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Convergence articles

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There is much to see in this museum related to the history of mathematics.

Given two circles tangent to each other and to a common line, determine a relationship between the radii and the distance between the tangent points.

The first detailed biography of James Joseph Sylvester.

A barrel has various holes in it. The first hole empties the barrel in three days...

A circle is inscribed in an isosceles trapezoid. Find the relationship of the radius to the sides.

In this fascinating and accessible book, the author devotes one lively, informative page of description and one striking, full-page illustration to each of 250 milestones in mathematics.

There is a round fish pond of certain dimensions, and into the pond is dropped a marble column. How high will the water rise?

Given the cats eye as shown. Let the radius of the eye be given by R. What is the area of the pupil?

Two ants are 100 paces apart, crawling back and forth along the same path. The first goes 1/3 pace forward a day and returns 1/4 pace; the other goes forward 1/5 pace and returns 1/6 pace. How many days before the first ant overtakes the second?

Find two numbers such that multiplying one by the other makes 8 and the sum of their squares is 27.
