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The latest HPM Newsletter is now available here. Read it!
The author became fascinated with the mysterious role of √-1 in electronics. Turning to history for insight, he brings the perspectives of both a practical man and a scholar in conveying the enchantment of mathematics for a non-mathematician.
2007 marks the three hundredth anniversary of the birth of Leonhard Euler, the most prolific mathematician of all time. There are numerous events throughout the world celebrating this anniversary, many of which are listed here.

Leonardo da Vinci and Albrecht Durer both offered approximate constructions of regular pentagons for the use of artists. This article explains these constructions.

Download the two winning essays to learn about using indivisibles to find the area under a cycloid arch in the 17th century and about the Radon transform and its use in x-ray tomography in the 20th century.

A survey of the attempts to prove Kepler's conjecture over the past 400 years.
This is from a letter of June, 1695 in which Leibniz is discussing differentiation with Johann Bernoulli. The work in which these letters appear is the Virorum Celeberr. Got. Gul. Leibnitii et Johann Bernoulli Commercium Philosophicum et Mathematica, originally published in 1740.

The "rood", a linear measure dating from many centuries ago, is calculated anew in today's classrooms.

Two cog-wheels, one having 26 cogs, and the other 20 cogs, run together. In how many revolutions of the larger wheel will the smaller gain in 12 revolutions?

Problems taken from Chinese sources
