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Convergence articles

Displaying 341 - 350 of 724

There is a tree with 100 branches. How many nests, eggs and birds are there?

A collection of original texts to help students learn some important areas of mathematics.

Suppose that the probability of success in an experiment is a/(a+b). How many trials of the experiment are necessary to insure even odds on it happening at least once?

Having been given the lengths, a and b, of two straight lines drawn from the acute angles of a right triangle to the middle of the opposite sides, determine the length of those sides.

A discussion of aspects of Leonardo of Pisa's Book of Squares.

A bridge is built across a river in 6 months by 45 men. It is washed away by the current. Find the number of workmen sufficient to build another of twice as much worth in 4 months.

Page 5 of Paul Halmos Photograph Collection: Paul Bateman, Felice Bateman, Edward Begle, Alexandra Bellow, William Johnson, Georgia Benkart, Lipman Bers

A discussion not only of the mathematics of pi, but of its applications through the centuries.

This is the title page of the Margarita philosophica (Pearl of Wisdom) of Gregor Reisch (1467 - 1525). The first edition was published in 1503. This work was used as a university textbook in the early sixteenth century.
Poster picturing five famous women, from Hypatia to Grace Hopper.
