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Mathematical Treasure: Jonas Moore’s Mathematical Compendium

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

Jonas Moore (1627–1679), the famous co-founder of the Royal Mathematical School (RMS) at Christ’s Hospital in London, prepared A Mathematical Compendium in 1674. A much-expanded second edition appeared in 1681.

Title page of 1681 second edition of Jonas Moore's Mathematical Compendium.

Folded-out plate from 1681 second edition of Jonas Moore's Mathematical Compendium.

Perpetual calendar from 1681 second edition of Jonas Moore's Mathematical Compendium.


These images show a copy listed for sale in 2020 by Heritage Book Shop, LLC. A full digitization of the copy owned by the British Library is available on GoogleBooks.

The mathematics master at RMS, Peter Perkins (d. 1680), assisted Moore with some of his other books and prepared an independent text that also appeared posthumously, The Seaman’s Tutor of 1682.

Frontispiece and title page of Peter Perkins's 1682 The Seaman's Tutor.

An additional frontispiece depicts a student of the RMS in his robes. The circular badge on the front of the robe indicates that the wearer is a Kings scholar.

Additional frontispiece from Peter Perkins's 1682 The Seaman's Tutor.

Some sample pages from the text:

First page from Peter Perkins's 1682 The Seaman's Tutor.

Page 250 from Peter Perkins's 1682 The Seaman's Tutor.

Page 264 from Peter Perkins's 1682 The Seaman's Tutor.

A full digitization of the copy owned by the John Carter Brown Library may be found in the Internet Archive.

For more on Moore, Perkins, and RMS see Convergence’s Mathematical Treasures for Moore’s Arithmetick in Four Books and New Systeme of the Mathematicks.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Jonas Moore’s Mathematical Compendium," Convergence (August 2021)