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Critics Corner

Reviews of books, websites, poster sets, movies, and other resources for learning and teaching the history of mathematics.

Nine examples of using history in the mathematics classroom -- for those who read French!
A history of attempts to solve cubic and higher degree polynomial equations, including the notions of group theory and their relationship to the idea of symmetry.
Boyer's classic text, as revised by Uta Merzbach, is still worth having.
These posters illustrate aspects of the history of mathematics in countries from Babylonia to Ireland.
The beginnings of land measurement in the early United States and how this affected American democracy.
Poster of Banneker, with a brief description of his life and work.
A thorough study of Benjamin Franklin's mathematical accomplishments, in particular his work on magic squares.
The authors makes the case for Leonardo da Vinci as the first modern scientist, as he discussed Leonardo's mathematics and science.
Portraits of 92 living mathematicians, with autobiographical comments.
Jacqueline Stedall has uncovered the numerous algebraic ideas of Thomas Harriot from the early 17th century and has organized them into a readable treatise.
