Cynthia J. Huffman (Pittsburg State University)
The author is indebted to the editors and anonymous referees for help in improving the article. Many of the author’s photos in this article were taken on MAA study tours. Special thanks to Lisa Kolbe for initiating the MAA Study Tour program, along with Victor Katz and the planning committee. Additional thanks to mathematics professor and Egyptologist Jim Ritter for sharing his knowledge and expertise during the MAA tour to Egypt, and to all those who participated in the wonderful educational study trip experiences from 2003 to 2013. The author cherishes the special friendships formed while sharing the thrill of viewing objects and sites of mathematical importance in person.
About the Author
Cynthia J. Huffman is a University Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Pittsburg State University. She has always been interested in history of mathematics but her interest was especially sparked by participation in several of the MAA Study Tours, beginning with one to Egypt in 2009. Her research areas include computational commutative algebra and history of mathematics. Dr. Huffman is a handbell soloist and has a black belt in Chinese Kenpo karate. |
Cynthia J. Huffman (Pittsburg State University), "An Ancient Egyptian Mathematical Photo Album: Acknowledgements and About the Author," Convergence (April 2022)