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R Markdown: The Definite Guide

Yihui Xie, J.J. Allaire, and Garrett Grolemund
Chapman & Hall/CRC
Publication Date: 
Number of Pages: 
The R Series
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How to read this book

Structure of the book

Software information and conventions


About the Authors

Yihui Xie

J.J. Allaire

Garrett Grolemund


I Get Started

1 Installation


2 Basics

2.1 Example applications

2.2 Compile an R Markdown document

2.3 Cheat sheets

2.4 Output formats

2.5 Markdown syntax

2.6 R code chunks and inline R code

2.7 Other language engines

2.8 Interactive documents

II Output Formats

3 Documents

3.1 HTML document

3.2 Notebook

3.3 PDF document

3.4 Word document

3.5 OpenDocument Text document

3.6 Rich Text Format document

3.7 Markdown document

3.8 R package vignette

4 Presentations

4.1 ioslides presentation

4.2 Slidy presentation

4.3 Beamer presentation

4.4 PowerPoint presentation


III Extensions

5 Dashboards

5.1 Layout

5.2 Components

5.3 Shiny


6 Tufte Handouts

6.1 Headings

6.2 Figures

6.3 Sidenotes

6.4 References

6.5 Tables

6.6 Block quotes

6.7 Responsiveness

6.8 Sans-serif fonts and epigraphs

6.9 Customize CSS styles


7 xaringan Presentations

7.1 Get started

7.2 Keyboard shortcuts

7.3 Slide formatting

7.4 Build and preview slides

7.5 CSS and themes

7.6 Some tips


8 reveal.js Presentations

8.1 Display modes

8.2 Appearance and style

8.3 Slide transitions

8.4 Slide backgrounds

8.5 2-D presentations

8.6 Custom CSS

8.7 reveal.js options

8.8 reveal.js plugins

8.9 Other features

9 Community Formats

9.1 Lightweight Pretty HTML Documents

9.2 The rmdformats package

9.3 Shower presentations


10 Websites

10.1 Get started

10.2 The directory structure

10.3 Deployment

10.4 Other site generators

10.5 rmarkdown’s site generator


11 HTML Documentation for R Packages

11.1 Get started

11.2 Components

12 Books

12.1 Get started

12.2 Project structure

12.3 Markdown extensions

12.4 Output Formats

12.5 Editing

12.6 Publishing

13 Journals

13.1 Get started

13.2 Articles templates

13.3 Using a template

13.4 LaTeX content

13.5 Linking with bookdown

13.6 Contributing templates

14 Interactive Tutorials

14.1 Get started

14.2 Tutorial types

14.3 Exercises

14.4 Quiz questions

14.5 Videos

14.6 Shiny components

14.7 Navigation and progress tracking

IV Other Topics


15 Parameterized reports

15.1 Declaring parameters

15.2 Using parameters

15.3 Knitting with parameters

15.4 Publishing

16 HTML Widgets

16.1 Overview

16.2 A widget example (sigma.js)

16.3 Creating your own widgets

16.4 Widget sizing

16.5 Advanced topics

17 Document Templates

17.1 Template structure

17.2 Supporting files

17.3 Custom Pandoc templates

17.4 Sharing your templates


18 Creating New Formats

18.1 Deriving from built-in formats

18.2 Fully custom formats

18.3 Using a new format


19 Shiny Documents

19.1 Getting started

19.2 Deployment

19.3 Embedded Shiny apps

19.4 Shiny widgets

19.5 Multiple pages

19.6 Delayed rendering

19.7 Output arguments for render functions