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Convergence articles

Displaying 371 - 380 of 724

Given a wooden log of diameter 2 ch'ih 5 ts'un from which a 7 ts'un thick board is to be cut, what is the maximum possible width of the board?

Now given a cylindrical log of unknown size buried in a wall...

A certain gentleman ordered that 90 measures of grain were to be transported from his house to another, 30 leucas distant.

If a ladder, placed 8 ft. from the base of a building 40 ft. high, just reached the top, how far must it be placed from the base of the building that it may reach a point 10 ft. from the top?

In his analysis of volumes of wine barrels, Kepler used ideas that would become important in differential and integral calculus. Use this article's animated visual imagery to help share Kepler's ideas with your students.

A number of 3 digits in base 7 has the same three digits...

This is a description of the crosswalk from Convergence to Loci Convergence.

A father left $20,000 to be divided among his four sons aged 6, 8, 10, and 12 years respectively, so that each share placed at 4 1/2 percent compounded interest should amount to the same value when its possessor becomes the age 21.

An official asks a woman why she has so many bowls to wash. The woman explains that she had dinner guests who ate meat, rice, and soup. Judging by the number of bowls, how many guests were there?

I wish to find three numbers of such nature that the first and the second with 1/2 of the third makes 20...
