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Convergence articles

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A brief version of the author's well-known history of mathematics text.
On Triangles, by Regiomontanus (Johannes M�ller) (1436-1476), written in 1464 but not published until 1533.
Two posters illustrating the major milestones in the history of mathematics, from the first ideas of "number" to the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem.

A comparison of the Greek and Chinese approach to the idea of similarity.

The story of Nicolaus Mercator, music, and logarithms.

Some ideas on using student reports when you teach a course in the history of mathematics

A certain slave fled from Milan to Naples going 1/10 of the whole journey each day. At the beginning of the third day, his master sent a slave after him and this slave went 1/7 of the whole journey each day.

Simpson's methods for finding maxima and minima are explored by using examples from his "Doctrine and Application of Fluxions." Many of his techniques could be used in today's classroom.

This is the title page of the 1640 printing of Galileo's Operation of the Geometrical and Military Compass, originally published privately in 1606. Galileo had invented a version of this geometrical compass a few years earlier and evidently gave copies of this manual to those who bought the compass. The compass had many uses, from performing square root calculations to determining ranges of cannons to solving surveying problems.
