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Convergence articles

Displaying 581 - 590 of 724

The two final volumes of the MAA tercentenary series on Euler present numerous papers on various aspects of Euler's life and work.

The author takes us on a historical tour of mathematics through postage stamps of the world that display mathematicians and mathematics.

An excellent book surveying the history of the philosophy of mathematics from the time of Plato to the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
A cultural history of the infinite, from ancient to modern times, in which the author clarifies the conceptual underpinnings of this vast topic.

A California miner has a spherical ball of gold, 2 inches in diameter, which he wants to exchange for spherical balls 1 inch in diameter. How many of the smaller spheres should he receive?

This is the title page of the Nova Scientia (1537) of Niccolo Tartaglia (1499-1557). In this work, Tartaglia discussed the mathematics of artillery and developed methods for determining the range of a cannon.

A collection of articles from the American Mathematical Monthly by experts on the evolution of various fields of mathematics.

Two bicyclists travel in opposite directions around a quarter-mile track and meet every 22 seconds. When they travel in the same direction on this track, the faster passes the slower once every 3 minutes and 40 seconds. Find the rate of each rider

This unique and beautiful book features the biographies of twenty-two notable female mathematicians and scientists, showing how their determination, creativity, and intellectual passion helped them excel in their fields.
