Hombeline Languereau (IREM-Université de Franche-Comté) and Anne Michel-Pajus (IREM-Université Paris Diderot)
Publimath is a joint operation of the IREM Network and APMEP. It is a database that catalogues not only the work resulting from research carried out in the IREM network or by APMEP, but also any publication useful to the mathematics teacher. As such, it conveniently offers access to all in-house material (productions of the two associations) alongside other resources related to teaching, learning, and scientific culture. These include:
- the working documents posted on the IREM websites;
- books and journals of the IREM network and APMEP;
- proceedings of conferences such as HPM (the International Study Group on the Relations between History and Pedagogy of Mathematics) and ESU (European Summer School);
- papers published by learned societies of mathematics;
- books produced by external (commercial or academic) publishers;
- websites, videos and other educational materials.
Publimath is freely accessible to anyone, as is the associated database “Bibliothèque numérique des IREM” (IREM Digital Library). These resources are useful to the entire educational community of mathematics teachers, from school to university, teacher trainers, and students training to become math teachers. They are also of interest to researchers in didactics, in history and in the history of mathematics education, as the majority of these resources have long been used by teachers in France and thus offer valuable information on French curricula and didactical practice.

Hombeline Languereau (IREM-Université de Franche-Comté) and Anne Michel-Pajus (IREM-Université Paris Diderot), "Using the Publimath Database to Bring History into our Teaching: An Overview ," Convergence (April 2019)