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Convergence articles

Displaying 211 - 220 of 726

A merchant gave a university 2,814 ducats on the understanding that he was to be paid back 618 ducats per year for 9 years, at the end of which the 2,814 ducats should be considered as paid.

A study of Victorian idealism and its relation to religion, as exemplified in the work of three 19th century British mathematicians.

In a right triangle, having been given the perimeter, a, and the length of the perpendicular from the right-angled vertex to the hypotenuse, b, it is required to find the length of the hypotenuse.

A circle ABDC is circumscribed around an equilateral triangle ABC.  Prove that the straight line AD is equal to the sum of the two straight lines BD and DC.

The author uses her poem, 'The Enigmatic Number e,' to show how poetry about the history of mathematics can be used to enrich and enliven mathematics instruction.

Make of 10 three parts such that one part multiplied by 3 makes as much as the other multiplied by 4 and as the other multiplied by 5.

Two wine merchants enter Paris, one of them with 64 casks of wine, the other with 20.

One says that 10 garments were purchased by two men at a price of 72 dirhams. The garments varied in value. The price of each garment of one man is 3 dirhams more than the price for each garment of the other. How many garments did each man buy?

This book demonstrates the relationship between the mathematics in some recently discovered Babylonian tablets and some standard problems from Egyptian mathematics.

In a square box that contains 1000 marbles, how many will it take to reach across the bottom of the box in a straight row?
