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Mathematical Treasure: Crelle’s Journal

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

August Leopold Crelle (1780–1855) was a Prussian civil engineer who had a great interest in mathematics. This interest led to his founding of a journal to promote mathematics and encourage the budding mathematicians of the period. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik debuted in 1826; it was the first mathematical periodical of its kind not restricted solely to the proceedings of a Scientific Academy. Crelle edited the Journal until his death in 1855, with the result that it became popularly known as “Crelle’s Journal.” Many important mathematicians of the era—such as Niels Henrik AbelGeorg CantorGotthold EisensteinCarl Friderich Gauss, and Otto Hesse—had their research published in this journal. The cover and Table of Contents for the first edition are shown here:

Title page of 1st volume of Crelle's journal (1826).

Table of contents of 1st volume of Crelle's journal (1826).

Table of contents of 1st volume of Crelle's journal (1826).

Volume 1 can be read in the Hathi Trust Digital Library (the source of these images) and Internet Archive. All issues through 1997 are digitized at DigiZeitschriften. De Gruyter continues to publish the journal today.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Crelle’s Journal," Convergence (September 2020)