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Mathematical Treasure: Juan Martínez Población’s Compendium on the Astrolabe

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

Juan Martínez Población (1486–1557) was a Spanish physician and mathematician who worked in Paris. In 1518 he prepared De Vsv Astrolabi Compendivm, a short treatise explaining how to use the astrolabe in astronomy, navigation, and mathematics. The book was printed around 20 times in the 16th century, including in the 1553 edition shown here and in 1554.

Title page from a 1553 printing of Juan Martinez Población's Compendium on the Use of the Astrolabe.

A few illustrative pages from this text:

Folio 6 from a 1553 printing of Juan Martinez Población's Compendium on the Use of the Astrolabe.

Folio 10 from a 1553 printing of Juan Martinez Población's Compendium on the Use of the Astrolabe.

Folio 12 from a 1553 printing of Juan Martinez Población's Compendium on the Use of the Astrolabe.

The images above are provided courtesy of Bamberg State Library. A full digitization of this book is available here.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Juan Martínez Población’s Compendium on the Astrolabe," Convergence (August 2022)