Introduction and Fundamentals
Fundamental Statistical Concepts
Order Statistics, Quantiles, and Coverages
Quantile Function
Empirical Distribution Function
Statistical Properties of Order Statistics
Probability-Integral Transformation
Joint Distribution of Order Statistics
Distributions of the Median and Range
Exact Moments of Order Statistics
Large-Sample Approximations to the Moments of Order Statistics
Asymptotic Distribution of Order Statistics
Tolerance Limits for Distributions and Coverages
Tests of Randomness
Tests Based on the Total Number of Runs
Tests Based on the Length of the Longest Run
Runs Up and Down
A Test Based on Ranks
Tests of Goodness of Fit
The Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test
The Kolmogorov–Smirnov One-Sample Statistic
Applications of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov One-Sample Statistics
Lilliefors’s Test for Normality
Lilliefors’s Test for the Exponential Distribution
Anderson–Darling Test
Visual Analysis of Goodness of Fit
One-Sample and Paired-Sample Procedures
Confidence Interval for a Population Quantile
Hypothesis Testing for a Population Quantile
The Sign Test and Confidence Interval for the Median
Rank-Order Statistics
Treatment of Ties in Rank Tests
The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test and Confidence Interval
The General Two-Sample Problem
The Wald–Wolfowitz Runs Test
The Kolmogorov–Smirnov Two-Sample Test
The Median Test
The Control Median Test
The Mann–Whitney U Test and Confidence Interval
Linear Rank Statistics and the General Two-Sample Problem
Definition of Linear Rank Statistics
Distribution Properties of Linear Rank Statistics
Usefulness in Inference
Linear Rank Tests for the Location Problem
The Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test and Confidence Interval
Other Location Tests
Linear Rank Tests for the Scale Problem
The Mood Test
The Freund–Ansari–Bradley–David–Barton Tests
The Siegel–Tukey Test
The Klotz Normal-Scores Test
The Percentile Modified Rank Tests for Scale
The Sukhatme Test
Confidence-Interval Procedures
Other Tests for the Scale Problem
Tests of the Equality of k Independent Samples
Extension of the Median Test
Extension of the Control Median Test
The Kruskal–Wallis One-Way ANOVA Test and Multiple Comparisons
Other Rank-Test Statistics
Tests against Ordered Alternatives
Comparisons with a Control
Measures of Association for Bivariate Samples
Introduction: Definition of Measures of Association in a Bivariate Population
Kendall’s Tau Coefficient
Spearman’s Coefficient of Rank Correlation
The Relations between R and T; E(R), τ, and ρ
Another Measure of Association
Measures of Association in Multiple Classifications
Friedman’s Two-Way Analysis of Variance by Ranks in a k × n Table and Multiple Comparisons
Page’s Test for Ordered Alternatives
The Coefficient of Concordance for k Sets of Rankings of n Objects
The Coefficient of Concordance for k Sets of Incomplete Rankings
Kendall’s Tau Coefficient for Partial Correlation
Asymptotic Relative Efficiency
Theoretical Bases for Calculating the ARE
Examples of the Calculations of Efficacy and ARE
Analysis of Count Data
Contingency Tables
Some Special Results for k × 2 Contingency Tables
Fisher’s Exact Test
McNemar’s Test
Analysis of Multinomial Data
Appendix of Tables
Answers to Problems