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Mathematical Treasure: Geometry of Benjamin Bramer

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

Benjamin Bramer (1588-1652) was a German mathematician, architect and instrument maker, who was the adopted son, student, and eventually brother-in-law of the Swiss mathematician and astronomer Jost Bürgi (1552-1632). In 1618, Bramer published Etliche Geometrische Quaestiones (Several Geometric Questions).

Title page of Etliche geometrische Quaestiones by Benjamin Bramer, 1618

Below is a small set of sample questions from the work and their referenced diagrams:

Page 5 of Etliche geometrische Quaestiones by Benjamin Bramer, 1618

Page 6 of Etliche geometrische Quaestiones by Benjamin Bramer, 1618

Figure 1 of Etliche geometrische Quaestiones by Benjamin Bramer, 1618

Figure 2 of Etliche geometrische Quaestiones by Benjamin Bramer, 1618

Page 7 of Etliche geometrische Quaestiones by Benjamin Bramer, 1618

The images above are presented courtesy of ETH-Bibliothek Zürich and the work may be viewed in its entirety via e-rara.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Geometry of Benjamin Bramer," Convergence (August 2018)