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Convergence articles

Displaying 681 - 690 of 724

If an equilateral triangle whose area is equal to 10,000 square feet be surrounded by a walk of uniform width, and equal to the area of the inscribed circle, what is the width of the walk?

A study and English translation of Servois' attempt to place calculus on a foundation of algebraic analysis without recourse to infinitesimals, continuing the work of Lagrange.

There is a tree with 100 branches. How many nests, eggs and birds are there?

A collection of original texts to help students learn some important areas of mathematics.

Suppose that the probability of success in an experiment is a/(a+b). How many trials of the experiment are necessary to insure even odds on it happening at least once?

Having been given the lengths, a and b, of two straight lines drawn from the acute angles of a right triangle to the middle of the opposite sides, determine the length of those sides.

Determine by using algebra the number of degrees in the angle A where: cos A = tan A

This conference takes place in 2006 at Pennsylvania State University, Erie.

A bridge is built across a river in 6 months by 45 men. It is washed away by the current. Find the number of workmen sufficient to build another of twice as much worth in 4 months.

Page 5 of Paul Halmos Photograph Collection: Paul Bateman, Felice Bateman, Edward Begle, Alexandra Bellow, William Johnson, Georgia Benkart, Lipman Bers
