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Convergence articles

Displaying 671 - 680 of 724

A ladder has 100 steps. On the first step sits 1 pigeon; on the second, 2; on the third, 3; and so on up to the hundredth. How many pigeons in all?

A wooden beam is stood vertically against a wall. The length of the beam is 30 units.

Two men have a certain amount of money. The first says to the second, "If you give me 5 denari, I will have 7 times what you have left."

What is the sum of the following series, carried to infinity: 11, 11/7, 11/49, etc.?

The author presents five modules based on mathematics from medieval Islamic cultures for use in a variety of high school and college mathematics courses.

Seven men held equal shares in a grinding stone 5 feet in diameter. What part of the diameter should each grind away?

This book describes some of the so-called temple geometry problems that Japanese mathematicians posed and solved beginning in the seventeenth century.

Find the isosceles triangle of smallest area that circumscribes a circle of radius a.

A gentleman has a garden of rectangular form and wants to construct a walk of equal width half way round to take up half the garden. What must be the width of this walk?

A description of this well-regarded website.
