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Optimization with Multivalued Mappings: Theory, Applications and Algortithms

Stephen Dempe and Vyacheslav Kalashnikov
Springer Verlag
Publication Date: 
Number of Pages: 
Optimization and Its Applications 2
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 Preface.- PART I. BILEVEL PROGRAMMING.- Optimality conditions for bilevel programming problems (Stephan Dempe, Vyatcheslav V. Kalashnikov and Nataliya Kalashnykova).- Path-based formulations of a bilevel toll setting problem (Mohamed Didi-Biha, Patrice Marcotte and Gilles Savard).- Bilevel programming with convex lower level problems (Joydeep Dutta and Stephan Dempe).- Optimality criteria for bilevel programming problems using the radial subdifferential (D. Fanghänel).- On approximate mixed Nash equilibria and average marginal functions for two-stage three-players games (Lina Mallozzi and Jacqueline Morgan).- PART II. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMS WITH EQUILIBRIUM CONSTRAINTS.- A direct proof for M-stationarity under MPEC-GCQ for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (Michael L. Flegel and Christian Kanzow).- On the use of bilevel programming for solving a structural optimization problem with discrete variables (Joaquim J. Júdice, Ana M. Faustino, Isabel M. Ribeiro and A. Serra Neves).- On the control of an evolutionary equilibrium in micromagnetics (Michal Kocvara, Martin Kruzík, Jirí V. Outrata).- Complementarity constraints as nonlinear equations: Theory and numerical experience (Sven Leyffer).- A semi-infinite approach to design centering (Oliver Stein).- PART III. SET-VALUED OPTIMIZATION.- Contraction mapping fixed point algorithms for solving multivalued mixed variational inequalities (Pham Ngoc Anh and Le Dung Muu).- Optimality conditions for a d.c. set-valued problem via the extremal principle (N. Gadhi).- First and second order optimality conditions in set optimization (V. Kalashnikov, B. Jadamba, A.A. Khan).