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Mathematical Treasure: Pure Mathematics of Francoeur

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

Louis Benjamin Francoeur (1773-1849) was a gifted French mathematician and noted textbook writer. He was a student of Gaspard Monge and later became an examiner for the École Polytechnique. His comprehensive “Course in Pure Mathematics” was first published as Cours Complet de Matématique Pures in 1809. It went through several French editions before being published in English. Here, we examine material from the 1829-30 English edition. Eventually, this book would experience nine editions through 1986.

Title page of Complete Course in Pure Mathematics by Francoeur, translated by Blakelock, vol. 1, 1829

The “Table of Contents” for Volume I indicates the scope and sequence of the topics studied.

First page of table of contents for Complete Course in Pure Mathematics by Francoeur, translated by Blakelock, vol. 1, 1829

Second page of table of contents for Complete Course in Pure Mathematics by Francoeur, translated by Blakelock, vol. 1, 1829

Here is the plate of illustrations for Volume I.

Plate of Illustrations for Complete Course in Pure Mathematics by Francoeur, translated by Blakelock, vol. 1, 1829

The “Table of Contents” for Volume II (published in 1830) completes the material included in a study of “Pure Mathematics” at this time.

First page of table of contents for Complete Course in Pure Mathematics by Francoeur, translated by Blakelock, vol. 2, 1830

Second and third pages of table of contents for Complete Course in Pure Mathematics by Francoeur, translated by Blakelock, vol. 2, 1830

A plate of illustrations depicts the geometrical situations considered in Volume II.

Page of diagrams for Complete Course in Pure Mathematics by Francoeur, translated by Blakelock, vol. 2, 1830

This material is obtained through the courtesy of the Peabody Library of Johns Hopkins University.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Pure Mathematics of Francoeur," Convergence (June 2018)