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El Gabinete de Maravillas Matemáticas de Pantas: Imágenes e Historia de las Matemáticas – Referencias

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)



Aaboe, Asger. 1964. Episodes from the Early History of Mathematics. Washington, D.C.: MAA, 1998 (originally published in 1964). See especially pp. 25–27.

Alexander, Johann. 1693. Synopsis Algebraica. London: Benjamin Motte.

Apian, Peter. 1524. Cosmographia. Antwerp.

Burton, David. 1997. The History of Mathematics: An Introduction. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Hodgkin, Luke. 2005. A History of Mathematics: From Mesopotamia to Modernity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Katz, Victor, and Frank Swetz. 2004–2020. Mathematical Treasures from the Smith and Plimpton Collections at Columbia University. MAA Convergence. 

Kidwell, Peggy Aldrich. 2021. Keys to Mathematical Treasure Chests. MAA Convergence 18.

Newton, Isaac. 1736. The Method of Fluxions and Infinite Series with its Application to the Geometry of Curved Lines. London: Henry Woodfall.

Pacioli, Luca. 1494. Summa de Arithmetica. Venice: Paganini.

Record[e], Robert. 1551. The Pathway to Knowledge, Containing the First Principles of Geometrie. London; facsimile published 1974, Amsterdam: Walter J. Johnson, Inc.

Rogers, Leo. 2004. Robert Recorde, John Dee, Thomas Digges, and the ‘Mathematicall Artes’ in Renaissance England. In Proceedings HPM2004 & ESU4, 122–131. Uppsala, Sweden.

Swetz, Frank. 1994. Learning Activities from the History of Mathematics. Portland, ME: J. Weston Walch.

Swetz, Frank. 2012. Mathematical Expeditions: Exploring Word Problems across the Ages. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Waymouth, George. 1604. The Jewell of Artes. London; handwritten and illustrated manuscript presented to James I.


Quisieramos agradecer al Dr. Samuel Navarro, Universidad de Santiago de Chile USACH, por la esmerada revisión de la traducción al español de este artículo hecha por la Dra. Ximena Catepillán.

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "El Gabinete de Maravillas Matemáticas de Pantas: Imágenes e Historia de las Matemáticas – Referencias," Convergence (August 2022)