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Geometric Modular Forms and Elliptic Curves
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- An Algebro-Geometric Tool Box:
- Sheaves
- Schemes
- Projective Schemes
- Categories and Functors
- Applications of the Key-Lemma
- Group Schemes
- Cartier Duality
- Quotients by a Group Scheme
- Morphisms
- Cohomology of Coherent Sheaves
- Descent
- Barsotti–Tate Groups
- Formal Scheme
- Elliptic Curves:
- Curves and Divisors
- Elliptic Curves
- Geometric Modular Forms of Level 1
- Elliptic Curves over ℂ
- Elliptic Curves over p–Adic Fields
- Level Structures
- L–Functions of Elliptic Curves
- Regularity
- p–Ordinary Moduli Problems
- Deformation of Elliptic Curves
- Geometric Modular Forms:
- Integrality
- Vertical Control Theorem
- Action of GL(2) on Modular Forms
- Jacobians and Galois Representations:
- Jacobians of Stable Curves
- Modular Galois Representations
- Fullness of Big Galois Representations
- Modularity Problems:
- Induced and Extended Galois Representations
- Some Other Solutions
- Modularity of Abelian ℚ-Varieties