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Byrne, Oliver. The Creed of Saint Athanasius proved by a Mathematical Parallel. London: William Day, 1839.
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Byrne, Oliver. Description and Use of the Byrnegraph: an instrument for multiplying, dividing, and comparing lines, angles, surfaces, and solids. London: C. & J. Adlard, 1846.
Byrne, Oliver. The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid in Which Coloured Diagrams and Symbols Are Used Instead of Letters for the Greater Ease of Learners. London: William Pickering, 1847. Also available in facsimile as Oliver Byrne: The Elements of Euclid (Werner Oechslin, editor), Taschen, 2013, and online via the University of British Columbia website: (Bill Casselman, editor).
Byrne, Oliver. “A New Theory of the Earth, that Fully Accounts for Many Astronomical, Geographical, and Geological Phenomena, Hitherto Unaccounted For.” Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. 10:99-101 (April 1847) and 10:133-134 (May 1847).
Byrne, Oliver. The Calculus of Form. Never published, 1848.
Byrne, Oliver. Practical, Short, and Direct Method of Calculating the Logarithm of any given number corresponding to any given Logarithm. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1849.
Byrne, Oliver (editor). Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine-work and Engineering. Philadelphia: D. Appleton & Co., 1850.
Byrne, Oliver. The first fifty lessons on military art and science. New York: D. &. J. Sadlier, 1850.
Byrne, Oliver. The Practical Metal-Worker’s Assistant: containing the arts of working all metals and alloys with the application of electro-metallurgy to manufacturing processes, etc. Philadelphia: H.C. Baird, 1851.
Byrne, Oliver. Pocketbook for Railroad and Civil Engineers. New York: Shepherd, 1851.
Byrne, Oliver. The Pocket Companion for Machinists, Mechanics and Engineers, etc. New York: Dewitt & Davenport, 1851.
Byrne, Oliver. The Practical Cotton Spinner, and Manufacturer. Philadelphia: Henry Carey Baird, 1851.
Byrne, Oliver. Practical Model Calculator, for the engineer, mechanic, machinist, manufacturer of engine-work, naval architect, miner, and millwright. Philadelphia: H.C. Baird & Co, 1852, 1862, 1872.
Byrne, Oliver. The American Engineer, Draftsman, and Machinist’s Assistant. Philadelphia: C.A. Brown & Co., 1853.
Byrne, Oliver. Mechanics: their principles and practical applications. New York: De Witt & Davenport, 1853.
Byrne, Oliver. Freedom to Ireland: The Art and Science of War for the People. The Pike Exercise, Foot Lancers, Light Infantry, and Rifle Drill. To which is Added a Short Practical Treatise on Small Arms, and Ammunition, Street and House Fighting, and Field Fortification. Boston: Patrick Donahoe, 1853.
Byrne, Oliver. Lectures On The Art And Science of War Addressed To Irish-American Citizen Soldiers. Boston: Patrick Donahoe, 1853.
Byrne, Oliver. The Handbook for the Artisan, Mechanic, and Engineer. Philadelphia: T. K. Collins, Jr., 1853.
Byrne, Oliver. The Calculator’s Constant Companion, for practical men, machinists, mechanics and engineers. Philadelphia: J.W. Moore, 1854.
Byrne, Oliver. The Evidence of Oliver Byrne in the Patent Case of Ross Winans' Eight-wheeled Car. London: Murphy, 1855.
Byrne, Oliver. Vade Mecum. De L’Ingénieur, de Chemins de Fer Donnant. Paris: Imprimerie et Libraire Centrales des Chemins de Fer. De Napoléon Chaix et Ce, Rue Bergère, 1856.
Byrne, Oliver. Pocket-Book for Railroad and Civil Engineers. Containing new, exact, and concise methods for laying out railroad curves, switches, etc. New York: C. Shepard & Co., 1856.
Byrne, Oliver. The Mechanics’ Manual: a pocket companion for working carpenters, joiners, etc. New York : J.M. Fairchild & Co., 1856.
Byrne, Oliver. Byrne's price book, ready reckoner and measurer: for merchants and traders; ship builders and lumber dealers; farmers and drovers; banks and stock companies. New York: Philip J. Cozans, 1857.
Byrne, Oliver. The apprentice, or First book for mechanics, machinists, and engineers. New York: Philip J. Cozans, 1860.
Byrne, Oliver. “Calculations Respecting the Pressure of Steam on Cylinder covers and Other Disks,” Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal (December 1860), 24:353-354.
Byrne, Oliver. Dual Arithmetic: A New Art. London: Bell & Daldy, 1863.
Byrne, Oliver. The Young Geometrician. London: Chapman and Hall, 1865.
Byrne, Oliver. The Young Dual Arithmetician; or, Dual arithmetic . . . Designed for elementary instruction, etc. London: Bell & Daldy, 1866.
Byrne, Oliver. Dual Arithmetic A New Art. Part II. The Descending Branch of the Art, and the Science of Dual Arithmetic. London: Bell & Daldy, 1867.
Byrne, Oliver. Tables of Dual Logarithms, Dual Numbers, and corresponding Natural Numbers, etc. London: Bell & Daldy, 1867.
Byrne, Oliver. The Essential Elements of Practical Mechanics, based on the principle of work; designed for engineering students. E. & F. N. Spon: London, 1867.
Byrne, Oliver. General Method of Solving Equations of all degrees; applied particularly to equations of the second, third, fourth, and fifth degrees. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1868.
Byrne, Oliver, ed., Spons’ Dictionary of Engineering, containing mechanical, military, and naval applications, with technical terms in French, German, Italian, and Spanish. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1869.
Byrne, Oliver. Byrne’s Treatise on Navigation & Nautical Astronomy. London: Bentley & Son, 1877.
Byrne, Oliver. The Geometry of Compasses; or, Problems resolved by the mere description of circles, and the use of coloured diagrams and symbols. London: C. Lockwood & Co., 1877.
Byrne, Oliver. Byrne’s Timber and Log Book: Ready Reckoner and Price Book …. New York: The American News Company, 1878.
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Cohen, Daniel J. Equations from God: Pure Mathematics and Victorian Faith. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007.
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Institution of Civil Engineers. Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Great Britain: Institution of Civil Engineers, 1891.
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Kolpas, Sidney J. The Pythagorean Theorem: Eight Classic Proofs. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company / Dale Seymour Publications. Palo Alto, California, 1992. Out of print. Copyright reverted to Sidney J. Kolpas.
Lee, Sidney, editor. Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900. Volume 61. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1900.
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Spons’ Dictionary of Engineering, Civil, Mechanical, Military and Naval, with technical terms in French, German, Italian, and Spanish. London: F. N. Spon, London and New York: 1869-74. (Note: Oliver Byrne contributed from 1869 to 1872.)
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Volume 6: Available online via Internet Archive:
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