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Convergence articles

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Given a guest on horseback rides 300 li in a day. The guest leaves his clothes behind. The host discovers them after 1/3 day, and he starts out with the clothes.

Using the history of mathematics in a college algebra class has had significant positive effects on student learning.

This resource consists of a series of 61 worksheets, each focused on a particular problem and related to a particular historical mathematical personality.

In many sources, we see that Tartaglia has the surname Fontana. According to the author of this article, the co-discoverer of the cubic formula did not ever use that name.

The story of the negative numbers

A California miner has a spherical ball of gold, 2 inches in diameter, which he wants to exchange for spherical balls 1 inch in diameter. How many of the smaller spheres should he receive?

This is the title page of the Nova Scientia (1537) of Niccolo Tartaglia (1499-1557). In this work, Tartaglia discussed the mathematics of artillery and developed methods for determining the range of a cannon.

A collection of articles from the American Mathematical Monthly by experts on the evolution of various fields of mathematics.

Two bicyclists travel in opposite directions around a quarter-mile track and meet every 22 seconds. When they travel in the same direction on this track, the faster passes the slower once every 3 minutes and 40 seconds. Find the rate of each rider
