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Convergence articles

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This website contains a complete version of Euclid's Elements, with all the proofs.
This is the title page of Isaac Barrow's Latin edition of the works of Archimedes, the first four books of Apollonius's Conics, and Theodosius's Spherica. It was published in 1675.

The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus is presented in the version of Scottish mathematician James Gregory—without the use of limits.

A man and his wife drink a barrel of wine at different rates.

A small selection of Euler's works, explained by a master expositor.

In Archimedes' Book of Lemmas (ca 250), he introduces a figure that, due to its shape, has historically been known as "the shoemaker's knife" or arbelos.

Dynamic geometry software is used to demonstrate early Greek attempts at the trisection of an angle and the squaring of a circle.

Determine the dimensions for a right-angled triangle, having been given the hypotenuse, and the side of the inscribed square.

The author shows how teachers can use Leonhard Euler's original works in the classroom to explore Euler's famous polyhedral formula,
V + F = E + 2.

The steamer, Katie, leaves the wharf at New Orleans and runs an average speed of 15 mph. When Katie had gone 25 miles, the steamer R.E. Lee leaves the wharf and runs the average speed of 18 mph. How far will the Lee go before she overtakes the Katie?
