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Mathematical Treasure: British Mathematics in Philosophical Transactions, 1655-1700

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

The British journal, Philosophical Transactions and Communications of the Royal Society, usually referred to as the Philosophical Transactions, was founded in 1665 and is the oldest, continuously published, scientific journal in the world. In 1703, John Lowthorp proposed editing and publishing collections of the Transactions. The first such collection, spanning the years 1655-1700, appeared in 1705. This is the title page of the fourth edition of this work, published in 1731.

Title page from 1705 collection of mathematical papers from Philosophical Transactions.

A reading of the “Table of Contents” reveals the scope of British mathematical activities at this time.

Page 23 from 1705 collection of mathematical papers from Philsophical Transactions.Page 24 from 1705 collection of mathematical papers from Philosophical Transactions.

Page 25 of 1705 collection of mathematical papers from Philosophical Transactions.

The images above are presented courtesy of the University of Pennsylvania Libraries.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: British Mathematics in Philosophical Transactions, 1655-1700," Convergence (October 2016)