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Mathematical Treasure: Frobenius's Logarithms of Rheticus's Trig Values

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

In 1634, Georg Ludwig Frobenius (1566-1645), a German astronomer and former student of Tycho Brahe, published Clavis universi trigonometrica, a text showing applications of spherical trigonometry to astronomy.  Included in this volume was the chapter Canones … logarithmorum, with tables of logarithmic values for the trigonometric values computed by Rheticus in his Canon doctrinae triangulorum (1551).

First page of chapter Canones ... logarithmorum from Clavis universi trigonometrica by Georg Ludwig Frobenius, 1634

The image above is presented courtesy of the University of Oklahoma Library.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Frobenius's Logarithms of Rheticus's Trig Values," Convergence (September 2018)