First, a little experiment.
On the
homepage, try this search: Put your last name in the first box:

Do you find your name? If yes, click it!
Do you find all of your papers? If yes, do you like the “fiches” about them?
If not, you can help us to improve Publimath!
Click on the phrase "Aidez-nous à améliorer cette fiche" ("Help us to improve this fiche") at the top of the page for the fiche in question. Clicking on the symbol
launches a short video that will show you how to complete and submit the form for a suggested improvement.
You can also suggest the addition of a new fiche. Ideally, the author or publisher of a document fills out the review form available on the homepage by clicking on
Proposer une fiche. But you can also provide information on any document that you think ought to be included in the database. If some fields are left blank, the team members will complete them.
Anyone can contribute to enriching the database by translating an abstract, proposing an improvement for the summary, proposing a new summary, or correcting existing data. Non-French associations and journals are welcome! We especially need your help in increasing the references for papers written in English.
How to contact us? By clicking on the button
Contactez-nous on the home page.