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Convergence articles

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Of a collection of mango fruits, the king took 1/6; the queen 1/5 the remainder, and the three princes took 1/4, 1/3 and 1/2 (of the same remainder); and the youngest child took the remaining 3 mangoes.

Page 9, Images from Paul Halmos Photograph Collection: Burkholder, Butzer, Calderon, Chern, et al

A song for Pi Day.

This is the title page of the Siderius Nuncius (Starry Messenger) of Galileo (1564-1642), published in 1610. This book was a report on Galileo's first investigations with a telescope. Also includes Galileo's initial sketches of the surface of the moon.
A collection of 24 mini-posters, each containing a quotation about mathematics.

A vessel is anchored in 3 fathoms of water and the cable passes over a sheave in the bowsprit which is 6 ft above the water.

Three congruent circles of radius 6 inches are mutually tangent to one another. Compute the area enclosed between them.

A certain bishop ordered that 12 loaves be divided among his clergy.

A new edition of a classic work on number theory.
The most popular and authoritative arithmetic book in late 17th and 18th century England, it stayed in print for 100 years.
