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Convergence articles

Displaying 661 - 670 of 724

There is a lion in a well whose depth is 50 palms. He climbs and slips back a certain amount each day. In how many days will he get out of the well?

Three men have a pile of money, their shares being 1/2, 1/3 and 1/6. Each man takes some money from the pile until nothing is left.

Given a triangular piece of land having two sides 10 yards in length and its base 12 yards, what is the largest square that can be constructed within this piece of land so that one of its sides lies along the base of the triangle?

Two excellent volumes on Euler in honor of his three hundredth birthday

Suppose a ladder 60 feet long is placed in a street so as to reach a window 37 feet above the ground on one side of the street...

If an equilateral triangle whose area is equal to 10,000 square feet be surrounded by a walk of uniform width, and equal to the area of the inscribed circle, what is the width of the walk?

A study and English translation of Servois' attempt to place calculus on a foundation of algebraic analysis without recourse to infinitesimals, continuing the work of Lagrange.

There is a tree with 100 branches. How many nests, eggs and birds are there?

A collection of original texts to help students learn some important areas of mathematics.

Suppose that the probability of success in an experiment is a/(a+b). How many trials of the experiment are necessary to insure even odds on it happening at least once?
