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Convergence articles

Displaying 701 - 710 of 724

A brief history of mathematics aimed at college students with little technical knowledge of mathematics.

A collection of short biographical sketches of people involved in the development of calculus, as well as brief descriptions of important events in that development.

A collection of articles in the history of mathematics that appeared in journals of the Mathematical Association of America over the past 90 years.

Tartaglia's method for solving cubics, which he eventually explained to Cardano.

What it took to get an 8th grade education in 1895

Jacqueline Stedall has uncovered the numerous algebraic ideas of Thomas Harriot from the early 17th century and has organized them into a readable treatise.

This is the title page of the Summa de arithmetica, geometrica, proportioni et proportionalita, published by Luca Pacioli in 1494. This was the most comprehensive mathematical text of the time and one of the earliest printed mathematical works. It contained not only practical arithmetic, but also algebra, practical geometry and the first published treatment of double-entry bookkeeping.
A superb collection of articles by experts on various areas of the history of analysis, from the Greeks to modern times.

The perimeters of two similar triangles are 45 and 135 respectively. One side of the first triangle has length 11″ and a second side, 19″. Find the lengths of the sides of the second triangle.
