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Things Certain and Uncertain: About the Authors

Michael P. Saclolo (St. Edward's University) and Erik R. Tou (University of Washington Tacoma)


Michael P. Saclolo is a Professor of Mathematics at St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas, where, along with courses in mathematics, he has also enjoyed teaching mathematically-themed first-year and honors seminars, literature, and French. His English translation of Euler's E579, the paper that inspired this article, is available on the Euler Archive. He also currently serves on the editorial board of the Euler Archive's companion journal, Euleriana.

Erik R. Tou is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Washington Tacoma, where he has taught since 2015. He has been involved with the Euler Archive since 2003, currently serves as its director, and is a managing editor of Euleriana. Some of his other research interests include the history of quadratic forms, the mathematics of juggling, and number theory over imaginary quadratic fields. He was a 2022 recipient of the MAA's Halmos-Ford Award for excellence in expository writing, for his article "A Prime Testing Algorithm from Leonhard Euler," alongside co-author Dominic Klyve.

Michael P. Saclolo (St. Edward's University) and Erik R. Tou (University of Washington Tacoma), "Things Certain and Uncertain: About the Authors," Convergence (May 2023)