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Problems from Another Time

Individual problems from throughout mathematics history, as well as articles that include problem sets for students.

One says that 10 is divided into three parts and if the small part is multiplied by itself and added to the middle one multiplied by itself the result is the large one multiplied by itself...
Two circles, the sum of whose radii is a, are placed in the same plane with their centers at a distance 2a...
A merchant bought 50,000 pounds of pepper in Portugal for 10,000 scudi and paid a tax of 500 scudi.
In a square box that contains 1000 marbles, how many will it take to reach across the bottom of the box in a straight row?
Determine the dimensions for a right-angled triangle, having been given the hypotenuse, and the side of the inscribed square.
A merchant gave a university 2,814 ducats on the understanding that he was to be paid back 618 ducats per year for 9 years, at the end of which the 2,814 ducats should be considered as paid.
The authors recount the 'great tale' of Napier's and Burgi's parallel development of logarithms and urge you to use it in class.
There are two piles, one containing 9 gold coins, the other 11 silver coins.
A boy gives 11 coins of equal denomination to a man, and the man finds that their total value in yen is 4 less than his age.
One says that 10 garments were purchased by two men at a price of 72 dirhams. The garments varied in value. The price of each garment of one man is 3 dirhams more than the price for each garment of the other. How many garments did each man buy?
