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Convergence articles

Displaying 491 - 500 of 724

Determine the greatest cylinder that can be inscribed in a given cone.

A tree is 2 zhang tall and has a circumference of 3 chi. There is a vine that winds seven equally spaced times around the tree and reaches the top. What is the length of the vine?

In a certain lake, swarming with red geese, the tip of a lotus bud was seen to extend a span above the surface of the water.

Find two numbers with sum 20 and when squared their sum is 208.

A teacher agreed to teach 9 months for $562.50 and his board. At the end of the term, on account of two months' absence caused by sickness, he received only $409.50. What was his board worth per month?

The author compares Greek ladder, continued fraction, and Newton's Method approximations, noting that the Greek ladder easily gives both of Archimedes' famous bounds.
The authors provide descriptions of Maya calendar systems, photos of artifacts, examples of calendar conversions, and exercises for classroom use.

In a given square, inscribe 4 equal circles so that...

A survey of the use of technology in American mathematics teaching over the past 200 years.

Assume that the human population after the flood was 6 and that 200 years later the population was 1,000,000. Find the annual rate of growth of the population.
