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Convergence articles

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A survey of early theories of planetary motion, with dynamic figures to help in understanding these motions.

Given a rectangle, find the line through one vertex of minimum length that passes through the extensions of the two opposite sides.

What will the diameter of a sphere be, when its volume and surface area are expressed by the same number?

A translation of part of a thirteenth century work by the Byzantine monk Maximus Planudes on the Hindu-Arabic numerals and the algorithms for calculation.

If a ball 6 inches in diameter weighs 32 lbs, what will be the weight of a ball 3 inches in diameter?

Paul Halmos Photograph Collection, page 3: M. Auslander, R. Baer, Banchoff, C. N. Moore, I. A. Barnett, P. Erdos, and Lida Barrett

A gallery of episodes from the history of calculus.

This is the title page of the 1599 edition of the Rechenbuch of Simon Jacob (d. 1564), a Rechenmeister of the sixteenth century. This was a commercial arithmetic text, in which the basic laws of arithmetic were applied to many practical problems.

Fibonacci gave a practical rule for approximating the area of an equilateral triangle.

A popular history of ancient mathematics, dealing with the mathematics of ancient Egypt and Babylonia.
