et Fabbrica Dell’ Astrolabio (1 image) 1578
Darboux, Gaston Theory of Surfaces (1 image) 1887
Darboux, Gaston Systèmes Orthogonaux et les Coordonnées Curvilignes (1 image) 1910 (1898 original)
Daries (or Darjes), Joachim Georg Ground of all Mathematics (4 images) 1757
Dasypodius, Conrad, and Christian Herlin Geometric Analysis of the First Six Books of Euclid (1 image) 1566
Davies, Charles American Textbooks (8 images) 1826–1840
Davies, Charles Elements of Descriptive Geometry (4 images) 1839 (1826 original)
Davies, Charles Geometry and Trigonometry (5 images) 1848 (1834 original)
Davies, Charles Elements of Algebra (1 image; see also 1 image of an 1840 printing) 1835
Davies, Charles Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus (3 images) 1840 (1836 original)
Davies, Charles The Logic and Utility of Mathematics (6 images) 1869 (1850 original)
Davies, Charles Key to Davies’ Bourdon (3 images) 1866 (1856 original)
Davies, Charles and William Peck Mathematical Cyclopedia (2 images) 1872
Davis, Samuel Mensuration Made Perfectly Easy (3 images) ca 1770s
Davison, John New System of Arithmetic (1 image) 1780
Day, Jeremiah A Treatise of Plane Trigonometry (1 image) 1815
Day, Jeremiah The Mathematical Principles of Navigation and Surveying (2 images) 1817
Day, Jeremiah Introduction to Algebra (2 images) 1834 (1814 original)
Day, Jeremiah The Teacher’s Assistant (4 images) 1836
de Alcega, Juan Libro de geometria pratica y traça (2 images) 1589
de Condillac, Étienne Bonnot Language of Calculus (7 images) 1877 (1798 original)
de Graaf, Abraham Principia arithmeticae, theoreticae, & practicae (2 images) 1662
de Graaf, Abraham De beginselen van de algebra of stelkonst (1 image) 1672
de Graaf, Abraham De geheele mathesis of wiskunst (1 image) 1694 (1676 original)
de Graaf, Abraham Instructie van het Italiaans boekhouden (2 images) 1720 (1688 original)
de Graaf, Abraham Exemplaar-boekje van de arithmetica, zynde een vervolg van de Wiskonstige arithmetica (4 images) 1702
de Graaf, Abraham Analysis of stelkunstige ontknoping in de meetkunstige werkstukken (3 images) 1706
de Graaf, Abraham Inleyding tot de wiskunst, of de beginselen van de geometria en algebra (4 images) 1706
de Graaf, Abraham De vervulling van de geometria en algebra (5 images) 1708
De Lagny Arithmetic and Algebra (2 images) 1697
De Moivre, Abraham Annuities on Lives (3 images) 1752 (1725 original)
De Moivre, Abraham Doctrine of Chances (2 images; see also these 5 images from the 1738 2nd edition) 1756 (1711 original)
De Morgan, Augustus The Elements of Algebra, translated from the first three chapters of the algebra of M. Bourdon (2 images) 1828
De Morgan, Augustus Elements of Arithmetic (5th ed., 6 images) 1858 (1830 original)
De Morgan, Augustus On the Study and Difficulties of Mathematics (1 image; see also these 6 images from a 1910 reprint) 1831
De Morgan, Augustus Elementary Illustrations of the Differential and Integral Calculus (4 images) 1899 (1832 original)
De Morgan, Augustus Elements of Algebra (4 images) 1835
De Morgan, Augustus Elements of Trigonometry and Trigonometrical Analysis (6 images) 1837
De Morgan, Augustus An Essay on Probabilities (3 images) 1838
De Morgan, Augustus An Essay on Probabilities and their Application to Life Contingencies and Insurance Offices (9 images) 1838
De Morgan, Augustus "Induction (Mathematical)" (3 images) 1838
De Morgan, Augustus Differential and Integral Calculus (4 images) 1842
De Morgan, Augustus Letter to Indologist H. H. Wilson (4 images) 1843
De Morgan, Augustus Arithmetical Books (3 images) 1847
De Morgan, Augustus Formal Logic (4 images) 1847
De Morgan, Augustus Trigonometry and Double Algebra (10 images) 1849
De Morgan, Augustus Syllabus of a Proposed System of Logic (3 images) 1860
De Morgan, Augustus Student's drawing of De Morgan (1 image) 1865
De Morgan, Augustus Visiting card with photograph (2 images) ca 1866
De Morgan, Augustus Budget of Paradoxes (2 images) 1872
De Morgan, Augustus Budget of Paradoxes (2nd ed. edited by D. E. Smith, 9 images) 1915
de Neeff, Adriaan Cijffer-boeck der heylige schrift (1 image) 1682
de Ortega, Juan Arismetica y ... geometria (5 images) 1512/1552
de Ortega, Juan Suma de arithmetica: ordinate (3 images) 1515 (1512 original)
de Ortega, Juan Tractado Subtilissimo d’arismetica (1 image) 1563
de Puydt, Lucien Vocabulary and Phrases of the Cuna Language, copied and arranged by Carl Hermann Berendt (5 images) 1869 (transcribed 1873)
de Roberval, Gilles Personne Divers Ouvrages (5 images) 1693
de Savonne, Pierre L'Arithmetique (3 images; see also these 8 images from a 1630 edition) 1571
de Ville Dei, Alexandre Carmen de Algorism (2 images) ca 1240
de Witt, Jan Elements of Curves (5 images) 1683
del Monte, Guidobaldo Perspectiva (5 images) 1600
Dedekind, Richard Essays on the Theory of Numbers (2 images) 1909
Deidier, L’Abbé L’Arithmetique des Géométres (2 images) 1739
della Francesca, Piero Works of Archimedes (11 images) late 1450s
Desargues, Girard Universal Way of Dyaling (1 image) 1659
Descartes, René Discourse on Method (1 image) 1637
Descartes, René Geometria (in Latin, 3 images) 1659
Descartes, René Principia philosophiae (2 images) 1644
Descartes, René Geometria à Renato Des Cartes by van Schooten (3 images) 1683 (1649 original)
Descartes, René Lettres (1 image) 1663–1667
di Fagnano, Giulio Carlo Produzione Matematiche (3 images) 1750
Dickson, Leonard Eugene Algebraic Invariants (3 images) 1914
Dickson, Leonard Eugene History of the Theory of Numbers, Vol. I (10 images) 1919
Diez (Freyle), Juan Sumario Compendioso (in Spanish, 1 image) 1556
Digges, Leonard and Thomas Stratioticos (6 images) 1579
Digges, Leonard Tectonicon  (4 images) 1556/1634
Digges, Thomas Pantometria (3 images) 1571
Dilworth, Thomas Schoolmaster's Assistant (1st American ed., 6 images) 1773
Diophantus Arithmetic (in Latin, with commentary by Bachet and conjectures of Fermat, 3 images; see also these 3 images) 1670 (3rd cent. original)
Dirichlet, Lejeune Vorlesungen über Zahlentheorie (Lectures on Number Theory, 4 images) 1863
Dirichlet, Lejeune Collected Works (vol. II, 5 images) 1897
Dirichlet, Lejeune Untersuchungen über verschiedene Anwendungen Infinitesimalanalysis auf die Zahlentheorie (1 image) 1897 (1839–1840 original)
Disney Productions Donald in Mathmagic Land (4 images) 1959
Ditzel, Jerome [Hieronymus] Geographiae (6 images) 1716
Dodgson, Charles Review of Formulae of Plane Trigonometry (1 image) 1861
Dodgson, Charles Euclid and His Modern Rivals (2 images) 1879
Dodgson, Charles Euclid Books I, II (9 images) 1883 (1875 original)
Dodgson, Charles Lewis Carroll’s A Tangled Tale (5 images) 1885
Dodgson, Charles Postcard and other materials (8 images) 1896
Dodgson, Charles Symbolic Logic, Part I (7 images) 1896
Dodson, James The Mathematical Repository (3 vol., 14 images) 1748, 1753, 1755
Doppelmayr, Johann Gabriel History of Mathematics in Nuremberg (2 images) 1730
Dowling, Daniel Key to the course of mathematics, composed for the use of the Royal Military Academy, by Charles Hutton (5 images) 1818
Duncan, Thomas Supplement to Playfair's Geometry and Wood's Algebra (2 images) 1824 (1822 original)
Duncan, William Elements of Logic (3 images) 1811 (1748 original)
Dürer, Albrecht Institutionum Geometricarum (7 images) 1535 and 1606
Dürer, Albrecht Vnderweysung der Messung mit dem Zirckel vnd Richtscheyt (4 images) 1525
Dürer, Albrecht Treatise on Mensuration (4 images) 1538 (1525 original)
Back to top    
Eames, Charles, designer Men of Modern Mathematics timeline poster, published by IBM (2 images) 1966
Einstein, Albert Riemannian Geometry with Preservation of the Concept of Distant Parallelism  (1 image) 1928
Eisenhart, Luther Treatise on the Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces (6 images) 1906
Elder, John D. Factor Stencil Punch Cards (1 image) 1939
Emerson, George Barrell, and John Farrar Bézout’s First Principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus (2 images) 1824
Emerson, George Barrell, and John Farrar Elements of Algebra, by Bourdon (4 images) 1831
Emerson, William Doctrine of Fluxions (6 images) 1743/1768
Emerson, William Treatise of Algebra (5 images) 1764
Emerson, William Cyclomathesis (11 images) 1770
Etten, Henry (Hendrik) van Mathematicall Recreations (3rd English ed., 2 images) 1674 (1st English ed. 1633, 1624 French original)
Euclid Data: Claude Hardy edition (1 image) 1625
Euclid Euclid Prop. II.5 on papyrus (in Greek, 1 image) 1st century CE (ca 300 BCE original)
Euclid Elements: Boethius translation (1 image) 11th century
Euclid Elements: leaves from Arabic abridgment (3 images) 1108–1109
Euclid Elements: Adelard of Bath Latin translation (7 images) 12th-14th centuries
Euclid Elements: Late 13th-century manuscript (5 images) 1294
Euclid Elements: Nasīr al-dīn al-Ṭūsī commentary (1 image; see also these 4 images and 1 video) undated (13th century original)
Euclid Elements: Campanus commentary (3 images) c. 1300–1315 (13th-cent. trans.)
Euclid Elements: 14th-century manuscript (3 images) 1390
Euclid Elements: 14th-century manuscript (4 images) ca 1385–1399
Euclid Elements: German manuscript (2 images) 1460
Euclid Elements: ibn Hunayn translation (1 image) 1466 (9th cent. trans.)
Euclid Elements: Ratdolt edition of Campanus translation (10 images; see also these 4 images) 1482 (13th cent. trans.)
Euclid Elements of Euclid: Luca Pacioli (7 images; see also these 7 images) 1509
Euclid Elements: Italian edition (3 images) ca 1510
Euclid Elements: Latin edition printed in France (3 images) 1516
Euclid Euykleidou Stoicheiōn … (4 images; see also these 3 images) 1533
Euclid Elements: Italian manuscript (3 images) 1541
Euclid Euclidis Elementorum libri XV (5 images) 1558
Euclid Elements: Henry Billingsley edition (2 images) 1570
Euclid Elements: Commandino edition (4 images) 1572
Euclid Euclidis Megarensis mathematici clarissimi elementorum geometricorum libri XV … (10 images) 1573
Euclid Euclidis Elementorum libri XV (3 images) 1573
Euclid Elements: Forcadel first 6 books edition (3 images) 1573
Euclid Elements: Christopher Clavius edition (2 images) 1574
Euclid Elements: first Spanish edition (2 images) 1576
Euclid Elements in Arabic (4 images) 1594
Euclid Elements: Hero commentary (2 images) 16th century (1st century original)
Euclid Elements: Ricci and Xu edition (7 images) 1847 (1614 original)
Euclid Elements: Lucas Brunn edition (3 images) 1625
Euclid Elements: Isaac Barrow edition (2 images) 1660
Euclid Euclide rinnovato (5 images) 1663
Euclid Elements: Isaac Barrow in Latin (4 images) 1678 (1655 original)
Euclid Elements: Williams & Dechales ed. (1 image) 1685
Euclid Elements: Gerbillon & Bouvet ed. (3 images) 1690s
Euclid Elements: Henrik Coets edition (4 images) 1692 (1691 original)
Euclid Elements: Hebrew translation (2 images) 1704 (13th-century original)
Euclid Elements: John Keill edition (4 images) 1728 (1723 original)
Euclid Elements: Joseph Fenn edition (2 images) 1769
Euclid Elements: Oliver Byrne's edition (3 images) 1847
Euclid Elements: Robert Pott's edition (5 images) 1871 (1845 original)
Euclid Elements: Todhunter's edition (9 images) 1872 (1862 original)
Euclid Elements: Dodgson on Books I,II (9 images) 1883 (1875 original)
Euler, Leonhard Algebra (in French, 1 image) 1795 (1770 original)
Euler, Leonhard Algebra (in English, 4 images) 1828 (1770 original)
Euler, Leonhard Mechanica (vol. I, 3 images) 1736
Euler, Leonhard Calculus of Variations (1 image) 1744
Euler, Leonhard Methodus Inveniendi Lineas Curvas (5 images) 1744
Euler, Leonhard Theoria motuum planetarum et cometarum (1 image) 1744
Euler, Leonhard Analysis of the Infinite (4 images) 1748
Euler, Leonhard Integral Calculus (3 images) 1768
Euler, Leonhard Letters to a German Princess (7 images) 1769–1773
Euler, Leonhard The True Principles of Gunnery (1 image) 1777 (1745 original)
Euler, Leonhard Institutiones Calculus Differentialis (3 images) 1755, 1787
Euler, Leonhard Commentationes Arithmeticae (3 images) 1849
Everard, Thomas Stereometry or the Art of Gauging (7th ed., 1 image) 1712 (1684 original)
Eyre, John The Exact Surveyor (2 images) 1654
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Faber, A. W. (later Faber-Castell) Simplex Mannheim slide rule (1 image) 1900–1908
di Fagnano, Giulio Carlo Produzione Matematiche (3 images) 1750
Farrar, John Elements of Geometry by A. M. Legendre, Translated from the French for the use of the students of the University at Cambridge, New-England (4 images; see also these 2 images of the 1825 2nd edition) 1819
Farrar, John, and George Barrell Emerson Bézout’s First Principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus (2 images) 1824
Farrar, John Lacroix's Algebra (3 images) 1825 (1818 original)
Farrar, John, and George Barrell Emerson Elements of Algebra, by Bourdon (4 images) 1831
Farrar, John An Elementary Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and on the Application of Algebra to Geometry; from the Mathematics of Lacroix and Bézout (5 images; see also these 4 images) 1833 (1820 original)
Faulhaber, Johann Academia Algebrae (2 images) 1631
Feliciano, Francisco Libro di Arithmetica i Geometria (3 images) 1536
Felter, Stoddard A. Felter's First Lessons in Numbers (17 images) 1865
Fenn, Joseph New and Complete System of Algebra (2 images) 1767
Fenn, Joseph Instructions Given in the Drawing School (vol. 2, 2 images; see also these 5 images) 1769–1772
Fenn, Joseph translation of Euclid's Elements (2 images) 1769
Fenn, Joseph The Complete Accountant (3 images) 1772
Fenning, Daniel The Young Algebraist’s Companion (10 images) 1751
Fenning, Daniel The British Youth’s Instructor (10 images) 1765 (1754 original)
Fermat, Pierre de Varia opera mathematica (4 images) 1679
Fermat, Pierre de Oeuvres de Fermat, Vol. I (ed. Paul Tannery and Charles Henry, 3 images) 1891
Fernel, Jean De proportionibus (5 images) 1528
Fibonacci (Leonardo of Pisa) Liber abaci (3 images) 14th century (1202 original)
Fibonacci (Leonardo of Pisa) Liber abaci (ed. Baldassarre Boncompagni, 7 images) 1857 (1202 original)
Fibonacci (Leonardo of Pisa) Practica Geometriae (ed. Baldassarre Boncompagni, 3 images) 1857 (13th century original)
Field, William Hinged parallel rule (1 image) 1854/1923
Fine, Oronce Geometry (1 image) 1530
Fine, Oronce Protomathesis (3 images) 1532
Fine, Oronce World Map (1 image) 1534
Fine, Oronce De mundi sphaera (3 images) 1542
Fine, Oronce L'art et manière de trouver certainement la longitude de tous lieux sur la Terre par le cours et mouvement de la Lune et La composition et usage d'un singulier méthéoroscope géographique (5 images) 1543
Fine, Oronce Arithmetica practica  (4 images) 1544
Fine, Oronce Le sphere du monde manuscript (6 images) 1549
Fine, Oronce Le sphere du monde (3 images) 1551
Fine, Oronce De re et praxi geometrica (4 images) 1556
Fine, Oronce Opere Di Orontio Fineo (1 image) 1670 (1587 original)
Fink, Karl Kurzer Abriss einer Geschichte der Elementar-Mathematik (5 images) 1890
Fisher, Sir Ronald Aylmer R. A. Fisher’s Statistics Books (6 images) 1938
Fludd, Robert History of the Macrocosm (3 images) 1618
Fontaine, Alexis Traité de calcul différentiel et intégral (4 images) 1770
de Fontenelle, Bernard A Panegyric upon Sir Isaac Newton (English translation, 2 images) 1728
Forcadel, Pierre

Les six premiers livres des elements d'Euclide (3 images)

Forestani, Lorenzo Pratica d’arithmetica e geometria (15 images) 1682 (1603 original)
Forsyth, Andrew Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable (6 images) 1893
Francesca, Piero della Works of Archimedes (11 images) late 1450s (originals 3rd cent. BCE)
Francesco Vecelli Problemi di geometria practica (7 images) 1767
Francœur, Louis-Benjamin Cours complet de mathématiques pures (2 vol., 3 images) 1819 (1809 original)
Francoeur, Louis-Benjamin Complete Course in Pure Mathematics, trans. by Blakelock (7 images) 1829–1830 (1809 original)
François, Jean Traité de la Quantitée (5 images) 1655
François, Jean L’Arithmétique et la Géométrie Pratique (5 images) 1657
Franklin, Benjamin 16X16 "Magic Square of Squares" (3 images) 1768 (1767 original)
Fraser, Alexander The Works of George Berkeley (The Analyst, 7 images) 1734/1871
Frend, William The Principles of Algebra (2 images) 1796
Frend, William Tangible Arithmetic (1 image) 1805
Frisius, Gemma Arithmeticae methodus facilis (3 images) 1540
Frisius, Gemma Arithmeticae practicae (2 images) 1540/1567
Frisius, Gemma Arithmeticae practicae (4 images) 1566 (1540 original)
Frisius, Gemma Cosmographia Petri Apiani (10 images) 1645 (1624 original)
Frobenius, Georg Clavis universi trigonometrica (1 image) 1634
Fubini, Guido Lezioni di analisi matematica (1 image) 1920 (1913 original)
Fujita Kagen Shinpeki sanpo (Sacred Mathematics, 1 image + 5 related images) 1789
Galileo Galilei Forgery of Galileo’s letter about the telescope and sketches of Jupiter’s moons (1 image) by 1934
Galileo Galilei Siderius nuncius (2 images) 1610
Galileo Galilei Siderius nuncius with author's signature (1 image) 1610
Galileo Galilei De proportionum instrumento (1 image) 1612 (1606 original)
Galileo Galilei Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo (page with marginal note, 1 image) 1632
Galileo Galilei Two New Sciences (3 images; see also these 8 images) 1638
Galileo Galilei Operation of the Geometrical and Military Compass (2 images) 1640 (1606 original)
Galileo Galilei Della Scienza Mecanica (7 images) 1655
Galileo Galilei Opere (Collected Works, 2 images) 1656
Galileo Galilei The Systeme of the World in Four Dialogues, trans. by Salusbury (1 image) 1661
Galois, Évariste Abhandlungen über der Algebraische Auflösung der Gleichungen (3 images) 1889 (1828–1832 originals)
Galois, Évariste Oeuvres (2 images) 1897
Galton, Francis Typical Laws of Heredity (2 images) 1877
Garfield, James A. Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem (8 images) 1876
Gauss, Carl Friedrich Recherches Arithmétiques (trans. by Poullet-Delisle, 5 images) 1807 (1801 original)
Geijsbeek, John Bart Ancient Double-Entry Bookkeeping (3 images) 1914
Gerbert of Aurillac Isagoge Geometriae (5 images) 12th century (ca 1000 CE original)
Gerbert of Aurillac French and English manuscripts (3 images) 12th and 13th centuries
Gerbillon, J.F., and J. Bouvet Ji he yuan ben (Elements of Geometry, 3 images) 1690s
Germain, Sophie Recherches sur la théorie des surfaces élastiques (5 images) 1821
Ghaligai, Francesco Practica d'Arithmetica (3 images) 1552
Gibbs, Josiah Willard Wilson's Vector Analysis (5 images) 1901
Gill, Charles Mathematical Miscellany (3 images) 1836
Giovanni Libro sopra aristmetricha (2 images) 1422
Giulio Carlo di Fagnano Produzione Matematiche (3 images) 1750
Goursat, Édouard and Paul Appell Théorie des fonctions algébriques et de leurs intégrales (4 images) 1895
Goursat, Édouard A Course in Mathematical Analysis, Vol. I (English trans. by Earle Hedrick, 4 images) 1904 (1902 original)
Graham, John

The Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Assistant or Companion, or A New System of Decimal Arithmetic (3 images)

Graunt, John Early Statistics on Mortality (3 images) 1662
Green, George Mathematical Papers (2 images) 1871
Green, Joshua U.S. College Mathematics (copybooks, 6 images) 1782
Greenleaf, Benjamin Common School Arithmetic (2 images) 1855
Gregory, David Commentary on Euclid's Elements (2 images) 1703
Gregory, David A Treatise of Practical Geometry (4 images) 1745
Gregory, Olinthus Mathematics for Practical Men (6 images) 1836 (1825 original)
Grunow, William and Julius Grunow spherometer (1 image) 1860s
Grynäus, Simon First Printed Greek Euclid's Elements (2 images) 1533
Gunter, Edmund Description and Use of the Sector, Cross-staff and other Instruments (3 images) 1636 (1624 original)
Gutiérrez de Gualdi, Juan Arte breve ... de ... arithmetica (1 image) 1564 (1539 original)
Guyot, [first name unknown] Nouvelles récréations physiques et mathématiques (5 images) 1786 (1769 original)
Hadamard, Jacques Leçons sur le calcul des variations (3 images) 1910
Halcken, Paul Deliciae Mathematicae (6 images) 1719
Halley, Edmund Conics of Apollonius (2 images) 1710
Halliwell, James Rara Mathematica (6 images) 1839
Hamilton, William Rowan Lectures on Quaternions (3 images) 1853
Hamilton, William Rowan Elements of Quaternions (3 images) 1866
Hankel, Hermann History of Mathematics (1 image) 1874
Hansford, Hugh Ciphering book (1 image) 1818
Hardy, Claude Euclidis Data (1 image) 1625
Hardy, G. H. Orders of Infinity (3 images) 1910
Hardy, G. H. A Course in Pure Mathematics (8 images) 1921 (1908 original)
Harkness, James and Frank Morley A Treatise on the Theory of Functions (11 images) 1893
Harriot, Thomas Artis analyticae praxis (2 images; see also these 6 images) 1631
Harris, Thaddeus Mason Cyphering book on Duodecimals (3 images) late 18th century
Hatton, Edward The Merchant’s Magazine or Trades Man’s Treasury  (4 images) 1707 (1701 original)
Hatton, Edward Entire System of Arithmetic (1 image) 1721
Hatton, Edward Mathematical Manual (6 images) 1728
Hawney, William Complete Measurer (14th Eng. ed., 3rd Amer. ed., 6 images) 1775/1813
Heaviside, Oliver Electromagnetic Theory (13 images) 1893–1912
Heilbronner, Johann Christoph History of Mathematics (2 images) 1742
Heinlin, Johann Jakob Synopsis Mathematica (5 images) 1653
Heinlin, Johann Jakob Synopsis Mathematica Universalis (1 image) 1663 (1653 original)
Heinlin, Johann Jakob Synopsis Mathematica Universalis (1 image) 1679 (1653 original)
Heins, Valentin Tyrocinium mercatorio-arithmeticum (8 images) 1726 (1684 original)
Hell, Maximilian Elementa arithmeticae (1 image) 1768
Hemeling, Johann Selbstlehrende Rechenschul (3 images) ca 1663 (1655 original)
Hemeling, Johann Neugemehrtes Selbstlehrende Rechenschul (3 images) 1678 (1655 original)
Hemeling, Johann Kleines Rechenbuch (8 images) 1817 (mid-17th century original)
Henrion, Denis (see also Hérigone, Pierre) Memoires Mathematiques Recueillis et Dressez (2 images) 1613
Henrion, Denis (translator) Les Trois Livres des Elemens Spheriques de Theodose Tripolitain (4 images) 1615
Henrion, Denis Use of the Proportional Compass (2 images) 1631 (1st ed. 1618)
Henrion, Denis Collection, ... d'arithmetique, d'algebre (11 images) 1621
Henrion, Denis L'Usage du Mecometre (2 images) 1630
Herth, Georg Engraving of the French Academy of Sciences (1 image) ca 1790
Henry, Charles, and Paul Tannery Oeuvres de Fermat, Vol. I (3 images) 1891
Hérigone, Pierre (see also Henrion, Denis) Cursus mathematicus (3 images) 1644 (2nd ed.)
Herlin, Christian, and Conrad Dasypodius Geometric Analysis of the First Six Books of Euclid (1 image) 1566
Hermite, Charles Cours d'Analyse (4 images) 1873
Hermite, Charles Sur quelques applications des fonctions elliptiques (2 images) 1885
Hermite, Charles Œuvres (vol. 1, 1 image) 1905
Hero (or Heron) of Alexandria Commentary on Euclid's Elements (2 images) 16th century (1st century original)
Heuraet, Hendrick van Rectification of Curves (3 images) 1659
Hevelius, Johannes Cometographia (2 images) 1668
Hevelius, Johannes Machina coelestis (2 images) 1673
Hewlett-Packard HP28S Handheld Electronic Calculator (1 image) 1988
Hilbert, David Die Theorie der algebraischen Zahlkörper (4 images; see also 1 image of the 1913 French translation) 1897
Hilbert, David “Die logischen Grundlagen der Mathematik” (3 images) 1922
Hilbert and Bernays Grundlagen der Mathematik (3 images) 1934
Hilbert and Bernays Mathematischen Wissenschaften (2 images) 1939
Hill, Francis George Development of Arabic Numerals in Europe (3 images) 1915
Hill, John Arithmetick Both in the Theory and Practice (4 images) 1772 (11th ed.)
Hill, Thomas Key-driven adding machine (patent model, 1 image) 1857
Hirschvogel, Augustin Geometria (6 images) 1543
bar Hiyya, Abraham Sphaera Mundi (7 images) 1546 (11th or 12th cent. original)
Hobson, Ernest Theory of Functions of a Real Variable (8 images) 1921 (1907 original)
Hodder, James Arithmetick (1 image) 1719 (1661 original)
Hogarth, William The Importance of Knowing Perspective (1 image) 1754
Hojiroya Shōeman Japanese temple sangaku (1 image) 1854
Hollerith, Herman Scientific American article on tabulating machine and U.S. census (3 images) 1890
Holyday, Barten Decimus Junius Juvenalis and Aulus Persius Flaccus (2 images) 1673
Honoratus Opus arithmetica (2 images) ca 1560
Hoppus, Edward Hoppus's Tables for Measuring (1 image) 1837 (1736 original)
Hosaka Nobuyoshi Japanese temple sangaku (1 image) 1800
Houghton Mifflin Company Number line (2 images) ca 1972
Hoüel, Jules Eléments de la théorie des quaternions (3 images) 1874
Henry Hughes & Son Captain Field's Improved Hinged Parallel Rule (1 image) 1923
Hulsius, Levinus Theoria Et Praxis Quadrantis Geometrici (3 images) 1594
Hulsius, Levinus Tractat der Mechanischen Instrumenten (vol. 2, 3 images) 1603–1604
Hulsius, Levinus Tractat der Mechanischen Instrumenten (vol. 3, 3 images) 1604
Humboldt, Alexander von Codex Mexicanus of the Maya (1 image) 1814 (12th cent. original)
Hutchinson, John Irwin and Virgil Snyder Differential and Integral Calculus (7 images) 1902

Hutton, Charles


Select Exercises for Young Proficients in the Mathematicks (6 images) 1792
Hutton, Charles Mathematical Tables (4th ed., 1 image) 1804
Hutton, Charles Tracts on (Applied) Mathematical Subjects (2 images) 1812
Hutton, Charles Philosophical and Mathematical Dictionary (7 images) 1815
Hutton, Charles Course of Mathematics (3rd American ed., 8 images) 1818 (1st Am. ed. 1812)
Huygens, Christiaan De circuli magnitude inventa (1 image) 1654
Huygens, Christiaan Horologium Oscillatorium (4 images) 1673
Huygens, Christiaan Traite de la Lumiere (Treatise on Light, 3 images) 1690
Back to top    
Iamblichus the Chaldaean Greek translation of the Introduction to Arithmetic of Nicomachus of Gerasa (4 images) 1668 Latin translation of 3rd century original 
Ibn al-Bannāʾ, Abū'l Abbās Ahmad Lifting of the Veil in the Operations of Calculation (Arabic) (1 image) 18th cent. copy of ca 1500 commentary on ca 1300 original
Ibn al-Hāʼim, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad Kitāb al-nuzah (Book of Delights) (3 images) 1506-07 copy of ca 1400 original
Ibn Ayyub, Abu Abd al-Rahman Ya’qub Commentary on arithmetic (3 images) 1445 copy of 14th-cent. original
Ibn Gāzī, Muhammad The Desire of the Students for an Explanation of the Calculator's Craving (Arabic) (2 images) 18th cent. copy of ca 1500 commentary on ca 1300 original
Ibn Ḥunayn, Isḥāq Arabic translation of Euclid's Elements (1 image) 1466 (9th century original)
Ibn Luyūn al-Tujībī, Saʻd ibn Aḥmad Didactic poem on surveying and measurement of areas (5 images) 14th century
Iesaki Yoshiyuki Gomei sanpo (4 images) 1826
Irson, Claude Abrégé de l'arithmétique pratique et raisonnée (4 images) 1695
Isadore of Seville Etymologia (2 images) 1265
Jacob, Simon Rechenbuch (7 images) 1565/1599
Jacobi, Carl Opuscula mathematica (Vol. I, 5 images) 1846
Jamnitzer, Wenzel Perspectiva corporum regularium (Platonic solids, 11 images) 1568
Jazarī, Ḥaydar ibn 'Abd al-Raḥmān Risālah fī al-ʻamal bi'l-asṭurlāb (1 image) 1726
Jefferson, Thomas Construction of Octagon (1 image) ca 1771
Jess, Zachariah, et al. American Tutor's Assistant (2nd ed., 3 images)

1794 (1791 original)

Jevons, William Stanley Pure Logic or the Logic of Quality Apart from Quantity (4 images) 1864
Jevons, William Stanley Logic piano (mechanical computer) (1 image) 1869
John of Erfurt Computus chirometralis (3 images) 1443 (14th-century original)
Jones, John B. Cherokee-English Arithmetic (5 images) 1870
Jones, William Synopsis Palmariorum Matheseos (6 images) 1706
Johnson, Crockett Mathematical paintings (2 images) 1965 and 1968
Jordan, Camille Treatise on Substitution and Algebraic Equations (5 images) 1870
Jordanus de Nemore Arithmetica (2 images) (13th-century original)
Jordanus de Nemore De triangulis (3 images) 14th century or later (13th-century original)
Jullien, A. Models for Descriptive Geometry (2 images) ca 1880
Jurin, James A defence of Sir Isaac Newton (2 images) 1734
Kandlern, Johann Arithmetica (2 images) 1578
Karpinski, Louis Charles, and David Eugene Smith The Hindu-Arabic Numerals (6 images) 1911
Karsten, W. J. G. Theoretical Mathematics (4 images) 1760
Kästner, Abraham “Cavtionem in qvantitatvm infinite parvarvm neglectv observandam exemplis qvibvsdam illustrat simulque ad audiendam . . . orationem” (3 images) 1746
Kästner, Abraham Foundations of Mathematics (in German, 1 image) 1764
Kaye, George R. Indian Mathematics (2 images) 1915
Keckermann, Bartholomäus Compendium of Mathematics (3 images) 1661 (1617 original)
Keckermann, Bartholomäus Systema compendiosum totius mathematices (4 images) 1621 (1617 original)
Keeney, Barnaby C. (owner) Artillery trigonometer (1 image) ca 1942
Kegel, Johann Michael Neu-Vermehrte Arithmetica Vulgaris, et Practica Italica (2 images) 1696
Keill, John Elements of [Plane] and Spherical Trigonometry (1 image) 1726 English translation of 1715 Latin original
Keill, John Euclid’s Elements of Geometry (2nd ed., 4 images) 1728 (1723 original)
Keill, John Euclid's Elements and other works (12th ed., 1 image) 1782 (1723 original)
Kepler, Johann Mysterium cosmographicum (2 images) 1596
Kepler, Johann Astronomia nova (3 images) 1609
Kepler, Johann Strena seu de Nive Sexangular (3 images) 1611
Kepler, Johann Uralten messekunst Archimedes (1 image) 1616
Kepler, Johann Epitome of Copernican Astronomy (2 images) 1619
Kepler, Johann Harmonices mundi (Harmony of the Worlds, 11 images; see also these 14 images) 1619
Kepler, Johann Chilias Logarithmoria (1 image) 1624
Kepler, Johann Tychonis Brahie Dani Hyperaspistes (2 images) 1625
Kepler, Johann Rudolphine Tables (3 images; see also these 2 images) 1627
Kersey, John The Elements of ... Algebra (11 images) 1673
Khayyam, Omar Algebra (1 image) (Original dates to ~1100)
Keuffel & Esser Trammel Ellipsograph (1 image) ca 1930
Kidjel, Maurice Proportional dividers (1 image) ca 1962
Kircher, Athanasius Arithmologia sive De abditis Numerorum mysteriis (6 images) 1665
Klein, Felix Riemann'sche Flächen (3 + 5 images) 1892, 1894
Klein, Felix Nicht-Euklidische Geometrie (Non-Euclidean Geometry, 3 images) 1892–1893
Klein, Felix Ueber die hypergeometrische Function (4 images) 1894
Klein, Felix Famous Problems of Elementary Geometry (2 images) 1897
Klein, Felix Mathematischen Wissenschaften (2 images) 1924
Kneiff, Hugolinus  Mathematisches Übungsbuch (8 images) 1614
Köbel, Jacob Book on the Astrolabe (Astrolabii declaratio) (1 image) 1532
Köbel, Jacob Eyn new geordnet vysirbuch (7 images) 1515
Köbel, Jacob Geometrei (4 images; see also these 4 images from a 1608 edition) 1535
Köbel, Jacob Rechenbuch (6 images) 1537 (1514 original)
Kovalevskaya, Sofia “Theorie der partiellen Differentialgleichungen” (3 images) 1875
Kraus, Elias Pandectae & Digesta Arithmetices (1 image) 1722
Krauwinckel, Hans Jetons for counting board (3 images) ca 1490–1635
Kronecker, Leopold Werke (vol. I, 5 images) 1895
Back to top    
Lacroix, Sylvestre Élémens de Géométrie descriptive (3rd ed., 3 images) 1808 (1795 original)
Lacroix, Sylvestre Traité élémentaire d'Arithmétique (9th ed., 2 images) 1810 (1797 original)
Lacroix, Sylvestre Traité Élémentaire de Trigonométrie rectiliagne et Sphérique (2 images) 1803 (1798 original)
Lacroix, Sylvestre Élémens de Géométrie (6th ed., 3 images) 1810 (1799 original)
Lacroix, Sylvestre Complément des Élémens d’Algébre (3 images) 1804 (1800 original)
Lacroix, Sylvestre Élémens d'Algèbre (9th ed., 2 images; see also these 5 images from the 1825 14th ed.) 1811 (1800 original)
Lacroix, Sylvestre Traité des Différences et des Séries (5 images) 1800
Lacroix, Sylvestre Traité Élémentaire de Calcul Différentiel et de Calcul Intégral (3 images) 1802
Lacroix, Sylvestre Differential and Integral Calculus (1st English ed., 5 images) 1816 (1802 French original)
Lacroix, Sylvestre Essais sur l’enseignement en général: et sur celui des mathématiques en particulier (4th ed., 3 images; see also these 4 images from the 2nd ed. in 1816) 1838 (1st ed. 1805)
Lacroix, Sylvestre Calculus of Probability (2 images) 1816
Lacroix, Sylvestre Elementary Treatise on Plain and Spherical Trigonometry (2nd ed., 4 images; see also these 5 images) 1826 (1820 original)
Lacroix, Sylvestre Algebra (in English, 3 images) 1825
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis Analytical Mechanics (2 images) 1788
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis Théorie des Fonctions Analytiques (3 images) 1813 (1797 original)
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis Traité de la Résolution des Equations Numérique (7 images) 1808 (1798 original)
Lamb, Horace An Elementary Course of Infinitesimal Calculus (6 images) 1934 (1897 original)
Lambert, Johann Zusätze … Tabellen (Additions to Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables) (1 image) 1770
Lamy, Bernard Ouvrages de mathematique (6 images) 1734
Landen, John Residual Analysis (10 images) 1758
Langlois, Claude Set square (2 images) ca 1750
Langsdorf, Karl Christian von Explanations of Kästner’s Analysis of Finite Quantities (2 images) 1776-77
Lansberge, Philip Tabulae motuum coelestium perpetuae (1 image) 1632
Lansberge, Philip In Quadrantem tum Astronomicum (1 image) 1635
Laplace, Pierre-Simon Celestial Mechanics (5 images) 1799/1818/1829
Laplace, Pierre-Simon École Polytechnique mathematics curriculum (3 images) 1812
Laplace, Pierre-Simon Théorie Analytique des Probabilités (4 images) 1812
Laplace, Pierre-Simon Celestial Mechanics (in English, 2 images) 1831
Laplace, Pierre-Simon Oeuvres complètes de Laplace, Vol. I (2 images) 1878
La Roche, Estienne de Larismetique (3 images) 1520
Lauremberg, Johannes Wilhelm Gromaticae Liber Tres (2 images) 1640
Lauremberg, Peter Institutiones Arithmeticae (3 images) 1698 (1621 original)
Lax, Gaspar Arithmetica speculativa (2 images) 1515
Lax, Gaspar Proportiones (2 images) 1515
Leadbeater, J. The Gentleman and Tradesman’s Compleat Assistant (6 images) 1769 (1768 original)
Lebesgue, Henri Leçons sur l'intégration (1 image) 1904
LeDuke, John Arithmetical Questions (3 images) 1663
Lee, Chauncey The American Accomptant (2 images) 1797
Legendre, Adrien-Marie Éléments de Géométrie (3 images; see also these 4 images and 2 images and 5 images of English translations) 1800 (1794 original)
Legendre, Adrien-Marie Essai sur la Théorie des Nombres (4 images) 1808
Legendre, Adrien-Marie Exercises de Calcul Intégral, Vol. III (2 images) 1816
Le Gendre, François L'Arithmetique en sa Perfection (6 images) 1690 (1657 original)
Lehmer, Derek N. Factor Stencil Punch Cards (1 image) 1939
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Dissertation de Arte Combinatoria (2 images) 1666
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Stepped Reckoner (1 image) 1671
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Letter to Christiaan Huygens (2 images) 1674 (published 1859)
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Nova methodus pro maximis et minimis ... (differential calculus, complete text, 10 images) 1684
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm De geometria recondite et analysi indivisibilium atque infinitorum ... (integral calculus, complete text, 11 images) 1686
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Supplementum geometrie dimensore ... (Fundamental Theorem, complete text, 10 images) 1693
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Correspondence with Johannes Bernoulli (7 images) 1694–1699 (published 1745)
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm “Responsio Addn. [Nicolas Fatio’s] Imputaziones” (3 images) 1700
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Explanation of Binary Numbers (6 images) 1703
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Opera Omnia (6 images) 1768
Leonardo of Pisa (see Fibonacci)    
Leonardo da Vinci Sketches for Luca Pacioli's De divina proportione (15 images) 1509
Lepine, Jean Adding Machine (1 image) 1725
Leslie, John Elements of Geometry and Plane Trigonometry (13 images) 1817 (1809 original)
Leupold, Jacob Theatrum arithmetico-geometricum (9 images) 1774 (1727 original)
Leurechon (or Leurochon), Jean

Leurechon's Mathematicall Recreations (1st English ed., 5 images)

1633 (1st French ed. 1624, 1st English ed. 1633)
Leurechon (or Leurochon), Jean

Mathematicall Recreations (3rd English ed., 2 images)

1674 (1st French ed. 1624, 1st English ed. 1633)
Leybourn, William The Compleat Surveyor (1 image) 1653
Leybourn, William Cursus Mathematicus (3 images) 1690
Leybourn, William Description and Use of ... Gunter's Quadrant (1 image) 1731
Leybourn, Thomas Mathematical Questions Proposed in the Ladies’ Diary (8 images) 1817
l'Hospital, Guillaume Francois de Analyse des Infiniment Petits (5 images; see also these 14 images) 1696
l'Hospital, Guillaume Francois de Traité Analytique des Sections Coniques (7 images) 1776
L'Huilier, Simon Exposition élémentaire des principes des calculs supérieurs (4 images) 1786
L'Huilier, Simon Élemens raisonnés d’algèbre (5 images) 1804
L'Huilier, Simon Élémens d’analyse géométrique et d’analyse algébrique (4 images) 1809
Li Shanlan and Alexander Wylie A New Mathematics Curriculum for China (10 images) 1853/1859
Li Shanlan and Alexander Wylie Euclid's Elements for China (3 images) 1865
Li Shanlan Collected Mathematical Works (7 images) 1867/1887
Li Shanlan Photograph with modern mathematics students (1 image) 1868–1870
Li Zhizao Hun gai tong xian tu shuo (Illustrated Explanation of the Sphere and Astrolabe, based on Clavius’ Astrolabium, 3 images) 1605–1607
Li Zhizao and Matteo Ricci Yuan rong jiao yi(Treatise on Geometry, 3 images) 1847 (1608 original)
Lie, Marius Sophus, et al. First Scandinavian Mathematics Journal (4 images) 1876
Lie, Marius Sophus Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Vol. I (3 images) 1934
Lincoln, Abraham Cyphering book (3 images) ca 1825
Lindemann, Ferdinand Clebsch's Vorlesungen über geometrie (3 images) 1876
Liouville, Joseph Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (3 images from first volume; see also these 6 images from 1876 and 1922 vols.) 1836
Liu Hui Jiuzhang suanshu (Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art) (1 image) 1603 (ca 250 CE original)
Liu Hui Sankei kyusho (Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art, 3 images) 17th–19th century
Lobachevski, Nikolai Theorie der Parallellinien (1 image) 1840
Lobachevski, Nikolai Geometric Researches on the Theory of Parallels (3 images) 1914 (1891 trans. from 1840 German)
Loomis, Elias Elements of Analytical Geometry and Differential and Integral Calculus (4 images) 1858 (1835 original)
Lörer, Johann Nova Instrumentum Geometricum Perfectum (2 images) 1616
Lörer, Johann Planemetrische Beschreibung (5 images) 1616
Lorini, Buonaiuto Delle Fortificationi (5 images) 1597 (1592 original)
Loudon, J. C. Self-Instruction for Young Gardeners, Foresters, Bailiffs, Land-stewards, and Farmers (3 images) 1845
Lovelace, Ada Notes on ... the Analytic Engine (9 images) 1843
Lowthorp, John The Philosophical Transactions and Collections, to the Year 1700 (4 images) 1731 (1655–1700 original)
Lucas, Edouard Theory of Numbers (6 images) 1891
Luders, Theodoric Traicté Mathematique (3 images) 1680
Ludlam, William Rudiments of Mathematics (5 images) 1809 (1785 original)
Louys, Sebastianus David Gheometria oft de konste van Landt te meten (5 images) 1681
Lydal, Thomas Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetic (1 image) 1710
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Macfarlane, Alexander Principles of the Algebra of Logic (4 images) 1879
Macfarlane, Alexander Lectures on ten British mathematicians of the nineteenth century (5 images) 1916
Mach, Ernst Space and Geometry (2 images) 1906
Maclaurin, Colin Signature with portrait (1 image) early 18th century (portrait 1814)
Maclaurin, Colin Geometria Organica (2 images) 1720
Maclaurin, Colin Treatise on Fluxions (4 images) 1742
Maclaurin, Colin Treatise of Algebra (6th ed., 4 images) 1796 (1748 original)
Maclaurin, Colin Treatise on Fluxions (2nd ed., 8 images) 1801 (1742 original)
Magnitsky, Leonty Arithmetika (Russian) (3 images) 1703
Mahāvīrā Ganita-sāra-sangraha (English and Sanskrit translations, 4 images) 1912 (9th-century original)
Malcolm, Alexander New Treatise of Arithmetick and Book-keeping (3 images) 1718
Malcolm, Alexander New System of Arithmetick (3 images) 1730
Malconet, Jacob Selbst-Lehrende Geometrie (5 images) 1700
Mandey, Venterus Synopsis Mathematica Universalis (1 image) 1729 (1702 original)
Marchesi, Giovanni Demenico Handbook of Commercial Arithmetic (10 images) 1578
Marchetti, Alessandro Problemata sex à Leidensi quodam surveyor Christophoro Sadlerio (4 images) 1675
Marolois, Samuel Three volumes: Geometria, Fortification, and Perspectiva (3 images) 1629
Martinez Población, Juan De Vsv Astrolabi Compendivm (4 images) 1553 (1518 original)
Mascheroni, Lorenzo La Geometria del Compasso (3 images) 1797
Maseres, Francis Doctrine of Permutations and Combinations (3 images; see also these 3 images) 1795
Maseres, Francis Resolution of Cubick and Biquadratic Equations (4 images) 1803
Matsunaga Yoshisuke Shoho kongen (5 images) 17th –19th century
Mattel, Inc. Teen Talk Barbie (1 video) 1992
Maurolico, Francesco Opuscula mathematica : nunc primum in lucem edita (8 images) 1575
Maurolico, Francesco Messanensis, Emendatio, et restitutio conicorum Apollonij Pergaei (1 image) 1654
Mauromatti, Teodoro Fortification and Artillery on Corfu (4 images) 1749
Maxwell, James Clerk A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (4 images) 1873
Mayer, Tobias Mathematischer Atlas (4 images) 1745
McMillan, Loraine Number line (2 images) by 1972
Medler, Nicolaus Rudimenta arithmeticae (1 image) 1550 (1543 original)
Mengoli, Pietro Geometriae speciosae elementa (1 image) 1659
Mercator, Nicolaus Logarithmotechnia (3 images) 1668
Metius, Adriaan (Adriaan Adriaanszoon) Institutio geographica (4 images) 1624
Metius, Adriaan (Adriaan Adriaanszoon) Arithmetica et Geometriae (3 images) 1626 (1625 original)
Metius, Adriaan (Adriaan Adriaanszoon) Manuale arithmetice et geometrie practice (14 images) 1634
Michael of Rhodes Journal or Manuscript (5 images) 1434
Milne, William J. First Lessons in Arithmetic (4 images) 1878
Minkowski, Hermann Geometrie der Zahlen (6 images) 1910
Minkowski, Hermann Collected Papers (in German, 7 images) 1911
Mintzer, Edith Dummer Boole Senior Blocks (1 image) ca 1935
Mittag-Leffler, Gösta Acta Mathematica (12 images) 1882
Mobius, August Ferdinand Calculus of Centers of Gravity (1 image) 1827
Moietta, Belo Trattato di geometria (4 images) ca 1486–1501
Monge, Gaspard Application de l’Analyse a la Géométrie (2 images) 1809 (1807 original)
Monge, Gaspard Applications de L’Analyse a la Géométrie (1 image) 1850 (1807 original)
Monge, Gaspard Darstellende Geometrie (5 images) 1900 (1798 original)
del Monte, Guidobaldo Perspectiva (5 images) 1600
Montecuccoli, Raimondo Memorie della guerra (5 images) 1697, 1704, 18th century (ca 1661 original)
Montucla, Jean-Étienne Histoire des Mathématiques  (2 images) 1799-1802
Montucla, Jean-Étienne Histoire des Recherches sur la Quadratur du Cercle (3 images) 1831 (1754 original)
Moore, Jonas Arithmetick in Four Books (5 images) 1650/1688
Moore, Jonas A Mathematical Compendium (3 images) 1681 (1674 original)
Moore, Jonas New Systeme of Mathematicks (5 images) 1681
Morland, Samuel The Description and Use of Two Arithmetick Instruments (11 images) 1673
Morley, Frank and James Harkness A Treatise on the Theory of Functions (11 images) 1893
Moxon, Joseph Mathematical Dictionary, or Mathematicks Made Easy (2 images) 1679
Müller, John Elements of Mathematics (4 images) 1765 (1748 original)
Müller, Johannes (Regiomontanus) Epitome of Ptolemy's Almagest (4 images; see also these 5 images) 1496
Müller, Johannes (Regiomontanus) On Triangles (2 images) 1533
Müller, Johann(es) (Regiomontanus) In Ptolemaei magnam compositionem (Ptolemy’s Almagest, 6 images) 1550
Münster, Sebastian Fürmalung vnd künstlich Beschreibung der Horologien (3 images) 1537
Münster, Sebastian Rvdimenta Mathematica (4 images) 1551
Murai Chuzen

Sanpo dojimon (Questions Children Ask About Mathematics, 7 images)

Muscarello, Pietro Paolo Algorismus (12 images) ca. 1478
Mydorge, Claude Recreational Mathematics (1 image) 1639
Napier, John Mirifici logarithmorum (3 images) 1614
Napier, John Rabdologiae (6 images) 1617
Napier, John Set of Napier rods or bones (1 image) 17th century
Napier, John A Declaration of the Admirable Table of Logarithmes (3 images) 1618
Napier, John Portraits of Napier (2 images) 1787, 1834
Napier, John De Arte Logistica (2 images) published 1839
National Cash Register Company Class 3000 Bookkeeping Machine (1 image) 1938
Neudörffer, Johann Rechenbüchlein (4 images) ca 1530
Newcomb, Simon American Journal of Mathematics (6 images) 1878
Newton, Isaac Analysis per quantitatum series, fluxiones ac differentias (4 images) 1711
Newton, Isaac Artis analyticae specimina : sive, Geometria analytica (5 images) ca 1710 (1670–1671 original)
Newton, Isaac Collected Works (5 images) 1779
Newton, Isaac Compilation of works and correspondence (7 images) 1711
Newton, Isaac Manuscript mathematical notes (1 image) early 18th century
Newton, Isaac Method of Fluxions (5 images) 1736
Newton, Isaac La Methode des Fluxions ... owned by De Morgan (1 image) 1740
Newton, Isaac Principia Mathematica (5 images) 1687
Newton, Isaac Principia Mathematica (3 images; see also these 3 images) 1714 (1687 original)
Newton, Isaac Principia Mathematica (1 image) 1726 (1687 original)
Newton, Isaac Principia Mathematica (with commentary, 6 images) 1739–1742
Newton, Isaac Principes Mathématiques (French translation by Émilie du Châtelet, 5 images) 1759 (1687 original)
Newton, Isaac Principia Mathematica (English translation by Andrew Motte, 12 images; see also these 3 images) 1846 (1729 original)
Newton, Isaac John Stewart textbook on quadrature (7 images) 1745
Newton, Isaac The System of the World (3 images) 1740 (1728 original)
Newton, Isaac Arithmetica universalis: sive de compositione et resolutione arithmetica liber (4 images) 1722 (original 1707)
Newton, Isaac Universal Arithmetick (4 images) 1769 (Latin original 1707; English original 1720)
Newton, John Cosmographia (2 images) 1694
Nicéron, Jean François La Perspective Curieuse (2 images) 1663 (1638 original)
Nicolas, Gaspar Tratado da Prática D'arismetyca (7 images) 1519
Nicollet, Joseph Nicolas Traité elémentaire [et] synthétique des sections coniques (student notes) (4 images) 1809
Nicomachus of Gerasa Introduction to Pythagorean Arithmetic (Greek, 6 images) 14th cent. copy (2nd cent. original)
Nicomachus of Gerasa Introduction to Arithmetic (4 images) 1668 Latin trans. of 3rd cent. Greek trans. of 2nd cent. original
Nightingale, Florence Notes on Matters Affecting the Health, Efficiency, and Hospital Administration of the British Army and contributions to Mortality of the British Army (5 images) 1858
Nightingale, Florence Letter to American Statistical Association (1 image) 1875
Nigroni, Giovanna Battista Manuscript on Area and Volume (7 images) 1675
Nilakantha Somayaji Tantrasangraha (1 image) 1501
Nottnagel, Christoph Synopsis mathematica: continens mathesin generalem, arithmeticam, geometricam, astronomiam, geographiam (3 images) 1657
Back to top    
Ochoa de Samaniego, Francisco Arismetica guarisma (1 image) 1644
Ockerlund, Nels Combination ruler, protractor, and calculating device (1 image) 1870
Omerique, Antonio Hugo Analysis geometrica (4 images) 1698
Osborne, Thomas Treatise on Arithmetic (11 images) 1602
Oughtred, William Clavis mathematicae (The Key to Mathematics) (5 images) 1631
Oughtred, William Clavis mathematicae (3 images) 1667 (1631 original)
Oughtred, William The Key to the Mathematicks (English translation of Clavis mathematicae, 11 images) 1647
Oughtred, William The Key to the Mathematicks (section on notation, 5 images) 1647
Oughtred, William The Circles of Proportion (trans. by William Forster, 1 image) 1632
Oughtred, William To the English gentrie (1 image) 1633
Oughtred, William Elementi Decimi Euclidis Declaratio (Euclid Clarified, 2 images; see also these 8 images) 1662
Oughtred, William Theorematum in Libris Archimedis de Sphaera & Cylindro Declaratio (3 images) 1663
Ozanam, Jacques La géométrie pratique (2 images) 1684
Ozanam, Jacques Dictionaire mathematique (5 images) 1691
Ozanam, Jacques Cours de mathematique (6 images of French original and 6 images of English translation) 1693 (1712 translation)
Ozanam, Jacques Récréations mathématiques et physiques (3 images) 1698 (1694 original)
Ozanam, Jacques La Trigonometrie Rectiligne et Spherique (2 images) 1741
Pacioli, Luca Summa de arithmetica, geometria, ... (5 images; see also these 5 images and these 3 images) 1494
Pacioli, Luca De divina proportione (Da Vinci's illustrations of Platonic solids, 15 images; see also these 2 images and these 3 images and these 3 images) 1509
Pacioli, Luca Elements of Euclid (7 images; see also these 7 images) 1509
Panchaud, Benjamin Mathematical Lessons or Interviews (2 images) 1743
Pardies, Ignace Gaston Elements de geometrie (in Chinese, 3 images) 1690s (1671 original)
Pardies, Ignace Gaston Short but Plain Elements of Geometry and Plain Trigonometry (9 images) 1701 (1671 original)
Paris, Matthew Illuminator of Experimentarius and The Prognostics (3 images) before 1259
Partridge, Seth Description and Use of an Instrument Called the Double Scale of Proportion (2 images) 1692 (1671 original)
Pascal, Blaise Pascal's Calculator, or Pascaline (1 image) 1645
Pascal, Blaise Oeuvres de Pascal, Vol. I (2 images) 1779
Paul, Jeremiah, et al American Tutor's Assistant (2nd ed., 3 images) 1794 (1st ed. 1791)
Pavlovich, Khristaki Bulgarian Arithmetic (4 images) 1833
Peacock, George Treatise on Algebra (5 images) 1830
Peano , Giuseppe Arithmetices Principia (2 images) 1889
Peano, Guiseppe Geometric (Vector) Calculus (in German, 2 images) 1891 (1888 Ital. original)
Peano, Guiseppe Formulaire de Mathématiques (6 images) 1901
Peck, William and Charles Davies Mathematical Cyclopedia (2 images) 1872
Peckham (or Pecham), John Perspectiva (3 images) 1556 (13th-cent. original)
Peirce, Benjamin Linear Associative Algebra (5 images) 1882
Peirce, Benjamin (editor) Cambridge Miscellany of Mathematics (1 image) April 1842
Peirce, Benjamin Osgood Mathematical and Physical Papers (4 images) 1926
Peletier, Jacques l'Algebre (3 images) 1554
Pell, John Controversy with Longomontanus concerning the Quadrature of the Circle (3 images) 1647
Pellos, Francisco Compendio de lo abaco (1 image) 1492
Pencz, Georg Engraving of Arithmetica (1 image) 16th century
Penther, Johann Fredrick Praxis geometriae (2 images) 1752 (1732 original)
Perez de Moya, Juan Arismetica pratica (2 images) 1609 (1562 original)
Perez de Moya, Juan Tratado de mathematicas (2 images) 1573
Perkins, Peter The Seaman’s Tutor (5 images) 1682
Petri, Nicholaus Reckoning and Cypher Book (15 images) 1635 (1583 original)
Petrus Cracoviensis Computus novus ecclesiasticus (2 images) 1515 (1505 original)
Peuerbach, Georg von Epitome of Ptolemy's Almagest (4 images; see also these 5 images) 1496
Peuerbach, Georg von Opus algorithmi (2 images) 1503
Peuerbach, Georg von Arithmetices elementa (1 image) 1544
Peuerbach, Georg von Novae Theoricae Planetarum (4 images) ca. 16th century
Peverone, Giovanni Francesco  Arithmetic and Geometry (22 images) 1558, 1581
Pfinzing, Paul Methodvs Geometrica (7 images) 1598
Picart, Bernard Engraving representing geometry and military science (1 image) 1729
Piero della Francesca Works of Archimedes (11 images) late 1450s
Pike, Nicolas Arithmetic (4 images) 1788
Pitiscus, Bartholomew Trigonometria (2 images) 1600
Placentinus, Johann Geotomia, sive Terrae sectio, exhibens praecipua & difficiliora problemata (5 images)
Playfair, John Prospectus of a Course of Lectures on Some of the Practical Parts of the Mathematics (1 image) 1793
Playfair, John Elements of Geometry (4 images) 1832 (1795 original)
Playfair, John On the Progress of Mathematical and Physical Science Since the Revival of Letters in Europe (3 images) 1820 (1816–1820 original)
Plücker, Julius System der analytischen Geometrie (2 images) 1835
Plücker, Julius Theorie der algebraischen Curven (3 images) 1839
Poincaré, Henri Notes on Lectures of Poincaré (3 images) 1881-1883
Poincaré, Henri Théorie des Groupes Fuchsiens in first issue of Acta Mathematica (8 images) 1882
Poincaré, Henri Science and Hypothesis (5 images) 1902/1905
Poincaré, Henri Calcul des Probabilités (2 images) 1912 (1907 original)
Poisson, Siméon-Denis Nouvelle théorie de l'action capillaire (2 images) 1831
Poisson, Siméon-Denis Traité de mécanique (3 images) 1833 (1811 original)
Poisson, Siméon-Denis Théorie mathématique de la chaleur (2 images) 1835
Poncelet, Jean Victor Propriétés Projectives des Figures (Projective Geometry, 3 images) 1822/1865
Poppe, Johann Heinrich Moritz von Geschichte der Mathematik seit der ältesten bis auf die neueste Zeit (3 images) 1828
Potts, Robert Euclid's Elements of Geometry (5 images) 1871 (1845 original)
Pourchot, Edmund Elementa Geometria (3 images) 1692
Prestet, Jean Elemens de mathematiques (2 images) 1675
Prestet, Jean Nouveaux elemens de mathematiques (5 images) 1694
Ptolemy, Claudius Epitome of Ptolemy's Almagest (4 images; see also these 5 images) 1496
Ptolemy, Claudius Almagest (3 images) 1515 (2nd century original)
Ptolemy, Claudius Ptolemaei mathematicae (Almagest in Greek/Latin, 3 images) 1549
Ptolemy, Claudius In Ptolemaei magnam compositionem (Almagest, 6 images) 1550
Puckle, George Hale An Elementary Treatise on Conic Sections and Algebraic Geometry (8 images) 1854
Puiseux, Victor Mathematical Papers (3 images) 1842
Qāḍī Zāda Mūsá ibn Muḥammad (also known as al-Rūmī) Sharḥ ashkāl al-taʾsīs (Commentary on the Fundamental Theorems, 1 image) 16th century copy of ca 1412–13 original
Qāḍī Zāda Mūsá ibn Muḥammad (also known as al-Rūmī) Sharḥ ashkāl al-taʾsīs (Commentary on the Fundamental Theorems, 3 images) ca 1413–1611 copy of ca 1412–13 original
Qāḍī Zāda Mūsá ibn Muḥammad (also known as al-Rūmī) Sharḥ ashkāl al-taʾsīs (Commentary on the Forms of Foundation, 3 images) 1714–15 copy of ca 1412–13 original
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Ramanujan, Srinivasa Notebooks (6 images) 1910s
Ramchundra  A Treatise on Problems of Maxima and Minima Solved by Algebra (4 images) 1850
Ramsden, Jesse Sector from Ramsden's Workshop (1 image) 1765-1800
Ramus, Peter Scholarum mathematicarum (Branches of Mathematics, 8 images) 1559
Ramus, Peter Arithmeticae libri duo: Geometriae septem et viginti (6 images) 1580
Ramus, Peter Arithmetices (3 images) 1586
Ramus, Peter The Way to Geometry (2 images) 1636
Raṅgācārya, M. (translator) The Ganita-sāra-sangraha of Mahāvīrācārya (4 images) 1912 (9th-cent. original)
Raphson, Joseph Raphson's Root Approximation (Analysis equationum universalis) (2 images) 1702 (1690 original)
Ratdolt, Erhardus Euclid's Elements (10 images) 1482
Rathborne, Aaron Surveyor in Foure Bookes (3 images) 1616
Recorde, Robert Pathway to Knowledge (1 image) 1551
Recorde, Robert Castle of Knowledge (2 images) 1556
Recorde, Robert Grounde of Artes (4 images) 1543
Recorde, Robert Whetstone of Witte (6 images) 1557
Redheffer, Raymond, author Men of Modern Mathematics timeline poster, published by IBM (2 images) 1966
Regiomontanus (Johannes Müller) On Triangles (2 images) 1533
Regiomontanus (Johannes Müller) Kalendarium (2 images) 1489 (1474 original)
Regiomontanus (Johannes Müller) Epitome of Ptolemy's Almagest (4 images; see also these 5 images) 1496
Regiomontanus (Johannes Müller) Opus algorithmi (2 images) 1503
Regiomontanus (Johannes Müller) In Ptolemaei magnam compositionem (Ptolemy’s Almagest, 6 images) 1550
Reimers, Nicolaus Algebra (Arithmetica Analytica, 5 images) 1601
Reinhold, Erasmus Ptolemaei mathematicae (Almagest in Greek/Latin, 3 images) 1549
Reisch, Gregor Margarita philosophica (6 images) 1503
Reisch, Gregor Margarita Philosophica (14 images) 1517 (1503 original)
Renaldini (or Rinaldini), Carol (or Carlo) Opus mathematicum (1 image) 1655
Rhodius, Ambrosius (lecturer) Enchiridion mathematicum continens elementa mathesos (student notes)  (9 images) 1629
Ricci, Matteo Kunyu wanguo quantu (1 image) 1602
Ricci, Matteo, and Li Zhizao Yuan rong jiao yi (Treatise on Geometry, 3 images) 1847 (1608 original)
Ricci, Matteo, and Xu Guanqi Ce liang fa yi (Theory of Surveying, 1 image) ca 1610
Ricci, Michelangelo Exercitatio Geometrice de Maximis & Minimis (4 images) 1668
Riccioli, Giovanni Battista Almagestum Novum (2 images) 1651
Richard, Claude Apollonii Conicorum libri IV. Cum commentariis R. P. Claudii Richardi (1 image) 1655
Riemann, Bernhard Inaugural Address at Göttingen (1 image) 1854/1867
Riemann, Bernhard Partielle Differentialgleichungen (2 images) 1869
Riemann, Bernhard Gesammelte Mathematische Werke (4 images) 1876
Riemann, Bernhard Oeuvres mathématiques (3 images) 1898
Ries, Markus Christian Praxis Geometriae (4 images) 1700
Riese, Adam Rechenbuch (7 images) 1550
Rinaldini (or Renaldini), Carlo (or Carol) Opus mathematicum (1 image) 1655
Ritty, James and John Ritty cash register (1 image) by 1904
Robertson, William H. “Consul,” the Educated Monkey (3 images) 1915
de Roberval, Gilles Personne Divers Ouvrages (5 images) 1693
Robins, Benjamin The True Principles of Gunnery (1 image) 1777 (1742 original)
Rocha, Antich Arithmetica (2 images) 1565
Rogers, Bruce Elements of Geometry Book I (2 images) 1944
Roppelt, Johann Baptist Geometria theoretica et practica (11 images) 1772
Roppelt, Johann Baptist Praktische Abhandlung Von Den Granz-Zeichen Sammt Einer Geometrischen Unterweisung (4 images) 1775
Roppelt, Johann Baptist Introdvctio in mathesin qvarvmcvnqve scientiarvm cvltoribvs accommodata ad eivs qvoqve stvdium incitatoria (4 images) 1777
Rose, John United States Arithmetician (5th ed., 4 images) 1832
Rosenzweig, Johann Friedrich Rechenbuch (3 images) 1721
Rossetti, Donato Figure de Sistemi del Mondo d’Aristotile Copernico e Ticone (8 images) 1680
Rubik's Cube Museum Promotional Pen (1 image) 1988–1991
Rudin, Mary Ellen Lectures on Set Theoretic Topology (4 images) 1975
Rudolff, Christoff Die Coss (10 images) 1553 (1525 original)
Ruffini, Paolo Theory of Equations (3 images) 1799
Ruffini, Paolo Riflessioni intorno alla soluzione delle equazioni algebraiche (2 images) 1813
Runge, Carl David Tolmé Graphical Methods (5 images) 1912
Russell, Bertrand and A. N. Whitehead Principia Mathematica (6 images) 1910–1913/1925
Rutter, Henry The Metric System of Weights and Measures (7 images) 1866
Ryff, Peter Questiones Geometricae (3 images) 1621
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Sabeus, Bernard Italian astrolabe 1558
Saccheri, Girolamo Euclides ab omni naevo vindicatus (5 images) 1733
Sacrobosco, Johannes de Tractatus De Sphaera (manuscript, 4 images) ca 1256–1270
Sacrobosco, Johannes de Algorismus (2 images) 13th century
Sacrobosco, Johannes de Tractatus De Sphaera (Astronomy, 3 images) 1482 (13th-cent. original)
Sacrobosco, Johannes de Algorismus (Arithmetic, 2 images; see also this 1 image of another 15th-century manuscript) 1490 (13th-cent. original)
Sadeler, Raphael Engraving of Minerva giving instructions in geometry (1 image) 1591
Safe-T Blackboard triangles 2000
Saint-Vincent, Grégoire de Opus geometricum quadraturae circuli et sectionum coni. Decem libris comprehensum (7 images) 1647
Salmon, George Treatise on Conic Sections (3 images) 1869 (1848 original)
Salmon, George Lessons Introductory to the Modern Higher Algebra (8 images) 1876 (1859 original)
Salmon, George Treatise on Higher Plane Curves (10 images) 1879 (1852 original)
Salmon, George Treatise on the Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions (5th ed., revised by Reginald Rogers, 3 images) 1912 (1st ed. 1862)
Sanford, Vera A Short History of Mathematics (7 images) 1930
Santcliment, Francesc Suma de la art de arismetica (8 images) 1482
Sarfati, Joseph ben Moses Sephardic arithmetic (3 images) 15th century
Sault, Richard New Treatise of Algebra (5 images) 1694
Saunderson, Nicholaus Elements of Algebra (6 images) 1740
Savonne, Pierre de L'Arithmetique (3 images; see also these 8 images from a 1630 edition) 1571
Saxton, John The Merchant's Companion (2 images) 1737
Scarburgh, Edmund The English Euclide (8 images) 1705
Scheiner, Christoph Pantographice, seu ars delineandi (2 images) 1631
Scherffer, Karl

Institutionum Geometricarum (4 vol., 4 images)

Schessler, Christian Demonstrationes mathematicae (9 images) 1698
Scheubel, Johann De numeris (2 images) 1545
Scheubel, Johann Algebrae Compendiosa (22 images) 1551
Schilling, Martin Hypotrochoid kinematic model (1 image) ca 1900
Schilling, Rudolph Ernst Die Geometrie und Trigonometrie (3 images) 1770
Schlegel, Victor Grassman’s Extension Theory (Ausdehnungslehre) (1 image) 1872
Schöner, Johannes Algorithmus demonstratus (3 images; see also these 3 images) 1534
Schöner, Johannes Opera Mathematica (2 images) 1561
Schott, Gaspar Magia universalis naturae et artis, Vol. 1 (2 images) 1657
Schott, Gaspar Cursus Mathematicus sive absoluta omnium mathematicarum disciplinarum encyclopædia (8 images) 1661
Schreiber, Heinrich (Henricus Grammateus) Ayn new Kunstlich Buech (A New Skill Book, 3 images) 1518
Schultes, Hans Jetons for counting boards (3 images) ca 1490 - 1635
Schut, Cornelis Engravings of Arithmetic and Geometry (2 images) 17th century
Schwarz, Hermann C. Versuch einer Philosophie der Mathematik (3 images) 1853
Schwenter, Daniel Delicia Physico-Mathematicae (in German, 9 images) 1636, 1651
Schwenter, Daniel Geometriae practicae (6 images) 1641
Scott, Charlotte Angas An Introductory Account of Certain Modern Ideas and Methods in Plane Analytical Geometry (6 images) 1894
Seki Takakazu (or Kowa) Kigenkai (3 images) 17th - 18th century
Seki Takakazu (or Kowa) Kaifuku dai no ho (1 image) 17th - 18th century
Seki Kowa (or Takakazu) Essentials of Mathematics (2 images) 1712
Sellers, John A Pocket Book ... of Mathematical Tables (4 images) 1677
Sems, Johannes Practijck des Landmetens (2 images) 1620
Sénebier, Pierre Traite d’Arithmetique (2 images) 1774
Serjant, Mary Copybook (2 images) 1688
Sfortunati, Giovanni Nuovo lume / Libro di arithmetica (1 image) 1534
Shakers of West Gloucester (later Sabbathday), Maine Metric volume measures (1 image) 1877–1900
Shimizu Sadanori Kiku yoho kuden shiroku (3 images) 18th century
Silicaeus, Joannes Blasius Martinus (Martinez) Liber arithmetice practice (3 images) 1513
Siliceo, Juan Martinez Ars arithmetica (1 image) 1514
Simpson, Thomas Mathematical Dissertations on a Variety of Physical and Analytical Subjects (1 image) 1743
Simpson, Thomas Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical; With the Construction and Application of Logarithms (4 images) 1748
Simpson, Thomas Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical; With the Construction and Application of Logarithms (2 images) 1810 (1748 original)
Simpson, Thomas Select Exercises for Young Proficients in the Mathematicks (6 images) 1752
Simpson, Thomas Select Exercises for Young Proficients in the Mathematicks (6 images) 1792 (1752 original)
Simpson, Thomas Miscellaneous Tracts (4 images) 1757
Simpson, Thomas Elements of Geometry (3 images) 1760 (1747 original)
Simpson, Thomas Doctrine of Annuities and Reversions (3 images) 1775 (1742 original)
Simpson, Thomas Doctrine and Application of Fluxions (3 images) 1805 (1750 original)
Simpson, Thomas A Treatise of Algebra (5 images) 1826 (1745 original)
Simson, Robert Sectionum Conicarum (5 images) 1735
Simson, Robert The Elements of Euclid (7 images; see also these 7 images from an 1834 reprint) 1756
Simson, Robert Opera Quaedam Reliqua (5 images) 1776
Simson, Robert Robert Simson's Conic Sections (4 images) 1804 (ca 1775 original)
Skinner, Burrhus Frederick Arithmetic Teaching Machine (1 image) 1954
Smith, David Eugene Rara Arithmetica (2 images) 1908
Smith, David Eugene, and Louis Charles Karpinski The Hindu-Arabic Numerals (6 images) 1911
Smith, David Eugene (editor) Budget of Paradoxes (by Augustus De Morgan, 9 images) 1915
Smith, David Eugene History of Mathematics (6 images) 1923 and 1925
Snyder, Virgil, and John Irwin Hutchinson Differential and Integral Calculus (7 images) 1902
Somerville, Mary Celestial Mechanics (in English, 2 images) 1831
Spänlin, Gallus Arithmetica (4 images) 1546
Speidell, Euclid Logarithmotechnia, or, The making of numbers called logarithms to twenty five places from a geometrical figure (1 image) 1688
Speidell, John Geometry Manuscript (3 images) 1648
Steell, Robert A Treatise of Conic Sections (7 images) 1723
Steell, Robert A Treatise of Conic Sections (1 image) 1745 (1723 original)
Steiner, Jakob Synthetische Geometrie (2 images) 1876 (1867 original)
Stevin, Simon L’Arithmetique (3 images) 1585
Stevin, Simon De Beghinselen Der Weeghconst (3 images) 1586
Stevin, Simon Disme, The Art of Tenths (5 images) 1608 (1585 original)
Stevin, Simon Castrametatio Avraico-Nassovica (2 images) 1631
Stevin, Simon Oeuvres Mathematiques (5 images) 1634
Stewart, John early text based on Newton's calculus (7 images) 1745
Stifel, Michael Arithmetica Integra (5 images) 1544
Stifel, Michael Deutsche Arithmetica (4 images) 1545
Stoffler, Johannes Art of Measurement (4 images) 1536
Stoeffler, Johann Elucidatio fabricae vsusque astrolabii (3 images) 1524 (1513 original)
Stone, Edmund Construction and Use of the Sector (2 images) 1729
Story, William American Journal of Mathematics (6 images) 1878
Strachey, Edward Bija Ganita (9 images) 1813 translation of Bhaskara’s 12th-century original
Sturm, Charles Cours d’Analyse de l’École Polytechnique, Vol. I (7 images) 1877 (1857 original)
Sturm, Johann Christoph Mathesis Enucleata (3 images) 1689
Sturm, Johann Christoph Mathesis Enucleata (3 images) 1695 (1689 original)
Sturm, Johann Christoph Mathesis Enucleata: Or, The Elements of the Mathematicks (English translation, 4 images) 1700 (1689 original)
Sturmy, Samuel Mariner's Magazine (4 images) 1669
Swineshead, Richard Opus aureum calculationum (1 image) 1477 (ca 1350 original)
Sylvester, James Joseph Letter to Leopold Kronecker (2 images) 1884
Sylvester, James Joseph American Journal of Mathematics (6 images) 1878
Sylvester, James Joseph Collected Mathematical Papers, Vol. I (7 images) 1904
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Tacquet, Andre Cylindrica et annularia (4 images) 1651
Tacquet, Andrea (Andrew) Tacquet's Euclid and Archimedes (5 images; see also these 2 images and these 4 images) 1654/1747/1753
Tacquet, Andrea Practical and Theoretical Arithmetic (2 images) 1704 (1656 original)
Tagliente, Girolamo Commercial Arithmetic (5 images) 1525
Tagliente, Giovanni and Girolamo Libro d'abaco (7 images) 1535 (1515 original)
Tait, Peter Guthrie Elementary Treatise on Quaternions (4 images) 1867
Takebe Katahiro Shinpen sangaku keimo (3 images) 1690
Tanner, Robert A Mirror for Mathematiques (3 images) 1587
Tannery, Paul, and Charles Henry Oeuvres de Fermat, Vol. I (3 images) 1891
Tartaglia, Niccolò Nova Scientia (4 images) 1537
Tartaglia, Niccolò Euclid (5 images) 1543
Tartaglia, Niccolò Treatise on Number & Measure (2 images) 1556
Tartaglia, Niccolò L’Arithmetique (3 images) 1578 (1556 original)
Tartaglia, Niccolò Tutte l'opere d'arithmetica (3 images) 1592
Taylor, John Thesaurium mathematicae, or Treasury of Mathematics (3 images; see also these 8 images) 1687
de Texeda, Gaspar Commercial Arithmetic (3 images) 1546
Theodosius (of Bithynia, formerly known as Theodosius of Tripoli) Les Trois Livres des Elemens Spheriques de Theodose Tripolitain (French translation of Latin Sphaerics, 4 images) 1615
Thibault, Gérard Académie de l'Espée (5 images) 1628
Thomas, Antoine Synopsis Mathematica complectens varios tractatus (8 images) 1685
Thomas, Charles Thomas Arithmometer (1 image) 1867
Thomson, James B. A Key to the Abridgment of Day’s Algebra (1 image) 1844
Tizzard, Samuel New Athenian Oracle, or Ladies' Companion (3 images) 1806
Todd, John American Tutor's Assistant (2nd ed., 3 images) 1794 (1st ed. 1791)
Todhunter, Isaac A History of the Progress of the Calculus of Variations During the Nineteenth Century (5 images) 1861
Todhunter, Isaac Calculus (5th ed., 7 images) 1871
Todhunter, Isaac The Elements of Euclid (12 images) 1872 (1862 original)
Todhunter, Isaac Elementary Treatise on Laplace’s Functions, Lame’s Functions and Bessel’s Functions (6 images) 1875
Todhunter, Isaac Algebra for Beginners (6 images) 1876 (1858 original)
Todhunter, Isaac Examples of Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions (6 images) 1878 (1858 original)
Todhunter, Isaac An Elementary Treatise on the Theory of Equations (4 images) 1888
Todhunter, Isaac A Treatise on the Integral Calculus (5 images) 1889 (1878 original)
Tomlinson, N.R. (student)
Royal Naval College
Copy book of A Course of Mathematical Learning Taught in the Royal Academy, Portsmouth (5 images) 1806
Torricelli, Evangelista Opera geometrica (4 images; see also these 4 images) 1644
Torricelli, Evangelista Letter from Torricelli to Mersenne (1 image) 1645
Torricelli, Evangelista Academic Lectures (2 images; see also these 2 images and these 2 images) 1715 (delivered 1642–1647)
Trenchant, Jean L'Arithmetique (7 images) 1602 (1557 original)
Trevelyon, Thomas Trevelyon Miscellany (5 images) 1608
Troili, Giulio Paradossi per pratticare la Prespettiua (13 images) 1683 (1672 original)
Troncet, Louis Troncet Arithmographe (1 image) 1889/1895
Tunstall, Cuthbert De arte supputandi (3 images) 1529 (1522 original)
Ulysbonensis, Rolandus Compendium artis arismetice (3 images) ca 1424
Vallée, Alexandre, engraver Muses of arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy (3 images) ca 1600
van Ceulen, Ludolph Vanden Circkel (4 images) 1596
van Ceulen, Ludolph De circulo et adscriptis liber (3 images; see also these 8 images) 1619
van Ceulen, Ludolph Surdorum quadraticorum arithmetica (4 images; see also these 2 images) 1619
van Etten, Henry (Hendrik) Mathematicall Recreations (3rd English ed., 2 images) 1674 (original English ed. 1633, French original 1624)
van Heuraet, Hendrick Rectification of Curves (3 images) 1659
van Schooten, Frans Tabulae sinuum (1 image) 1632 (1627 original)
van Schooten, Frans De organica conicarum sectionum (3 images) 1646
van Schooten, Frans Exercitationes mathematicae (7 images; see also these 4 images) 1657
van Schooten, Frans Geometria a Renato des Cartes (3 images) 1659
Varignon, Pierre Élémens de Mathématiques (7 images) 1731
Veblen, Oswald Analysis Situs (6 images) 1922
Vecelli, Francesco Problemi di geometria practica (7 images) 1767
Vega, Georg Tables of Logarithms, Trigonometric Values (1 image) 1783
Vega, Georg Lectures on Mathematics (4 images from 2nd of 4 vols.; see also these 4 images from 3rd and 4th vols.) 1784-1819
Venable, Charles S. Arithmetic, Pure and Commercial (1 image) 1868
Venable, Charles S. An Elementary Algebra (1 image) 1869
Venturini, Antonio Libro di conti di me (8 images) 1686
Viète, François Supplementum Geometriae (4 images) 1593
Viète, François Opera Mathematica (8 images; see also these 3 images) 1646 (original 1641)
de Ville Dei, Alexandre Carmen de Algorism (3 images) ca 1240
da Vinci, Leonardo Sketches for Luca Pacioli's De divina proportione (15 images) 1509
Vinkeles, Reinier The Mathematics Lesson (pen and ink drawing, 1 image) 1776
Viviani, Vincenzo manuscript notes on his studies with Galileo (4 images) 17th century
Viviani, Vincenzo De Maximis et Minimis (2 images) 1659
Viviani, Vincenzo Formazione e misvra di tutti i cieli (2 images) 1692
Viviani, Vincenzo De Locis Solidis and portrait of Galileo (1 image) 1701
Vlacq, Adriaan Arithmetique Logarithmetique (3 images) 1628
Vlacq, Adriaan Tabellen der Sinuum, Tangentium, und Secantium (2 images) 1663 (1636 original)
Vögelin, Johann Elementale geometricum (3 images) 1550
Voltaire Élémens de la philosophie de Neuton (7 images) 1738
Volterra, Vito Theory of Functionals (2 images) 1930
von Humboldt, Alexander Codex Mexicanus of the Maya (1 image) 1814 (12th cent. original)
von Langsdorf, Karl Christian Explanations of Kästner’s Analysis of Finite Quantities (2 images) 1776–1777
Vossius, Gerardus Scientiis Mathematicis (3 images) 1650
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Wagner, Ulrich (attributed) Arithmetic Block Book (2 images) 1471–1482
Wagner, Ulrich Das Bamberger Rechenbuch (1 image) 1482
Walkingame, Francis The Tutor’s Assistant (5 images) 1752 (1751 original)
Wallis, John

De Sectionibus Conicis and Arithmetica Infinitorum (8 images)

1655, 1656
Wallis, John Operum Mathematicorum Pars Prima (3 images) 1657
Wallis, John Archimedes in Greek and Latin (2 images) 1676
Wallis, John Treatise of Algebra (4 images; see also these 4 images) 1685
Wallis, John Opera mathematica (6 images; see also these 6 images) 1695 (1693–1699)
Walrond, Henry Arithmetical Tables (8 images) 1663
Walsh, Michael Mercantile Arithmetic: Adapted to the U.S. (7 images) 1804/1807
Wang, An Wang desktop programmable calculator (1 image) ca 1965
Ward, John Compendium of Algebra (3 images) 1724
Ward, John Young Mathematician's Guide (2 images) 1734 (1703 original)
Waring, Edward Proprietates algebraicarum curvarum (8 images) 1772
Waring, Edward Meditationes Analyticae (3 images) 1785 (1773 original)
Waring, William American Tutor's Assistant (2nd ed., 3 images) 1794 (1st ed. 1791)
Waymouth, George Jewell of Artes (3 images) 1604
Webber, Samuel Mathematics for Harvard Students (3 images) 1808 (1801 original)
Weber, Heinrich Elliptische Functionen und Algebraische Zahlen (6 images) 1891
Weber, Heinrich Lehrbuch der Algebra (8 images) 1895
Webster, William A compendious course of practical mathematicks (1 image) 1730
Weierstrass, Karl Notes on Lectures of Weierstrass (3 images) 1879
Weierstrass, Karl Lecture notes on elliptic functions (4 images) 1879-1881
Weierstrass, Karl Notes on Elliptic Function lectures (8 images) 1887
Weigel, Erhard Philosophia Mathematica (2 images) 1693
Weyl, Hermann Die Idee der Riemannschen Fläche (3 images) 1913
Weyl, Hermann Das Kontinuum (2 images) 1918
Weyl, Hermann Raum. Zeit. Materie. (3 images) 1919
Wheeler, A. Harry Geometric model from paper (1 image) 1915
Wheeler, A. Harry Transformable plane dissection (1 image) 1931
Wheeler, A. Harry Dissected rhombic dodecahedron (2 images) 1930s
Wheeler, A. Harry Model of spherical triangle influenced by World War II (1 image) 1945
White, Richard

Hemisphaerium dissectum opus geometricum (5 images)

Whitehead, Alfred North Introduction to Mathematics (3 images) 1911
Whitehead, Alfred North, and Bertrand Russell Principia Mathematica (6 images) 1910-1913/1925
Whitworth, William Choice and Chance (4 images) 1870 (1st ed. 1867)
Widman, Johannes Behend und hüpsch Rechnung uff [auf] allen Kauffmanschafften (5 images) 1508 (1489 original)
Williamson, Benjamin An Elementary Treatise on the Differential Calculus (5 images) 1872
Wilson, Edwin B. Gibbs' Vector Analysis (5 images) 1901
Wilson, James Solid Geometry and Conic Sections (6 images) 1908 (1872 original)
Wingate, Edmund Arithmetique Made Easie (1 image) 1652 (1630 original)
Wingate, Edmund Construction and Use of Logarithmicall Tables, 3rd ed. (1 image) 1648
Winthrop, William U.S. College Mathematics (copybooks, 6 images) 1769–1774
Wischmeyer, Carl W. Descriptive Geometry (3 images) 1918 (1893 original)
Witt, Jan de Elements of Linear Curves (5 images) 1683
Woepcke, Franz History of Indian Cyphers (3 images) 1863
Wolff, Christian Foundations of All Mathematical Knowledge (6 images; see also 1 image of a 1750 printing) 1772 (1710 original)
Wolff, Christian Trigonometrie (1 image) 1711
Wolff, Christian Mathematical Lexicon (3 images) 1716
Wolff, Christian Treatise of Algebra (5 images) 1765 (1739 original)
Wood, Benjamin IBM statistical tabulator (1 image) 1929
Wood, Matthew Copybook (2 images) 1699
Wright, Edward Certaine Errors in Navigation (2 images) 1610 (1599 original)
Wylie, Alexander, and Li Shanlan A New Mathematics Curriculum for China (10 images) 1853/1859
Wylie, Alexander, and Li Shanlan Euclid's Elements for China (3 images) 1865
Xu Guanqi and Matteo Ricci Ce liang fa yi (Theory of Surveying, 1 image) ca 1610
Yang Tingyun and Giulio Aleni Zhifang Waiji (1 image) 1623
Yoshida Mitsuyoshi Shinpen jinkoki (3 images) 1689 (1627 original)
Yoshida Mitsuyoshi Shinpen jinkoki (6 images) 18th cent. or later (1627 original)
Zamberti, Bartolomeo Euclidis Megarensis mathematici clarissimi elementorum geometricorum libri XV … (10 images) 1558 (from Zamberti's 1505 original)
Zamerano, Rodrigo Los seis libros primeros dela geometria de Euclides (2 images) 1576
Zeuthen, Hieronymous Georg History of Mathematics in Antiquity and Middle Ages (3 images) 1896 (1893 original)
Zhu Shijie Xin bian suan xue qi meng (New Arithmetic Enlightenment, 2 images)

1839 (1299 original)

Zhu Shijie Xin bian suan xue qi meng (New Arithmetic Enlightenment, 3 images) 1660 (1299 original)
Zhu Shijie Shinpen sangaku keimo (Suan xue qi meng, 3 images) 1690 (1299 original)
Zhu Shijie Siyuan yujian (Precious [or Jade] Mirror of the Four Elements, 1 image) 19th cent. (1303 original)
Ziegenbalg, Ernest Gotlieb Euclidis elementa geometriæ, det er, Første Grund til Geometrien, i det danske Sprog oversat (Euclid’s Elements of Geometry, That is, the Foundation of Geometry, Translated into the Danish Language, 5 images) 1744
Zubler, Leonhard Nova Instrumentum Geometricum (5 images) 1607
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Most of the images in this collection of "mathematical treasures" were obtained for Convergence and the MAA by Convergence's "chief treasure hunter" and co-founding editor, Frank Swetz, of The Pennsylvania State University. We are grateful to him; to the National Science Foundation for partial funding of the project via grants to MAA; to the History of Mathematics Special Interest Group of the MAA (HOM SIGMAA) for partial funding of the project; and to the librarians, museum curators, and individuals who allowed us to publish images of their treasures here and now allow you to use them in your classroom. Contributing libraries, museums, and individuals include:

"Index to Mathematical Treasures," Convergence (May 2020)