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Convergence articles

Displaying 491 - 500 of 726

In a square box that contains 1000 marbles, how many will it take to reach across the bottom of the box in a straight row?

Prove that a square circumscribed about a given circle is double in area to a square inscribed in the same circle.

Nine examples of using history in the mathematics classroom -- for those who read French!

A father wills his estate valued at $40,000 to his three children. Before the settlement one of the children dies. What should the other two receive?

The history of apportionment of representatives in the U.S. Congress, from the 1790s until today, along with a discussion of the mathematics involved in the various methods.

If 12 oxen eat up 3 1/3 acres of meadow in 4 weeks and 21 oxen eat up 10 acres of exactly similar meadow in 9 weeks, how many oxen shall eat up 36 acres in 18 weeks? (Hint: The grass continues to grow.)

Determine by using algebra the number of degrees in the angle A where: cos A = tan A

This conference takes place in 2006 at Pennsylvania State University, Erie.

The dimensions of a rectangular box in inches are expressed by three consecutive numbers. The surface of the box is 292 square inches. Find the dimensions.

Page 6: Images from the Paul Halmos Photo Collection of Abram Besicovitch, R. H. Bing, Burton W. Jones, Garrett Birkhoff, Abolghassem Ghaffari, Errett Bishop, and Max Black
