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Convergence articles

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Using the history of mathematics in a college algebra class has had significant positive effects on student learning.

This resource consists of a series of 61 worksheets, each focused on a particular problem and related to a particular historical mathematical personality.

In many sources, we see that Tartaglia has the surname Fontana. According to the author of this article, the co-discoverer of the cubic formula did not ever use that name.

The story of the negative numbers

A study of the nature of architecture in ancient Egypt and its relationship to Egyptian mathematics.
This is the page illustrating the construction of an ellipse, from the Latin translation (1538) of the Treatise on Mensuration of Albrecht D�rer (1471-1528). This book was originally written in German and published in 1525 and was designed to teach German artists the geometrical ideas on which perspective in painting was based.
This collection of readings gives details on the history of mathematics education in the U.S. from 1828 to 1959.

The sum of the two digits of a 2-digit number is 9. If 45 is subtracted from the number, the result will be expressed by the digits in reverse order. Find the number.

These posters illustrate aspects of the history of mathematics in countries from Babylonia to Ireland.
