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Convergence articles

Displaying 661 - 670 of 724

Thirty flasks—10 full, 10 half-empty, and 10 completely empty—are to be divided among 3 sons so that flasks and contents should be shared equally. How may this be done?

In a circle whose circumference is 60 units, a chord is drawn forming a segment whose sagitta is 2 units. What is the length of the chord?

The highest point of the Andes is about 4 miles above sea level.

There are two columns in the ruins of Persepolis left standing upright; one is 70 ft. above the plane, and the other 50 ft;

A description of a long-running conference in which undergraduate mathematics students gather to share their research on the history of mathematics.

A guest on horseback rides 300 li in a day. The guest leaves his clothes behind and the host rides off to catch up with the guest once he discovers the clothes. Assuming the host rides without stop tell how far he can go in a day?

A survey of early theories of planetary motion, with dynamic figures to help in understanding these motions.

Given a rectangle, find the line through one vertex of minimum length that passes through the extensions of the two opposite sides.

What will the diameter of a sphere be, when its volume and surface area are expressed by the same number?

A translation of part of a thirteenth century work by the Byzantine monk Maximus Planudes on the Hindu-Arabic numerals and the algorithms for calculation.
