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A Mysterious Copy of Lacroix’s Traité Élémentaire de Calcul Différentiel et de Calcul Intégral: About the Author

Adrian Rice (Randolph-Macon College)


Adrian Rice is the Dorothy and Muscoe Garnett Professor of Mathematics at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia, USA. His research focuses on the history of mathematics, specifically the development of algebra, analysis and logic in 19th- and early 20th-century Britain. He has received several awards for outstanding expository writing, most recently in 2022, when he was a co-recipient of a George Pólya Award from the MAA for the 2021 article “Why Hamilton Couldn’t Multiply Triples,” co-authored with Ezra Brown.


Adrian Rice (Randolph-Macon College), "A Mysterious Copy of Lacroix’s Traité Élémentaire de Calcul Différentiel et de Calcul Intégral: About the Author," Convergence (March 2023)