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Mathematical Treasures - Ruffini's Algebra

Frank J. Swetz (Pennsylvania State University)

Paolo Ruffini (1765–1822) published his Riflessioni intorno alla soluzione delle equazioni algebraiche in 1813. 

                                    Title page of Ruffini Riflessioni intorno alla soluzione delle equazioni algebraiche

The first page of instruction:

                                    Ruffini's Riflessioni intorno alla soluzione delle equazioni algebraiche first page

The images above are provided courtesy of Columbia University Libraries, George Arthur Plimpton Collection.


Editor's note: For images from Ruffini's Teoria generale delle equazioni, containing his proof that polynomial equations of degree greater than four do not in general have algebraic solutions for their roots, see "Mathematical Treasure: Ruffini's Theory of Equations" here in Convergence.


Index to Mathematical Treasures 

Frank J. Swetz (Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasures - Ruffini's Algebra," Convergence (October 2018)

Mathematical Treasures from the Smith and Plimpton Collections at Columbia University