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Problems from Another Time

Individual problems from throughout mathematics history, as well as articles that include problem sets for students.

Given: a circle with an inscribed equilateral triangle. The triangle has sides which are 12 cubits long. What is the area of the circle?
Discussion of 15th century French manuscript, with translation of its problems, including one with negative solutions
There is a garden is the shape of a rhombus whose side is 577.5 feet. Within the garden is an inscribed square flower bed whose side is 396 feet. What is the area of the garden?
A bridge is built across a river in 6 months by 45 men. It is washed away by the current. Find the number of workmen sufficient to build another of twice as much worth in 4 months.
Two persons sit down to play for a certain sum of money, and agree that the first who gets three games shall be the winner. After a few games they resolve to divide the stakes. How much should each person receive?
A cliff with a tower on its edge is observed from a boat at sea; find the height of the cliff and the tower.
A man bought a number of sheep for $225; 10 of them having died, he sold 4/5 of the remainder for the same cost and received $150 for them. How many did he buy?
One person possesses 7 asava horses, another 9 haya horses, and another 9 camels. Each gives two animals away, one to each of the others.
How long does it take a single man to do work when...
Given the fraction ax/(a-x), convert it into an infinite series.
