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Convergence articles

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A discussion not only of the mathematics of pi, but of its applications through the centuries.

This is the title page of the Margarita philosophica (Pearl of Wisdom) of Gregor Reisch (1467 - 1525). The first edition was published in 1503. This work was used as a university textbook in the early sixteenth century.
Poster picturing five famous women, from Hypatia to Grace Hopper.
A book connecting mathematics to mysticism, but not recommended.

Why should we use historical problems in today's classroom? This article answers that question and serves as an introduction to the problems on this website.

A report on an Australian teacher's use of material from the Rhind Papyrus.

A brief introduction to the life of John Napier, along with an animation of calculations using Napier's bones.

History of Maya calendars, including the modified base 20 number system used in them.

The Fibonacci numbers and applications to areas such as plant growth and stock market predictions.

This is page 167 from the Exercitationes mathematicae (1657) of Frans van Schooten (1615-1660). This book contained a collection of mathematical construction problems, among much else. It was one of the books read by Isaac Newton while he was a student at Cambridge University and helped to introduce him to modern mathematics. On this page we see a construction enabling one to find the distance across a river.
