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Convergence articles

Displaying 521 - 530 of 724

Find the isosceles triangle of smallest area that circumscribes a circle of radius a.

A gentleman has a garden of rectangular form and wants to construct a walk of equal width half way round to take up half the garden. What must be the width of this walk?

A description of this well-regarded website.

Two merchants, A and B, loaded a ship with 500 hhds (hogsheads) of rum; A loaded 350 hhds, and B the rest; in a storm the seamen were obliged to throw overboard 100 hhds; how much must each sustain of the loss?

William Cook recounts the history of and computational progress on the traveling salesman problem, emphasizing connections within mathematics and with other disciplines.

The paperback reprint of this large collection of articles by experts on all aspects of the history and philosophy of mathematics.

This is the title page of the French edition of Leonhard Euler's text on Algebra. The text was originally published in German in 1767 in St. Petersburg and then translated into French in 1795.

A lively description of ten of the greatest feuds in mathematics.

A book delving into the working of the mathematical mind.

This website offers a collection of biographies of mathematicians and a variety of resources on the development of various branches of mathematics. It is an extremely rich and extensive site.
