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Mathematical Treasure: Peter Apian's Instrumentum

Frank J. Swetz (Pennsylvania State University)

Peter Apian (1495-1552), astronomer, mathematician and instrument maker, was a prolific author. Among his works was Folium Populi Instrumentum, published in 1533. On the title page, we see an Islamic astronomer facing a German colleague.

The image above is provided courtesy of Columbia University Libraries.

Images from Apian's 1524 Cosmographia, as published by his student Gemma Frisius in 1545, and from two works of Apian from 1534, Instrumentum primi mobilis and Introductio Geographica are among Convergence's Mathematical Treasures.

Index to Mathematical Treasures 


Frank J. Swetz (Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Peter Apian's Instrumentum," Convergence (April 2018)