Johann Baptist Roppelt (1744–1814) was a mathematician, cartographer and, possibly, a cleric in Bamberg. Several of his written works are still extant, particularly an elaborate illustrated manuscript prepared in 1772, Geometria theoretica et practica.
The manuscript has a double frontispiece:
The “eye of God” views the dedication “To our Creator . . . .”
The first page of the Preface:
Definitions and classifications:
A discussion of the perpendicular:
Measurement theory and techniques are discussed:
The latter part of the manuscript considers the “Platonic solids.”
Roppelt also prepared a general introduction to the mathematical sciences, the Introdvctio in mathesin qvarvmcvnqve scientiarvm cvltoribvs accommodata ad eivs qvoqve stvdium incitatoria of 1777.
The text begins with a listing of definitions:
The author uses tables to show relationships:
The images above are provided courtesy of Bamberg State Library. Full digitizations of Geometria and Introdvctio in mathesin are available.
Index to Mathematical Treasures