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Mathematical Treasure: Peter Apian’s Instrument Buch

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

Peter Apian (1495–1552) was a German astronomer, mathematician, instrument maker, and prolific author—note his multiple entries in the Index to Mathematical Treasures. In 1533, he published an “Instrument Book” that discussed a variety of new forms of instruments such as the quadrant and Jacob’s staff. These instruments could be used for surveying, navigating, and timekeeping both during the day and at night.

Title page of Peter Apian's 1533 Instrument Buch.

Apian’s text included diagrams of the scales that could be engraved on quadrants for various purposes.

Diagrams of quadrants from Peter Apian's 1533 Instrument Buch.

He also showed the weight (in the left margin) that was suspended from a quadrant in order to take measurements.

Page from Peter Apian's 1533 Instrument Buch with text and diagrams of the parts of a quadrant.

Constellations were depicted as well.

Pages from Peter Apian's 1533 Instrument Buch showing constellations depicted as animals.

The images above are provided courtesy of Bamberg State Library. A full digitization of this book is available here.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Peter Apian’s Instrument Buch," Convergence (August 2022)