[1] Alma College Centennial Book, 1877–1977. Edited by Katherine Dobson Riddell. St. Thomas, Ontario: Phibbs Printing World, 1977.
[2] Andreas, A.T. History of Chicago: From the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Volume 2. Chicago: The A. T. Andreas Company, 1885. books.google.com/books?id=F9A4AQAAMAAJ.
[3] The Canadian Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge for the Year 1894. Toronto: The Copp, Clark Company, 1893. archive.org/details/cihm_29677/page/n10/mode/2up.
[4] Carroll, Maureen T., and Elyn Rykken. Geometry: The Line and the Circle. Providence: AMS/MAA Press, 2018.
[5] Evenden, Edward Samuel. Teachers’ Salaries And Salary Schedules In the United States 1918–19. Washington, DC: The National Education Association, 1919.
[6] "Ex-Deacon Sykes Convicted." New York Times, March 11, 1888, p. 1.
[7] “Final report of the National Committee of Fifteen on Geometry Syllabus.” The Mathematics Teacher 5, no. 2 (1912): 46–131.
[8] Green, Judy, and Jeanne LaDuke. Pioneering Women in American Mathematics: The Pre-1940 Phd’s. Providence: American Mathematical Society, 2009.
[9] “Miss Mabel Sykes Teacher for 39 Years, Dies at 70.” Chicago Tribune, February 8, 1938, p. 16.
[10] “Mr. Sykes's Transactions.” New York Times, December 11, 1886, p. 1.
[11] “Periods of Service of the Officers of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.” The Mathematics Teacher 47, no. 1 (1954): 22–40.
[12] Price, G. Baley. “William LeRoy Hart 1892–1984.” Mathematics Magazine 59, no. 4 (1986): 232–238.
[13] Proceedings of the Board of Education of the City of Chicago: July 17, 1895, to July 1, 1896. Chicago: John F. Higgins, 1896.
[14] “Reports of Meetings: Report of Meeting of Teachers of Mathematics of the Cook County and Chicago High School Association.” School Science and Mathematics 1 (1903): 38–40.
[15] Reports to the General Assembly of Illinois: 1892. Volume 1. Springfield, IL: H. W. Rokker, [1893]. books.google.com/books?id=7GRKAAAAMAAJ.
[16] Schreiber, E.W. “The First Quarter-Century of the Mathematics Section of the Central Association.” School Science and Mathematics 29 (1929): 366-374.
[17] Wellesley College Calendar 1887. The Wellesley College Catalogs, 124. Wellesley, MA: Wellesley College, 1887. repository.wellesley.edu/catalogs/124.
[18] Wellesley College Calendar 1888. The Wellesley College Catalogs, 125. Wellesley, MA: Wellesley College, 1888. repository.wellesley.edu/catalogs/125.
[19] Wellesley College Calendar 1889–1890. The Wellesley College Catalogs, 127. Wellesley, MA: Wellesley College, 1889. repository.wellesley.edu/catalogs/127.
[20] Wellesley College Calendar 1890–1891, The Wellesley College Catalogs, 128. Wellesley, MA: Wellesley College, 1890. repository.wellesley.edu/catalogs/128.
[21] The Wellesley College Magazine 1 (1892–1893).
[22] Wellesley College Record 1875–1912: A General Catalogue of Officers and Students. Wellesley, MA: Wellesley College, 1912. books.google.com/books?id=z1lIAAAAYAAJ.
[23] The Wellesley Prelude, Wellesley College, September 26, 1891. repository.wellesley.edu/prelude/72.
[24] Alumnae biographical file of Mabel Sykes, Wellesley College Class of 1891. Wellesley College Archives, Library and Technology Services, Wellesley, MA.
[25] Alumnae biographical file of Marion Sykes, Wellesley College Class of 1895. Wellesley College Archives, Library and Technology Services, Wellesley, MA.
[26] “Who’s Who in This Issue.” School Science and Mathematics 35 (1935): 121–122.
Articles Authored by Mabel Sykes
[27] Sykes, Mabel. “Aims and Methods in the Teaching of Plane Geometry.” School Science and Mathematics 1, no. S2 (June 1903): 76–79.
[28] Sykes, Mabel. “Radical and Conservative Elements in the Teaching of Mathematics.” The School Review 13, no. 1 (1905): 59–69.
[29] Sykes, Mabel. “Some Practical Applications of Elementary Geometry.” School Science and Mathematics 6 (1906): 367–370.
[30] Sykes, Mabel. “The Circumference of a Circle of Given Radius.” Scientific American, August 26, 1911, 72 (supplement 1860): 135.
[31] Sykes, Mabel. “The Case Against High School Mathematics.” School Science and Mathematics 17 (1917): 667–676.
[32] Sykes, Mabel. “A Note to Trigonometry Teachers.” School Science and Mathematics 25 (1925): 800.
[33] Sykes, Mabel. “Some Pedagogical Aspects of Geometry Teaching.” The Mathematics Teacher 20, no. 8 (1927): 466–472.
[34] Sykes, Mabel. “Note on Demons of Elementary Mathematics.” School Science and Mathematics 29 (May 1929): 533.
[35] Sykes, Mabel. “A Study of Individual Differences as They Effect Mathematics Classes.” The Mathematics Teacher 24, no. 3 (1931): 180.
[36] Sykes, Mabel. “The Problem of Individual Differences in Mathematics Classes.” The Mathematics Teacher 25, no. 6 (1932): 363–368.
[37] Sykes, Mabel. “Differentiated Assignments.” School Science and Mathematics 32 (November 1932): 863–869.
[38] Sykes, Mabel. “The Use of Original Exercises in Geometry.” The Mathematics Teacher 28, no. 1 (1935): 36–42.
[39] Sykes, Mabel. “Some Criticisms of Recent Ninth Grade Algebra Texts.” School Science and Mathematics 35 (February 1935): 153–160.
Books Authored or Co-authored by Mabel Sykes
[40] Sykes, Mabel. A Source Book of Problems for Geometry, Based Upon Industrial Design and Architectural Ornament. With the cooperation of H. E. Slaught and N. J. Lennes. Boston: Allyn and Bacon; Norwood, MA: Norwood Press,1912. Reprint, Palo Alto, CA: Dale Seymour Publications, 1994.
[41] Sykes, Mabel, and Clarence E. Comstock. Plane Geometry. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1918. Reprint, 1922.
[42] Sykes, Mabel, and Clarence E. Comstock. Beginners’ Algebra. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co, 1922.
[43] Sykes, Mabel. Training Pupils to Do Algebra: A Handbook for the Sykes-Comstock Geometries. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co, 1922.
[44] Sykes, Mabel, and Clarence E. Comstock. Solid Geometry. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1922.
[45] Sykes, Mabel, and Clarence E. Comstock. A Second Course in Algebra. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1924.
[46] Sykes, Mabel, and Clarence E. Comstock. Answers for Beginners’ Algebra. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co, 1925.
[47] Sykes, Mabel, and Clarence E. Comstock. Key to Plane Geometry. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1926.
[48] Sykes, Mabel, Clarence E. Comstock, and Charles M. Austin. Plane Geometry. New York: Rand McNally, 1932.
[49] Sykes, Mabel, Clarence E. Comstock, and Charles M. Austin. Solid Geometry. New York: Rand McNally, 1933.
Reviews of Books Authored by Mabel Sykes
[50] Cederberg, Judith N. Telegraphic Reviews, edited by Arnold Ostebee and Paul Zorn. The American Mathematical Monthly 101, no. 9 (1994): 927.
[51] Cobb, H. E. Review of Source Book of Problems for Geometry, by Mabel Sykes. The American Mathematical Monthly 20, no. 5 (1913): 164–165.
[52] Jensen, John M. Review of Source Book of Problems for Geometry, by Mabel Sykes. The Mathematics Teacher 87, no. 7 (1994): 573–574.
[53] The Mathematics Teacher 12, no. 4 (1920): 172.
[54] The Mathematics Teacher 26, no. 4 (1933): 250.
[55] Sharwell, Truman P. “New Trends in Geometry Textbooks.” School Science and Mathematics 27 (1927): 261–263.
Secretary Reports Authored by Mabel Sykes
[56] Sykes, Mabel. “Report of the Mathematics Section of Central Association of Science and Mathematics Teachers.” School Science and Mathematics 8 (1908): 70–74.
[57] Sykes, Mabel. “The Central Association of Science and Mathematics Teachers Algebra Report of 1907.” School Science and Mathematics 9 (1909): 114–120.
[58] Slaught, H.E., W. Betz, E. L. Brown, C. L. Bouton, F. Cajori, W. Fuller, W. W. Hart, H. E. Hawkes, E. R. Hedrick, F. E. Newton, H. L. Rietz, R. L. Short, D. E. Smith, E. R. Smith, and M. Sykes. “Provisional Report of the National Committee of Fifteen on Geometry Syllabus.” School Science and Mathematics 11 (1911): 509–531.
[59] Sykes, Mabel. “Report of the Meeting of the Mathematics Section of the Central Association of Science and Mathematics Teachers.” School Science and Mathematics 11 (1911): 82–85.
[60] Sykes, Mabel. “Chicago Geometry Syllabus.” School Science and Mathematics 13 (1913): 587–598.
[61] Sykes, Mabel. “The Mathematics Survey of the Chicago School System." School Science and Mathematics 15 (1915): 120–126.
[62] Sykes, Mabel. “Minutes of the Mathematics Section, Central Association.” School Science and Mathematics 16 (1916): 174–176.
[63] Sykes, Mabel. “Minutes of Mathematics Section.” School Science and Mathematics 19 (1919): 265–267.