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Mathematical Treasures at the Linda Hall Library – Index of Images

Cynthia J. Huffman (Pittsburg State University)

Below is a list of selected images from the following books at the Linda Hall Library in Kansas City. Click on the title of the document to go to a page containing the images from that book, where more information is provided. For hundreds of other "mathematical treasures" from a wide array of institutions, museums, and individuals, visit the Index to Mathematical Treasures in Convergence.

Author Title Date
Agnesi, Maria Gaetana Instituzioni analitche ad uso della gioventu italiana (Foundations of Analysis for the Use of Italian Youth) and Analytical Institutions (in Italian and English, 13 images) 1748 and 1801
Algarotti, Francesco Il newtonianismo per le dame ovvero dialoghi sopra la luce e i colori and Le Newtonianisme pour les dames, ou, Entretiens sur la lumiere, sur les couleurs, et sur l'attraction / traduits de lÌtalien and Il newtonianismo per le dame, ovvero Dialoghi sopra la luce, i colori, e l'attrazione (in Italian and French, 2 images) 1737, 1738, and 1739
Berkeley, George The Analyst (8 images) 1734
Bombelli, Rafael  L'algebra parte maggiore dell’aritmetica divisa in tre libri (6 images) 1579 (first 1572)
Cardano, Girolamo Ars Magna (4 images) 1545
Caswell, John A Brief (but full) Account of the Doctrine of Trigonometry, Both Plain and Spherical (2 images) 1685
Cavalieri, Bonaventura Geometria indivisibilibus (10 images) 1635
De Moivre, Abraham Doctrine of Chances (5 images) 1738 (first 1711/1718)
Du Châtelet, Émilie  Institutions de Physique (10 images) 1741
Du Châtelet, Émilie  Principes Mathématiques de la Philosophie Naturelle (6 images) 1759
Euclid Elementa Geometriae (4 images) 1482
Euclid Elements (in Arabic, 4 images) 1594
Fibonacci (aka Leonardo Pisano) Liber Abaci (7 images) 1837 edition (first 1202)
Fibonacci (aka Leonardo Pisano) Practica Geometriae ed Opuscoli (3 images) 1862 edition (first 1220)
de Fontenelle, Bernard A Panegyric upon Sir Isaac Newton (in English, 2 images) 1728
Galilei, Galileo Discorsi e Dimostrazioni Matematiche intorno à due nuoue Scienze and Mathematical Discourses Concerning Two New Sciences (in Italian and English, 8 images) 1638
Harriot, Thomas Artis Analyticae Praxis (6 images) 1631
l'Hospital, Guillaume Francois de Analyse des Infiniment Petits (14 images) 1696
Jurin, James A defence of Sir Isaac Newton (2 images) 1734
Köbel, Jacob Geometrei (4 images) 1535
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis Traité de la Résolution des Equations Numérique (7 images) 1808 (first 1798)
Morland, Samuel The Description and Use of Two Arithmetic Instruments (11 images) 1673
Oughtred, William Elementi Decimi Euclidis Declaratio (8 images) 1662
Oughtred, William Theorematum in Libris Archimedis de Sphaera & Cylindro Declaratio (3 images) 1663
Pacioli, Luca


Divina Proportione (3 images)




Pacioli, Luca Euclid’s Elements (7 images) 1509
Pacioli, Luca Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita (5 images) 1494
Reisch, Gregor Margarita Philosophica (14 images) 1517 (first 1503)
Simson, Robert Sectionum Conicarum (5 images) 1735
Simson, Robert The Elements of Euclid (7 images) 1756
Simson, Robert Opera Quaedam Reliqua (5 images) 1776
Stoeffler, Johann Elucidatio fabricae vsusque astrolabii (3 images) 1524 (first 1513)
Torricelli, Evangelista Lezione Accademiche (Academic Lectures) (2 images) 1715
Torricelli, Evangelista Opera Geometrica (4 images) 1644
van Ceulen, Ludolph Vanden Circkel (4 images) 1596
van Ceulen, Ludolph De circulo et adscriptis liber (8 images) 1619
van Ceulen, Ludolph Surdorum quadraticorum arithmetica (4 images) 1619
Viète, François Opera Mathematica (8 images) 1646
Voltaire Élémens de la philosophie de Newton (7 images) 1738

Cynthia J. Huffman (Pittsburg State University), "Mathematical Treasures at the Linda Hall Library – Index of Images," Convergence (January 2017)