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Convergence articles

Displaying 541 - 550 of 724

A wonderful book about the square root of 2, beginning with the search for the side of a square double a given square.

Mesopotamian accounting evolved from simple clay token counters to a number-recording system that included impressions of these tokens on clay tablets.

This is a translation of and discussion of an article of Leonhard Euler in which he attempts to prove the fundamental theorem of algebra. In addition, he discusses in detail his understanding of the nature of complex numbers.

A collection of illustrations of Inca quipus, with references to their earliest descriptions.

Historical Problems can be used to enliven any mathematics class. Here are some examples from medieval times, from a 19th century American textbook, and from a 19th century Armenian textbook, among other sources.

A thorough study of Benjamin Franklin's mathematical accomplishments, in particular his work on magic squares.

Given a pyramid 300 cubits high, with a square base 500 cubits to a side, determine the distance from the center of any side of the base to the apex.

A fox, a wild-cat, and a hound pass through customs and together pay 111 coins.

A man has four creditors. To the first he owes 624 ducats; to the second, 546; to the third, 492; and to the fourth 368.

Prove that the area of a regular polygon can be given by the product of its perimeter and half the radius of the inscribed circle.
