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Mathematical Treasure: Clairaut's Geometry in Italian Translation

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

Alexis Claude Clairaut (1713-1765) was a versatile and gifted French mathematician who wrote several influential books on mathematics and its applications. In 1741, Clairaut published Élémens de Géométrie, which was translated into Italian in 1751. These images are from the second Italian edition of 1771.

Title page of Italian translation of Élémens de Géométrie by Alexis Claude Clairaut, 1771

The first three pages of the "Table of Contents" for this Italian edition illustrate Clairaut’s systematic approach to the subject.

First page of table of contents for Italian translation of Élémens de Géométrie by Alexis Claude Clairaut, 1771

Second page of table of contents for Italian translation of Élémens de Géométrie by Alexis Claude Clairaut, 1771

Third page of table of contents for Italian translation of Élémens de Géométrie by Alexis Claude Clairaut, 1771

These images are shown through the courtesy of the European e-rara archive, where this work may be viewed in its entirety.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Clairaut's Geometry in Italian Translation," Convergence (June 2018)