David Eugene Smith (1860–1944) was a mathematics educator and book collector who was a professor at Teachers College of Columbia University. Together with George Arthur Plimpton, he made the sizable donation of rare books to Columbia University that provided the impetus for Convergence’s collection of Mathematical Treasures.
Smith also wrote a number of textbooks and histories of mathematics. His two-volume History of Mathematics appeared in 1923 and 1925. Volume 1 presented a chronological history from prehistoric times to the then-present day, while volume 2 took a topical approach to various subjects in elementary mathematics as well as related matters such as calculating tools and weights and measures. The title page of volume 1 is shown below.

He provided a bibliography at the front of the book.

Smith used both photographs and drawings to illustrate his account, which covered developments in the Middle East and Asia as well as in Europe.

Each chapter ended with topics for classroom discussion.

Volume 1 ended with a chronology of the history of mathematics, with contributions Smith thought were especially significant presented in boldface text.

Full digitizations of the copy of volume 1 owned by the University of Arizona and the copy of volume 2 owned by Milligan College are available from the Internet Archive.
Index to Mathematical Treasures